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May 24, 2016

Dirty Laundry-One Man's Odyssey Thru I.S.U.P.K. Pt 11

       Just before I had went on my forced hiatus from U.P.K,  Ma-Sha had brought up the subject of us as a school paying down on some new type of system that some black lawyers were formulating wherein you could always pay a low monthly fee but be able to have a lawyer on call or available whenever the situation arose. After all many a black person incarcerated unjustly or not, had to accept the legal aid ascribed to them, and in other legal matters whether criminal or not it was a good Idea.
       Nevertheless brothers like Chaa-kam shot the idea down claiming it was one way for the white man to have our info down. Ah-Ra-Yah had always insisted that brothers carry I.D's and soon started to insist that we chronicled all the members of the school. I was out for 6 months to a year when I came across a golden gloves brother that was also in my camp when I had it and he* told me Ma-Sha was holding a meeting for disgruntled brothers that had broken out from the school. (Old age is preventing me from recalling this good brother's name*)
       Now just before I had left, there were some buildings on 126th St, that a few brothers had lived in, but it was mostly occupied by some drug dealers along with a few law abiding citizenry. The buildings were suffering from dereliction, no visible landlord or super, and the brothers there were discontented with the goings on at their places of residence.
      During a council, the central command, set up by La-Hab, and staffed by his underlings, some very larcenous cats, like Ya-Shar-Wan, Ah-Ha-Ran and Tham-Yad, Ya-Ha-Nah, Ma-Ya-Ka-Ah-La, and other senior officers that were long time members [like Ta-Har and Ah-Ra-Ya-Ah-La, Raw-Hab,] before a lot of us newer cats. Note Ya-Shar-Wan and his other two brothers were even fresher than myself, but my guess is whatever their street creds were they got a massive boost from both Ah-Ra-Yah and La-Hab.
      The central command/committee decided to move in on the drug dealers and take the buildings over since there was no apparent landlord that gave a hoot about the buildings. It felt like the eyes of Harlem was upon us to back up all the talk we did on the street preaching against selling dope to our people. I was not involved with that foray, but I had the feeling and sense that if this went right we could have all or most of the decent law abiding citizenry of Harlem on our side, and that our school could be seen in a more positive light. I also felt like I was like a baby witnessing  his growth.
       One of the problems with growing up however is that one has to experience pain, whether from growing a wisdom tooth, or pain of the joints as they stretch and expand or whatever. The not so simple pains of I.S.U.P.K. growing up though, was an entirely different matter.
       The brothers had moved successfully on the buildings, and drove the drug dealers out, but expecting them to return to try and reclaim, them brothers had prepared for a showdown and many brothers had some serious extra 'bibles' knawamean. meanwhile a lot of brothers on the verge of homelessness or living at the mercy of either friends or relatives got themselves a place to live, all they had to do was fix the place up.
       The sudden influx of brothers also ensured that the dealers would think twice about trying anything to regain a foothold on them buildings. It had seemed as a good move, but again the larceny in men's hearts proved to be our undoing.
       At this time too Ya-Shai-Ya had begun to treat other heads of the school to trips back to Egypt, and Chaa-Zaq even went to the homeland of Israel. We had all heard of, and know of 'Ben Ami" who took some of his followers from Chicago back to Israel, and that whitey (the Ashkenazi and Amalek-ites) were giving them stiff opposition against them settling back in their original homeland.
      Parts of our teaching also included the true claim that all of Palestine, Jerusalem and even Lebanon, belongs to us the Negroes and the other 11 tribes of Israel. Joshua 1:3-4, "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the going down of the sun shall be your coast".
        The first wrong move that should have been called out was the taking of Ra-Aw-Ban's wife from him and awarding her to another, even if she was lusting for another man and started to give him difficulty, that just didn't seem right.
        Now before I also lost my camp, [I had been running it for about three months or more], one of the men in my camp, Ah-Ba-Ra-Ham, had brought a young dude with him to the camp. Perhaps that arrogant spirit of chief thief Ya-Lie-ya had rubbed off on me, but the look of amusement on the dudes face did not sit right with me and when he wanted to jump into my camp immediately, without even so much has ever having been to the martial arts training with Ga-Wap, I shunned him. His name was Jerome Grant, who later became Ta-za-Daq-Ya, and he completed the selling out of the school.
        Ya-I-Qab was now getting on in years to the point of almost being infirm and the two brothers Ra-Im Ban and Ah-Ra-Yah Lab were appointed to see to his needs as he was now barely coming in the school. 
        I also learned much later that La-hab was spouting much do-do out his mouth against me after he had forced my leaving. When I got to the meeting that Ma-Sha had held for brothers who for some reason or other, he spoke to each man and after they had aired their grievances, he then asked them if they would come back to the fold of I.S.U.P.K. Some said an out right no. Some said yes but never did. Some said yes and did.
       When it was my turn, I voiced my displeasure of La-Hab's handling of my affairs between me and him and other matters with other brothers. When I concluded, he asked me if I was willing to come back. My heart said to me tell him no, but what came out of my mouth was yes, and with mixed feelings I returned.
       My first Sabbath service back, I was called up to the podium and by then we were in the book of Job. From my first Sabbath service when we had started at the book of Genesis chap 1, should give you a clue as to how much time had passed, as every Sabbath, it was always seven readers reading seven verses each before the service ended for that Sabbath.
      As I began to read my assigned section of scriptures in the Assyrian writing, Ah-Ra-Yah and Shar, who were presiding over the ceremonies that day, were shocked, Ah-Ra-Yah even so more pleasantly. As I read a few words and read a part that said "Ah-Chaad la Ah-Chaath" Ahrayah asked me if I knew what I had read and I told him it was one to one. (Ah-Chaad is the masculine One, and Ah-Chaath is the feminine One) Ah-Chaad being the word for One, just as the symbol for the Hebrew alphabet AH=1. and the word for 1=One. I do hope what I say here is understood, as some brothers get twisted about what they have on the inside without checking clearly what is presented to them.
        During that service Ah-Ra-Yah and Shar both expressed to the congregation that they hoped to bring me into a level of understanding that I was not yet upon. Hmm, I was yet to find out that Ah-Ra-Yah had been bought out by Ya-Shai-Ya. Sha-La-Mah the Hebrew master/maestro, had by this time stopped coming to the school, and Ah-Ra-Yah then appointed me to be the new Hebrew teacher.
       The most Hebrew that some brothers even bothered to learn was the salute. I have always insisted that since we are Hebrews we should indeed have our own language, and not be dependent on having the fake Jew claim that the bastardized version of our tongue that he spoke to be legitimate.
        Methinks my protests fell on deaf ears. I began to teach the Alphabet every Sabbath to all newcomers that were required to learn it for to become soldiers or officers as the case may be. At times I would get ridiculous questions from brothers for a particular word of which they had no intention to use with the framework of speaking a sentence in Hebrew. I also kept reminding brothers that when and if they studied the prayers we said in Hebrew, which included the 121st Psalm, The Lords Prayer (Matt 6:9) and the Ten commandments which we said every sabbath as well as the four corners prayer, a brother would have known many words and could expand his vocabulary and understanding even more if they applied themselves.
         Deaf ears there too, but it didn't matter, for, as for the advances I had made I saw that it was the spirit of Yah and His angels [Ma-La-Ak-Yam] that had guided me in my studies of La-Sha-Wan Qa-Dash.
        In my return I was also offered some new type garments that the brothers had formulated, that were made in white, red, blue and black. They were styled similar to ancient Roman apparel with a military style cut, the differences though was that officers could be recognizable by the stones on the shoulder parts of the garments while soldiers had none. The school had grown in leaps and bounds even more so after I had left, and the brothers had rented the top floor of a building at the corner of Lenox Ave and 125th St. It's also now known as Malcom X blvd.
         When I got there brothers were giving away many garments and I got about four of them for free. I later learned the Ephraim, who by now had changed his name to Ma-Qa-War Ash (original fire), had taken the sewing machines the school had and sold them in his efforts to sabotage the brothers endeavors.
         Monies were now flowing through the school, and those in the know as to who and where the source of monies were coming from were sucking up to the leaders shamelessly, all while pretending that they were on a 'zone' or level below the average man's thinking. Ya-Shai-Ya had also come back from Egypt and set up an Egyptian merchandise selling store near the corner of 125th St on Fifth Ave. That eventually fizzled. He also by now had seven luxury cars which included a Bentley.
        Now this dude was not working on Wall St, the monies from the oil tables were being fleeced by Ya-Ha-Nah and Yasharwan, and even if he was selling dope on the side he damned well could not have made that much to own so many in the quick space of time that I had left, and he had already had the two I spoke of.
        Plus, where did the monies for sponsoring other brother's trips to Egypt come from? I quickly deduced that he had sold out and took Illuminati money. Now the first time I had heard of the Illuminati was from Ah-Ra-Yah-Ah-La and Ta-Har at a Saturday camp on 42nd St. They mentioned the C.F.R. and a few other societies that were part of the umbrella groups that functioned under them, and this also included the Rosicrucians. Believe it or not they are right smack dab in the middle of Harlem.
        A rift was now developing in the school. I heard that one day Ma-Sha was honored by both Ah-Ra-Yah and Ya-Shai-ya and it was shortly thereafter that they both began to be against Ma-Sha the same way Lahab had been against me. The school also because of its now burgeoning size had held a council meeting in which it was disclosed the name of School which had helped to attract so many of us, was now about to be changed to Israelite church. It was the mark of the beginning of the end.
        Apart from the martial arts classes that were held elsewhere from the school, classes on the scriptures and history and every other related subjects were taught almost daily with the exception of Sundays. There was no Sunday school format like them churches, and the brother Ataria had been long gone, after it was discovered he had tried to seduce a few brothers women.
       The news that the Israel-ite School Of Universal Practical Knowledge was about to become the Israelite church did not sit well with many of the brothers, myself included, and it was one day that soon after that council that Ma-Sha had announced that he was about to leave the confines of 1 West and establish a new place.
       During this time I was also living in a building run by the brother How-I-got-ya, I'm sorry, can't help myself, Ha-ra-gad-ya was his name. In his building I had great roof space, unpainted walls, no heat for the winter and not even a toilet seat cover for the toilet and yet this heartless jerk never even thought to do right by a brother but just collect rent.
       Years later I ran into him during a confrontation with him and this Ta-za-Daq-Ya. Now this dude was a large and burly brother, and myself a string of spaghetti, Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La was with me then, and Little me had jammed my elbow into his (How-i-got-ya's gut and he chickened out while Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La made like he was gonna pop Ta-za-Daq-Ya and they both fled. But that's ahead of this drama unfolding.
       As news of Ma-Sha's decision to leave 1 west and associating with Ah-Rahyah and Yashaiya any more, the whole school was in turmoil for a whole week. there were those of us who saw that the direction of the school was taking and decided to side with Ma-Sha and there were those who sided with Ya-lie-ya and Ahrayah.
      Ah-Ra-Yah had even made the stupid remark that the door of the book school's class was the door to the kingdom, those of us with sense knew then it was time to go.
To be concluded next.

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