Imagine, the word itself a key to our very being. After all, we were made and fashioned in the Image and likeness of God. To understand the imagination, is essential to knowing the powers of God which he gave to man in a small scale. Indeed, were it not for the powers of imagination, Cars, electricity,airplanes,submarines, refrigerators,blood transfusions, modern medicine, this list could go on and on, are but a few of the advances made by man through the use of the imagination.
With the imagination however,comes two necessary ingredients for it to be viable as God intended it to be. Faith and belief. Hebrews Chapter 11 vs 1;"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". Faith, that invisible link, that links our imagination and us to the Most high God who made us in his image. The misuse of this power tends to make one live backward [evil], to turn evil around is to live--check the spelling of both words. In other words, to live backwards is to be evil.
At present we [man] live in a three dimensional environment, height, width, depth. Mass and other mathematical variables all hinge on these three. For those of us who were/are made to live on this earth, the long standing battle has always been between man and Satan, who as always, has been doing his best to derail man from being upright in God's sight. Consider the fact that Christ the Son of God, rebuked Satan on many occasions after his temptation in the wilderness, as he got into Peter on quite a few occasions. By our very nature, [the way the Most High made us] we, all of us, have an inner guide to steer us from right or wrong, to go left or right, and, without faith to do what is right even before seeing it's end results, requires strength and belief, unflinching belief that God is in control and will make things right.
And so the stage has been set. Ever wonder why Hollywood's movies have always been dependent upon a script? Simple. They've simply borrowed the term from the greatest movie and story being told and executed each and every day we live, and that is. from the Holy Bible. Revelation chap 4 vs 11, "Thou art worthy,O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things,and for thy pleasure they are and were created". [K.J.V.-1611]. that is from the holy scriptures, everything going on in life and today's world was already scripted.
Job chap 33 vs 14-17 " For God speaketh once,yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. That he may withdraw man from his purpose,and hide pride from man".[KJV]. This should make it quite obvious that God is the Supreme director and producer of all that is happening in our lives and the lives of all on the planet and elsewhere. To be sure this is true we get confirmation in the book of Daniel Chap 4 vs 17 "This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will", as you can see here, that all things are done by The Most High, and we live and move and have our being by his grace. Imagine, here we go again, with that word, that this earth is a stage.Man,{and there have been many men} has a starring role to play upon this earth. The biggest and largest superstar has always been Christ --the son of God. There were always other stars of course, from Adam to Abel to Enoch to Noah, After the flood there have been others in different time frames. Back to the script [scripture] and stage, the stage being the earth where it would seem that beings from other worlds have visited us more often than a lot of us would like to admit, not only from other solar systems or universes, but also other dimensions. Sounds like science fiction doesn't it? Truth of the matter is, there is a worm hole opened up at the extreme end of Long Island, very hush hush if you get my drift, or believe it or not, we have been getting visitors from elsewhere for quite some time unknown to the general public.
As in the movies, you should know that not all visitors are friendly, in fact some are downright hostile,simply because they are both envious and jealous of the favor that God has bestowed upon man despite our shortened life span and childish technology [childish in their thinking] and because we weren't built to travel the stars in our current bodies. The growing numbers of abductions by 'Alien' life form is a testament to the truth of this. There are also other types of 'aliens' from other worlds among us, they are those who disguised as humans are doing their utmost to shorten, and if not, either enslave or destroy mankind from off the face of this earth because they do not have their own home world.
Science fiction you say? As long as no one in your immediate family hasn't been harmed, or it has not happened to you, chances are you think this is just a big yarn, idle surmising's,hmm, what will it take to jar you out of deep sleep? We have shown you how the current state of the planets waters are polluted, both fresh and sea water alike, showed you the link to the scriptures in the Book of Revelation,and, we haven't even touched upon air pollution. S.W. M. on the survival blog [authored by Jim Rawles,] in an article on bread showed that modern bread is now baked using artificial yeast, with the natural bran also being withdrawn from the flour, a simple thing as bread is now responsible for spiking the blood sugar levels of diabetics, is contributing to Celiac disease, the use of this artificial yeast also gives rise to acid re-flux, interferes with the nutritional and digestive processes, simply put,. We are all being poisoned like simple animals without a clue that we are slowly poisoning ourselves, and paying top dollar to do so, how ironic.
In Hebrews chap 13 vs 2;"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".[KJV]. If you or the ancients can meet a stranger that is an angel of God [one of the good guys], what makes you think that the bad guys aren't here also?[Satan's crew]? Aliens among us. And here is food for thought, Just why do you think that Christ and God is coming to wage war on this earth? [Matthew 24 vs 30-31 and Revelation chap 19 vs 11 -15]. Do you really think it's just to pass judgement upon puny man only? Smell that coffee, pinch yourself, wake up out of sleep, and if not?, then live well,be happy,make love, we bid you Peace.
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