After I had set the coins in a double triangular pattern after the shield (star) of David, I had a dream one night of La-Hab sending a beam of light at me, but, the force field of the shield I had set up, deflected his attack and bounced.
I had recalled that on more than one occasion both La-Hab and Ya-Shai-Ya had mentioned in their classes the danger of attempting to use the forces of sorcery as they might have the repercussion of bouncing back to the sender/users of those things, even though the scriptures do say there is no divination against the children of Jacob. Numbers chap 23 vs 23.
Now before I further expound on some of the negatives that followed, I must also mention the many positives of the school and things that I learned. Ma-Sha had stated that any member having did seven or more years under the heads of the school had the right to break out to open his own school as he would be considered a priest in the schools sight, Esau's theological seminaries notwithstanding.
Ya-Shai-Ya had given some lame excuse as to why he didn't already do so but nobody expected him to leave anyway. Ya-Ha-Nah had had a beautiful dark skinned sister for his woman, needless to say he and her broke up, and like I said before Ya-Shai-Ya was most influential in denigrating the black woman, and he was partially supported by the other heads in the school with that nonsense.
Ban-Yam-Yan was perhaps the only brother that I can give props to, as he had a beautiful dark skinned sister who took the name La-Ya-Lah (Night). They've been together the longest. Ban-Ya, sorry, Crier-Lab oops. Ah-Ra-Yah Lab, had a beautiful sister who made the mistake of giving him a surprise birthday party, he broke up with her stupidly, gave me a different cornball story as to why he broke up with her, and I let him stay in my little room in the Bronx for a week or two. Tsk tsk tsk.
By the by I had also caught Chaa-Kam trying to trail me home a few times in my earlier days, perhaps at the insistence of his master Ya-Shai-Ya. Now after Chaa-Zaq had mentioned getting dipped in a speech in either his class or at council, little did I know I was about to be dipped a second time in my life for the sake of my beliefs.
The plantation job that I had, I had started out as a proof-reader, and worked my way up to be the billing clerk. While I was at the 34th St camp one day someone put a camera to my face and asked me a question about something going on at the time. Of course as a new jack I spazzed about the coming destruction of the white man, and lo and behold, one of the executives from the company where I worked, who was also related to the owner, saw me on T.V. garments and all.
Her secretaries told me they saw me on the telly. and it was not long before I had made a mistake in a bill, that the fake Jew owner began to froth at the mouth against me. I got fired after the supervisor decided to make it look good for me to get unemployment, and told everybody I pulled a knife at the damned Amalekite bastard.
Unemployed, and now beginning to be in a downward spiral from having favor with the heads, things were not looking too bright for the kid.
Now, in learning the table of the 18 nations, we learned that all whites are the same, whether they be German Caucasians, Italian Caucasians, French, British, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swiss or American Caucasian, they were all the same.
Not all blacks are the same however. The Zondervan bible dictionary states that Ham {Hebrew Chaam for heat/hot}, is the father of the dark races, but NOT the NEGRO. So who then are the Negroes. They are the true biblical sons of Jacob.
The regular dictionary also states that Israeli, are the people currently residing in Jerusalem, the homeland of the Negroes who are the real Jews, as the term Israel-ite means the true biological descendants of Jacob.
We/I also learned that the children of Israel had served enslavement under every nation of color and lastly this red necked dude who calls himself white even though he's just different shades of red. Thus the scripture in Jeremiah chap 2 vs 14; "Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled?
That answer has been that every time we forsook the laws and commandments and worship of Yah he would let us fall into the hands of our enemies. Another thing to bear in mind was that our people despite the white man trying to whip Christianity into our ancestors behind was the culmination of us forsaking the laws and Yah said he would whip us and he did so by using the red devils to do it.
If our people opened their eyes of understanding they would see this book the Bible is about them. For instance, Judah married an African Princess, what we students of I.S.U.P.K. would call a Hamite, or Caananite. They're black and that would ensure the blackness of Judah's offspring. Moses married an Ethiopian, they too are black, and Joseph while in Egypt, married an Egyptian princess who was also black, there is just no way in hell or heaven that the real Jews are Caucasian.
The scripture in Amos also likened Israel to the Ethiopians, Amos 9:7. Now concerning getting dipped again. As a youngster attending Kingston College I had seen a photograph of the likeness of Joseph, and he was a Negro. The British also made the mistake of showing his likeness in a movie about Egypt with the actor Jack Hawkins, and of course as the white man made everything about him since he was the one who invented the moving cinema, (Note the close phonetics to sin-ema), most folks quickly forgot what was shown.
The same can be said for the movie the Ten Commandments, when it first came out there were two black as spades Ethiopian warrior emissaries visiting Pharaoh. Of course no one bothered to mention that if the Ethiopians then were black then the white woman playing Moses wife was a lie, and Moses in the movie never put his hand into his bosom (chest) to pull it out leprous,. Could it be because Charlton Heston was already leprous?
In the book of Numbers chap 12, Aaron and Miriam riffed with Moses because he had married an Ethiopian woman and for that in vs 10 of the same chapter we read" And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous". As per scripture all them crackers professing to be snow white are nothing but a bunch of lepers. All people of the earth have color except the lepers who are the people of God's curse Esau/Edomites.
As a young man and greatly influenced by the black conscious reason-ings of the Rastafarians, all things Ethiopian was considered sacrosanct. Two main songs that were
anthems was 1) The Conquering Lion Shall Break Every chain and give us the victory again and again. This song was homage to Lij Tafari who in become an heir and a prince of a province in Ethiopia was now called Ras (Prince)-Tafari, thus we called Him Rastafari and the men who praised him were called 'Rasta' or Rastafarians. Herb was smoked in pipes called Chalices in reverence for and to him.
When he became the Emperor of Ethiopia, [Both Somalia and Eritrea were provinces of Ethiopia at the time], it was also the only 'christian' nation on the continent of Africa that did not fall under the influence of the Muslim philosophy. The Italian fascist Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in a land mass grab like his brethren the British, French, and Spaniards did, hoping to get his piece of the pie.
The second song that was also anthem to Rastafarians was "Ethiopia the land of our fathers, the land where all Gods love to be. It was from them {Rasta} that I learned that the fabled Nile river, actually started in Ethiopia, then flowed down to Egypt.
At Ras-Tafari's coronation when he became Emperor, his name was changed to Haile Selassie 1st or roman numeral I, which meant The Power of the Trinity. At Mussolini's invasion Selassie fled to England and hid out in the Buckingham Palace with queen Elizabeth. Haile Selassie also carried the title I.N.R.I, which also meant that I Negus Rule Israel. Negus is the Amharic term for king.
All Ethiopians can speak English as well as their native tongue Amharic. for example parts of the Amharic alphabet, I'll use la, it can be also used as leh, loo, lee, lah, lo, just as Ra can be ray, rah, roh, if you get the drift. But I'm not here to get into that language.
When I got to America, all dreads that I knew made forays into every library getting everything our hands could get on the subject of Ethiopia and Haile Selassie. I was fortunate to get a copy of the Kebra Negast, -[The Ethiopian book of Kings.] It was in this book that the claim was made that the Emperor Menelek was a descendant directly from the lineage of King Solomon.
Though I did not vocalize my concerns with my fellow brethren of I.S.U.P.K about the legitimacy of these claims in the Kebra Negast, as Ah-Ra-Yah was hard nosed into accepting anything he didn't agree with, I kept it to myself. However I must state this here and you be the judge.
In the third book of kings also known as 1 Kings chap 10 vs 13,"And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsover she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants. The queen of Sheba's name was Makeda. Menelek was reportedly her offspring with Solomon.
Now it's not hard to envision a woman who despite being a queen, falling for the wisest man on the planet as wisdom makes men's faces to shine and their appearance even more handsome to some women, who is to say that she did not desire him physically and consummated such a deed? I think the only thing that could cast any doubt would be the time span between then and now.
Again in the Kebra Negast it is also alleged that the ark of the covenant was spirited away by Sheba and her servants and that the Most High by supernatural forces made them flee without the servants of Solomon being able to catch them to retrieve the ark and so it remains hidden someplace in Ethiopia to this day, as the legend of the Kebra Negast has it.
The Amharic word for foreigner is Falasha, and so you have the Falashan Jews who are totally black.
As the story in Kebra Negast seems fitting to tell before my downward spiral,the new women of I.S.U.P.K. must now be mentioned. As I stated earlier one of them has attached herself to Ah-Ra-Yah, one day she suddenly disappeared, and a few days later, Ma-Sha, while laughing at the dis-obeyance of the six months rule for relations to begin between male and female in the realms of the school, told a bunch of us that Ah-Ra-Yah had won a couple thousand bucks from hitting the numbers, and that the female promptly took his loot and skied up.
One day La-hab's woman had come to me asking about the classes that he taught and how come brothers loved him so much. I told her that if she gave him good loving that would make him be an even better teacher to give even more inspiration to us brothers. He had seen me talking with her outside the school. The next Monday before his class started he laughingly asked me what I told her and implied that she really dropped some serious loving on him and kept insisting to know what was it I told her. I never did. I guess that infuriated him even more and he began a campaign to just be against me at every turn.
Sha-la-mah had given me a Thaw-rah (Torah) in book form which not only had the books of the law it also had the books of Joshua and Samuel and 1st and 2nd Kings.
I seem to be getting ahead of my memories here, and I must mention another honorable brother by the name of Ah-Math (Truth). Ah-Math was the first brother who I heard speaking publicly that the Taino and Boriqua Indians were from the tribe of Ephraim. Now the Taino Indians were considered also as Arawak Indians of whom many lived on the Island of Jamaica and had gotten almost exterminated by the Spanish invaders/colonist. What impressed me most and even cemented my belief that these men were delivering the truth was that Ah-Math had a slight speech impediment of stuttering during normal one to one speech.
However, when that brother got up on the podium to teach that the black man in America is the real Jew, his speech became fluent and all traces of stuttering disappeared. Of course that the tribe of Ephraim are the Puerto-Ricans can now be debatable. Back then everything taught was accepted as gospel truth.
Now we had a sign/signs and flyers printed that the real twelve tribes of the children of Israel (Ya-Shar-Ah-La) were as follows, Judah - The American born and raised Negroes, reason being, as explained by Ah-Ra-Yah and accepted, is Genesis 49:8 "Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy fathers children shall bow down to thee". Judah was the top tribe listed, and that the Negroes lived here directly under the white man ruling the planet, thus the hand of Judah was in the neck of his enemies, while also being the top Tribe. The next tribe listed was Benjamin. The scripture that Benjamin shall raven as a wolf was interpreted as the songs of protest about black sufferings, that most Island music was about, was what the raven was speaking of.
Levi was considered the Haitians, reason being on the left hand side (negative) they were considered the most deadly of all witchcraft people in their ability to create zombies, and they were the only tribe on the right hand side (positive) that could and were appointed to carry the Ark of the Covenant.
To be continued.
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