"I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say 'Wherein hast thou Loved us? Was not Esau (Caucasian) Jacob's(Negroes) brother? saith the Lord: 'Yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Malachi chapter 1 vs 2-3 [K.J.V. 1611]. Indeed vs 4 of the same chapter calls them the people with whom the Lord hath indignation forever.
Were we a bunch of love to hate the white man and blame him for everything group of brothers? Not entirely, though he and his ilk being the children of Satan are the easiest targets. Truth be told, most Negroes did not like to hear the truth that we were our own worst enemies.
In Deuteronomy the Most High through Moses (Ma-Sha) had told us of the blessings that would be ours if we kept the laws, Statutes, and commandments of Yah. We would as a nation been on top of all nations, in other words the ruler-ship of the planet was ours if we had only obeyed the most high.
The Howard beach incidence had been followed up the next year with the murder of Yusef Hawkins, gunned down by those rabid Italians in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. More and more brothers began to enter into the school, as we taught that that "God is all Love" crap the black preachers who were churned out by whitey's theological seminaries were giving us, was all a song and dance.
When we went out teaching and preaching none escaped the sword of truth! We Blasted whites for being the evil creatures that they are, but we also slammed our own people for refusing to accept that they were great. We blasted those who wanted to be Bloods and Crips gang banger's, if you were a dope dealer you were also rebuked. Those who who wanted to keep indulging in aberrant homo-sexual behavior, both faggots and lesbians received the condemnation of Leviticus all day long.
Other than Esau, Fags and Lezzies, the other group we laid into mercilessly was our own holier than thou folks, who bible across their chest would proclaim that they were saved, and had received salvation from a white Jesus, who was none other than Cesare Borgias himself.
My first two Passovers were in a place that was on 135th St, across from the Harlem Hospital. The third Passover Ah-Ra-Yah had rented the basement of a nearby Roman Catholic church, as the book school was gaining more and more new members. It was at this Passover that I started to question in myself as to why eggs were being served at these Passovers, when it was clear that eggs was a paganistic ritual reserved to the goddess of fertility Ashtoreth.
I originally shrugged it off, as we were told and encouraged that we were doing as instructed in the book of Judges, that those delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there they(we) shall rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord. Judges chap 5:11[K.J.V. 1611]. This included returning to the observance of our High Holy Day's, not Valentines day, or Christmas day, Or Esau's New Year's day or any other damned day he claimed to be a holiday.
There have been so many beautiful souls that I have met, both of brothers and sisters that it's incredibly hard to mention all of them, but the ones with whom I have had memorable interactions with I will make mention of them. I'm quite sure they have their own stories of how their spiritual journeys occurred.
After that Passover, two things happened that saddened me. While I was out from Ahbaya Malak's camp I heard he held a party at his home and had made lewd gestures and movements with Ya-Dai-Yah Ah-La's woman/wife. This had bothered the brother so much as to make him leave the camp, and not even attempt to be in any other camp, that my soul cried in anguish for him.
I did not come across this brother until many more years later. The second tragedy was the loss of I-Bad-Yah. Apart from being a humble brother and a great speaker when he was allowed to teach, suddenly he was wandering around out of his mind. Come to find out that Ya-Shai-Ya had given the brother books on astral projection. It further seemed that the brother had tried it and his spirit had gotten trapped out there and some other entities had taken over his body.
It was a crying shame to me, and I thought that the self styled chief high Priest Yashaiya did not want any competition when it came to public speaking. He touted himself as the reincarnate apostle Paul because he had once incited a riot down town at 44th and Broadway long before I came into the I.S.U.P.K. school. Ah-Ra-Yah was also very enamored with this dude.(No homo).
Shortly thereafter Ahbaya Malak had a run in with the heads of the school which would be his last run in with Ahrayah. He broke out from the school and began his own thing on 125th st moving his camp right on the very block where the book school was and in front of the old telephone building. Back then Ma-Bell was like Con-Ed, they had the phone systems on lock down.
I had gotten circumcised and was now able to get to the podium and read during the Sabbath services. I had usually came to the book school right after getting off work (the plantation), and so I was early before the start of classes, when not at martial arts classes.
I usually helped Ya-I-Qab with the setting up of the classroom and sundry other things, like getting him chamomile herb tea if he requested it. One day while I was walking towards a window, Yaiqab said to me,'brother, you carry yourself like an officer, why don't you take the officer's test?" I agreed with Ya-I-Qab and began to study for the test. Another thing that most of us were proud of was that we did not have the title church in our organization, we were a school of practical knowledge.
One Practical thing was to learn the ability to defend one's self. We never professed to fall for that God is only love crap as instances of hate, war and bloodshed were all too plainly written in the book. Indeed Exodus 15:3 states, "The Lord is a man of war". Parts of the sacrifices that we Israelites were to keep was the offering of peace sacrifices to him who controls all aspects of war, after all, our arms are too short to box with 'GOD" [YAH].
One memorable brother who drifted in and out of the school was brother called Ma-Yam (Water). He would speak of the spirit as 'Ruach", and himself as "Ma-Im", both of these terms he had learned from Abba Bibbens, the man who first taught Ah-Ra-Yah and Ma-Sha.
The spirit had led Ahrayah to the original consonantal way of saying the Hebrew language, (La-Sha Wan Qa-Dash) the holy tongue. The correct way to say spirit was Raw-Chaa, since there was no 'U" in the Hebrew alphabet. In the study of language/s etymology and philology came into play and I in agreement with what I learned I considered as right.
The fake Jews had stolen the Identity of Negroes, who are the real Jews, kept a semblance of our High Holy days and was speaking a bastardized version of our tongue. Why on earth should we give credence to his stolen aberration of our language? As I have stated before the word in the Bible for 'Jehovah' is really "Ya-Ha-Wah" as there is also no "J", "E", "O', or "V" or "U". there is also no "C". The Hebrew alphabet consist's of 22 characters or symbols, with each having their own numerical value. So for all the Hebrews who insist on enunciating the Hebrew with "U's" and other grammatical slights, that's between them/you and the Most High. After all who am I to put the Most High In a box and present him to You?
Both Ma-Sha and Ah-Ra-Yah spoke with reverence whenever they mentioned Abba Bibbens. Ah-Ra-Yah always said the Abba Bibbens was the re-incarnation of John the Baptist because he had died from getting his head bashed in by some Muslims over in Newark, New Jersey.
Sha-La-Mah, the Hebrew teacher assigned to teach new brothers the language and alphabet, traveled all the way from Philadelphia every Sabbath morning just for the sake of teaching brothers. During Sabbath services however there were far too few brothers who could understand to read the Assyrian writings of the Thaw-Rah (Torah){Law}, and Ah Ra-Yah had to read for them/us, (me included).
The first time that I met the first Ma-Ya-Ka Ah-La was after I heard Him get called up to the podium for a Sabbath service. When he began to read it was as if it was done in song and the angels of Yah were in attendance. It was awesome and inspiring. It was not too long after that that Ah-Ra-Yah called for all officers in the school to begin to learn to read the Assyrian writing of the Hebrew alphabet in order to participate in the services more and ease him from reading all the Hebrew all the time.
Ah-Ra-Yah taught these classes himself as it was held during the week and Sha-La-Mah could not make it from Philly due to distance and plantation survival responsibilities. He later said he had a dream of Hebrew giants rising up around him. Ya-Shai-Ya thought little of it and told Ah-Ra-Yah that it was bound to fail, that not many brothers would succeed at the class, I guess that was because of his length of time and position of authority he felt he had no need to even attempt to try and read or participate in that section of the services.
During this time of the infusion of new brothers, some new brothers came on the scene from Brooklyn, most notable was Ya-Shar-Wan (Jeshurun), his fleshly blood brothers Ah-Ha-Ran [Aaron] and Tham-Yad (Perfect). Ya-Shar-wan became a force in the Brooklyn camp, and was instantly beloved by both Ah-Ra-Yah and Ya-Shai-Ya (no homo). The reason I keep saying no homo is because the love of brothers was a spiritual thing and not geared towards homosexuality, as we all blasted that disgusting lifestyle at every opportunity by the laws of the bible.
We also used to rag on the Muslim brothers on their oil tables that they were being used to make money for those of their leaders behind the scene. Little did I know that Israel was about to fall into the same trap.
As was the custom back then during camp teaching, Yashaiya used to rail on any black man who walked by the camp wearing his hair in a conk perm or with Jerri curls telling them they was imitating the white man's life style as wanna be's. then suddenly one day here he was sporting the Jerri curl look, when Ka-Wa-Kab ban commented 'Oh look it's James Brown" and his hangout buddy Ban-Ya bust out laughing, he was none too pleased with that.
During my first visits to the speaking camps I had also seen Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La and Ta-Har use ancient geographical maps to point out historical facts about the history of the Negro. It was these things that drew myself and many others as to the depths of the knowledge that the brothers from I.S.U.P.K. were dropping.
It was also intimated /hinted that the leaders had knowledge of the tree of life, and so the curiosity of many of us were piqued. Come to find out the closest I ever got was a list of the 12 Tribes, what colors affected them, what precious stones belonged to them, the same as the astrological signs did for the various signs of the zodiac. Then there was the declaration by Ya-Shai-Ya that the tree for the healing of the nations bearing twelve fruits in Revelation and was the tree of life, was actually the signs of the zodiac. That was a big stretch for me and I never swallowed that.
What I did buy into though, was Ah-Ra-Yah's breakdown of Revelations chap 12 and 13, as most parts made perfect sense logically. Often in dreams waters and the sea represent people. That this white man as a people rose up from among all the nations of color to rule was evident with the commencement of Alexander the Greek, and he did in fact wear a leopard's head when he went into battle.
The seven heads of this beast also represented all the white power structure governments from England, France, Spain, Russia, Germany, and the Romans (Italians).
The ten horns were the ten European allies that form the white ruler-ship and dominance over all people of color. Remember that In chap twelve there is the great red dragon otherwise known as Satan, and if the bible says the devil is red, why are blacks believing the lie that the angels are white and that the devil is black?
To be continued.
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