LOVE. A word that has been in use for centuries, and similar to the word 'Friend' has been over used,undervalued, and just generally became meaningless. So many people have used the word 'friend' so often, without even really meaning it in the true sense of the word, that skepticism arises whenever someone implies that another person is a friend. The many facets of friendship and whether or not a person is a true friend, can be found in the following three books. 1] The Apocrypha, in the book of Ecclesiasticus, gives an almost complete rundown of how to evaluate persons and how they view their friendship to you. It also lets you know that a faithful friend is like gold.
Good medicine is also used to describe a friend. 2] the book of Proverbs, and 3] the book of Ecclesiastes in the K.J.V. In all these descriptions of the word friend, it inevitably leads us to the word 'Love'. There are many facets of love, of course we all know the greatest love of all, God sending his Son Christ to die for our sins so we can get closer to God, and the Love of Christ in laying down his life for us.
Those examples of love leads us to the love of family. Before delving any further, we are reminded by Christ that "Greater love hath no man, than that a man should lay down his life for his friend".Family love varies with each different family and the values they hold dear.Love of mother for daughter goes through varying stages due to the fickleness of women and how they both behave and perceive other women. The Bond of some women with their sons are sometimes detrimental to the son even getting a wife, and in the case of some women who lose the father of the son because of any of a multitude of various causes, denies her even obtaining another man/husband.
Fathers are often altogether held to a different set of standards. A father is responsible for making his sons to be men of exemplary standards, and his love for his daughter/s, especially if they are very close, comes under extremely close scrutiny. Many men have committed heinous crimes against their own daughters by being too close. Inordinate love aside, a fathers love can protect his daughter from harm. A good father also sets the example of how the daughter should expect to be treated by her future husband.
In today's modern society, the vast majority of urban households are run by single parents. Children are often affected by the absence of a parent from the household, which in turn hinders some children's ability to deal with members of the opposite sex in a fair manner. Some however grow up to raise very loving families.
Next comes the love of individuals for the opposite gender, wherein sex equates to happiness and the fulfillment of love. It is this area that we wish to explore. There is also the inordinate love for people or things that are either classified as infatuation or obsession, fetishes or idolatry. Like. as a form of love in it's lesser form is also tied up in here,as fetishes are sometimes in slang terminology called a thing. Some people have a thing for shoes, case in point, that woman from the Philippines who had an excessive amount of shoes in her collection. Fetishes also can include some people's love for feet, and we could even go all the way up into the sexual behavior of some people addicted to sex or certain sexual acts.
Can a man or woman find true love in today's high tech age? The desire to marry and have children has been slowly eradicated from the mind of the modern, industrial woman. She is more concerned about her career and in talks with her other female friends usually embark on men hating talks. and they all usually convince themselves that they have no need of men, after all, with modern technology, they can always buy a dildo or battery powered vibrator to satisfy themselves.
Men are just as bad, by not establishing themselves as the authority, when it comes to women. Loose morals and the desire to have sexual intercourse with any under dressed overtly come hither woman they see, we men have succumbed to the lure of them and seceded our right to set things straight. Women no longer, [at least a few of them do], consider a man to be the head of anything, least of all the head of the house. I Corinthians 11 vs 4 says this,"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ: the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God". Certainly, today's newfangled woman discards those words,as thinking them to be old fashioned. Not in this day and age she thinks, as she goes to any length to prove she can do as man does.
Do not think that this is about bashing women! Most men have always justified sleeping with more than one woman with the saying that there are more women on the earth than men. But is that really true? And if it were, how can it be proven? Christ told the Sadducee' s that Moses because of the hardness of their hearts gave commandment that a man could write a bill of divorce, but it was not meant to be so from the beginning. Genesis chap 2 vs 24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh". Please note it said wife not wives.
Again in the book of Proverbs 5 vs' 18-19 "Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times: and be thou ravished always with her love". Good advice from the days of King Solomon up to this very day.
Fast forward from the days of Adam and Eve to after the flood. We do note however that the Patriarchs, Abraham and Isaac both had one wife, er Isaac that is.While married to Sarah Abraham took Hagar to wife with the consent-no, the insistence of Sarah. She later kicked Hagar and her child out as God had already promised her a child, and Isaac was that child of the promise.
After the death of Sarah, Abraham took another wife by the name of Ke-tu'rah, who also bare him seven children. Should women be upset at men for having in their nature, the want and desire to have more than one wife? Western women do, and indeed they take it a step further by one woman having more than one man at any given time, even during sex. A far cry from those days indeed.
Since it would seem to be a bad thing for a man to have more than one wife/woman, then why was it acceptable to God for Jacob to start the nation of Israel with four women? That's right,4 women,he got married to two sisters, who in turn gave him their personal assistants to wife to bear him children and they were one big family.
Again in Deuteronomy chap 21 vs 15 states,"If a man have two wives, one beloved and the other hated," let me explain at this pause. No man would marry any woman that he hates.At the time of marriage the sex is good,and they cannot get enough of each other. As time goes on the fire of lust and desire wanes, it's a natural human evolvement. So too, as with anything we humans have, we each have favorites, favorite shirt,shoes, pants, movies, songs,etc, now you should get the gist of what is meant by one loved [favorite] and the other hated [not the favorite]. The prophet Samuel was born of Hanna, who was the second wife of his father, and God told the great King David that he'd given him many wives and the wives also of Saul, showing us that the God of the Christian bible is not averse to a man having more than wife, just the feminine run western society. Space and time precludes us from continuing on at this time so until the next one, live well,be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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