The first camp that I was assigned to was at 34th St and Seventh Ave, across from Macy's dept store. This camp was run by Ya-Ha-Nah [John]. A short ex marine he had an annoying quality in his voice to get one to do what was necessary for the work and camp. I guess this was part of his military training, The brother was loud, so was a lot of other brothers that were in the nation long before I came on the scene.
I was a scrawny looking spaghetti looking brother and so no one even considered me a threat or even valuable to the defense of the camps perimeters if it were not for the fact that I attended Ga-Wap Sha-Mar's martial arts classes.
Ga-Wap could twirl 2 nunchucks blindfolded. Ga-Wap had brothers so ready that brothers were breaking boards, had the ability to lay on a bed of nails and get a slab of concrete broken on their chest without even a nail penetrating their backs, that to see it demonstrated, built up the confidence of many of us going to the martial arts classes of Ga-Wap Sha-Mar.
My first Passover was also an eye opener. It was held on 135th st across from the Harlem Hospital, that place has long since burnt down. I had just had my first Garment made of plain green and black colors, and it had taken me some time to learn how to wrap a 'mitre' (Ma-Ta-zan Pach) headwrap}, and was amazed at the majestic looks of some garments that some long time members/brothers had on.
Raw-Hab had told me that come the Pa-sach that that was the time most brothers broke out new garments as a form of a new tradition. It was almost like a fashion show for men, only this was for warlike apparel. The Passover was for members and their families they invited who wished to see what we/Israel was about as well as friends. It was a good way to let them see that we were about the bible and not just hell bent on declaring war against whitey.
Some women showed up also, some showing so much skin I was kinda baffled, wondering if some kind of freak-ism was going on with them and others after the ceremonies. I sat in the back of the ballroom of the place and observed that Ya-Shai-Ya made a grand entrance well after more than half of the service was through. I heard someone remark "That's Ya-Shai-Ya", and it didn't take long to see this cat had his own agenda and self importance at a high level.
The brother's had also come to prominence by going out to Howard beach after the death of Michael Griffith. Killed in 1986, and after the infamous trial in 1988 some brothers went out there clad in garments and proceeded to quote bible scripture and verse condemning those racists who resided out there in Howard Beach, daring anyone including the police to try and chase them.
All members were hyped by this display of courage and we went to camps with even more fervor. Next up came a radio show with Shar, La-Hab, Ah-Ra-Yah, Ma-Sha and Chaa-Zaq, and this began to draw even more brothers in. Six months after I had come in more and more brothers began to attend the book school to see what was up and I had a mental picture of us waking up all Israel to who they were/are.
When I first woke up to the incredible fact that the Negroes are indeed the real Jews that the bible spoke of, and of who the twelve tribes of Israel were, shoot, I wanted to tell everyone and anyone, even the very insects every where, to anyone and everyone who would listen. I was amazed that Negroes would just walk on by and not even give a damn about this good news that was theirs.
There were three scriptures that made indelible impressions on me. The first was that of Jacob in his blessings to his twelve sons in Genesis 49;19 "Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last". I knew it was referring to the U.S. Calvary when they destroyed and massacred the North American Indians and making light of it with the ridiculous T.V. series the 'F Troop". Now I knew why Raw-Hab took that name (Overcomer) as he was a native American Indian. I had first thought he was just another Judah brother, and not a Gad-ite.
Deuteronomy chap 28 was also a deal sealer. In vs 48 of the chapter it states " Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in the want of all things; and he shall put a yolk of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee". The brothers had pictures of Negroes with all types of iron yolks around black men's necks to prove that we were indeed the people of GOD that this event happened to, not the white man.
Even as I write this the white man pretending to be a Jew knows not of proving who the twelve tribes of Israel are, instead he is divided into who is 'Lubavitcher, Hasidic or orthodox, all proclaiming to be Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 3:9 [K.J.V. 1611].
Vs 68 of the same chapter, was also accompanied with visual aids of Negroes packed like sardines in slave ships verifying the prophesy "And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt * again with ships, {Note that Egypt is a Greek word for bondage, that the land was known as the land of Mizraim, one of the sons of Ham [Chaam]. Chaam means hot in Hebrew.}, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall *buy* you. Note also the word buy here meant 'save', ergo no man shall save you.
Pictures of white men selling black men and women and children on the auction block made it plain we were being sold to the enemy, he (whitey) is no friend of ours. The stock market trading of stock and bonds began with the trading of Negroes on Wall St, as we were and still are bonds to to the prison Industry still listed on the stock exchange.
What made me realize why the Negroes were so hard to convince that they were the greatest living people on this planet was made clear in Isaiah chap 48 vs 4 "Because I know that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass". I realized it was speaking of no one else but our people.
Want more proof of the truth of this? Ezekiel chap 2;3-4 "Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day. For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them:"
Chapter 3 vs 5-6 "For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel; Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee". Further proof this book is for the Negroes and none else, though they do not believe it.
In my first year at I.S.U.P.K. I had become good friends with Ya-Dai-Ya Ah-La, Ya-Ra-Dan (Jordan), Sa-Id Ah-La and a lot of other brothers. At the time Ah-Ra-Yah had a show on Manhattan cable network, they had encouraged the making of shows by private individuals for airing in Manhattan and Ah-Ra-Yah had begun showing a show titled "The Real Jews Are Black". This show always aired various brothers at the 44th st camp speaking, but it mostly featured Ya-Shai-Ya.
One brother came on the scene by the name of Basil, he was determined to make a splash, or a name for himself, as he presented himself to the leaders of the school proclaiming he had watched Ah-Ra-Yah's show for 9 months before presenting himself for the work of teaching, and wanting to lead a camp.
He wanted to take a name pertaining to make him almost equal to the Most High but every name he took was shot down by leadership. He eventually settled for the name {father king} Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak (Abimalech). He was given a new camp and men to go with him, two of whom were brothers that lived in Ya-I-Qab's building. They were Ka-Wa-Kab Ban (Star son) and Ban-Ya (My son).
I was in Ya-Ha-Nah's camp at 34th st, in his camp one of Ma-Sha's sons Sha-Rad was there also, while in camp I heard this brother give a break down of the gods of the Greeks whose names the days of the week were named from, and the disparity of the name and number of the months, since Octo in both the ancient Greek and Latin meant eight why should the tenth month of the year be October? November or nueve, nine was the eleventh month, December the twelfth month though Dies was ten in Spanish, etc, you get the gist of what we were teaching.
I never wanted to ever miss a camp as one would never know what pearls a brother would bring out in teaching, not only were we teaching the listening audiences, we were also teaching each other, though those outside presumed we all were on the same level of knowledge, we the foot soldiers were uplifted by virtue of the learned elders.
Three months into his running his camp on 125th St over by the McDonald's between Adam Clayton Blvd, 8th Ave and St Nicholas, problems arose between Ka-Wa-kab Ban, Ban-Ya, and Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-lak. During council I was removed from Ya-Ha-Nah's camp at 34th st and sent to Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak's camp to replace both Ban-Ya and Ka-Wa-Kab Ban. Ka-Wa-Kab Ban later changed his name to Ra-Im Ban (thunder son) because he didn't like how brothers enunciated his star son name.
Ban-Ya also later changed his name to Ah-Ra-Yah Lab (lion heart). Always complaining about something he earned the nickname cryer lab. Of course my head was swelled a bit realizing I was sent to replace two brothers at a camp instead of two for two, I had to suppress my ego from getting ahead of myself.
The school was comprised mostly of Judah (American Negroes,) Benjamin, (Caribbean Islands Negroes) Gad, (Native North American Negroes) Ra-Aw Ban (Rueben Seminole Indians of the Florida Everglades) and a few Ephramites (Puerto Ricans) and other tribes sprinkled in. I was considered as a Benjamite since I was born in the Caribbean.
Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak's camp was an adventure in itself. I didn't know much about the Brooklyn's camps except that La-hab was in charge overall but it was run by another brother called Ba-Rak (Bless). He was a serious brother, on the quiet side like Chaa-Zaq, but you knew he was no joke, even though he was not loud like some other brothers.
Raw-Hab and I would joke when ever we got together outside of the plantation that Esau would get conniptions whenever he saw us Hebrew Israel-ites teaching. In fact we knew that we were on all the alphabets security watch list and we didn't care. The reports from them was that we were a collection of drug and criminal elements of society, but we didn't care about that. After all Ya-Ha-Wah-Shai did not take a bunch of goody two shoes to be his disciples, he had the rough necks of his days in Peter and Matthew, Andrew and John with Phillip and James.
Esau was pleased whenever he saw Jake (sons of Jacob) hanging on the corner selling drugs, his program was working, Negroes being Muslim? good to him at least the Negro isn't seeking his true power, his program is still in effect. Negroes seeking to mesh in his society? His program at work. Negroes preaching they are the real Jews?? Arrgh he was ticked off at that. Hmm mm.
Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak was a self centered dude. While in his camp I also got to know another beautiful soul by the name of Ma-Ya-ka Ah-La Ba, (Michael the 2nd). This brother was the first to put on camera the poisonous fishes some Ammonites (Japanese) were selling in the black community. In and at Camp Ah-ba-Ya Ma-lak hogged all the speaking time and never so much as gave other brothers the opportunity to teach or vent their rage at the systematic oppression we all were going thru.
This camp had Ya-Ra-Dan, Ya-Dai-Ya Ah-La, Im-Na-Wa Ah-La (Emmanuel) Ma-Ya-Ka Ah-La, and myself also in it. Me and Mike would leave from the Bronx, attend Sabbath service at the school and then go to Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak's house to rouse him up to go to camp. This went on for a long time, winter, spring, summer, and fall, come rain or shine we went out to teach and preach.
Sunday's those who weren't in 125th camp were expected to go to camp at 44th and Broadway, and I didn't mind because there the big guns were, like Ah-Rah-Yah, Ma-Sah, Ya-Shai-Ya, Shar and sometimes even Ya-Ha-Nah, and Chaa-Zaq.
One Sunday I came across a brother who had just come from England, his name was I-Bad-Ya (Obadiah), and they had let him speak for a short while, his voice and speech was magnetic, almost Winston Churchill style, that you could sense that someone envied his style of speech. It was one Sunday that I got my first opportunity to actually start my public speaking/teaching for a few moments with a scripture in Ezekiel.
to be continued.
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