"One generation passeth away,and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever." Ecclesiastes chap 1 vs 4. Whenever the end of the world is mentioned pictures erupt in some peoples minds of total chaos. Burning buildings, marauding mobs, lawlessness everywhere, the strong taking physical advantage of the weak,rampant disease and a very rapid decline in population with little or no technology to rely on.
With the threat of nuclear war making the desolation of the planet seem even more a reality than a probability, many of the earth's residents have lost hope. But, wait, before I paint an even more bleak future for mankind, lets examine a few disturbing things that may make wars seem a welcome intrusion.
First and foremost I want to jump right into the brouhaha that got started by Phil Robertson and his right to freedom of speech which has been trampled by the very people who advocate not naming their journalistic sources when they have a story that they do not want compromised before putting it forth to the public.
For an Editor of large city newspaper to shamelessly vilify the man for giving his own opinion concerning his own sexual preferences,leads me to think that that Don whatshisface guy must be a blatant flaming queer. That's right I said it. And for those who advocate imposing their homosexual views and nuances upon the rest of us heterosexually minded folks, I say it is time to stand up for your rights, before they try to make it a crime to not be like them. How dare they try to denigrate those who obey the laws of God?
Consider this simple fact,should every man and woman succumb to the 'gay' lifestyle, the human race would cease to repopulate the earth, and, we as a species would eventually die out. Two men in bed cannot generate life, nor can the same be said of two women lying in bed. In the beginning God made Adam and Eve, not Steve. God also gave commandment to Eve that her desire should be toward her husband and that he should rule over her, a fact that modern woman has debunked, proclaiming independence from men, they presume to do and think that all that men do so should they.
Romans chap 1 vs' 26-27 "For this cause God gave them up to Vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature;-[lesbianism]:And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, [homosexuality] and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet." {meet as in right}.
Is it any wonder then that this world/planet seems to be drawing to an end? The first recorded large scale homosexual conclave was know as Sodom and Gomorrah, in fact, in some places there is still a law against homosexual acts-termed sodomy.
What happened to that Society? If you remember the story of Lot cousin to Abraham, he barely escaped with his life as the Most High God rained fire from heaven and burnt it to a nuclear crisp. how can I say that?, you may ask, read the book 'The Wars of gods and men' by Zechariah Sitchin. In it he proves that that area is still suffering from the effects of radiation which could only have been inflicted by vehicles used to interstellar travel. That may seem far fetched to some but remember in this new technological age things we deemed impossible 100 yrs ago is now old hat to some.
The men of Sodom and Gomorrah insisted on attempting to have homosexual relations with the men[angels] that came to get Lot out of the city. In Genesis chap 19 vs'5-9, tells of how they demanded to 'know' the men, despite Lot offering up his daughters for the use of their perverse lusts,High technology was used to blind them, thus ensuring that lot and his family could escape from the coming calamity.
Ancient Pompeii, another society known for homosexuality and debauchery, was also overthrown by a volcanic eruption that wiped it off the face of the earth. In previous writings we proposed the use of the imagination and the realm of possibility. Man being made in the 'image' and likeness of God, and that Imagination is responsible for a lot of the creations that man has instituted upon the planet. Seeing then that the use of the imagination- a godlike trait given to man can, be used for either good or evil, Homosexual imaginings is something that God himself is against as evidenced by the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah and the various laws God made against it.
Leviticus 18 vs 22,"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination. in other words, two men are not to be making out like a man and woman would. the next verse also condemns those who practice acts with animals[beastiality].
In chap 20 vs 13," If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; Their blood shall be upon them." There is no doubt as to the severity of breaking this commandment. Years ago 'sodomites' as they were then called, or known as, stayed so in secret. Now they are open with their lifestyle, and if you should say nothing in their presence to vilify such repugnance, they then begin to assume that you're down with their program, thus giving them license to approach you with their foibles.
Herein lies the quandary, straight people aren't supposed to say anything negative against homo's, while 'gays' can openly attack those who do not condone that grimy way of life or living, just literally defies the realm of logic. Then we come to the use of language. the word gay used to mean happy and carefree, not related to an aberrant lifestyle. Truth be told 'gays' have more discord among each other than straight people, and only put on airs to hide the fact that they, deep in spirit know, that the lifestyle is against God and man, indeed the entire human race.The spread of this disease is indeed incurring the wrath of God with it's spread over the entire earth among all nations.
II Peter chap 3 vs 7"But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men." Those who do not believe in God, scoff at this coming judgement to practice this unnatural lifestyle, and of course they are described as "ungodly", and about to get the wrath of God upon their heads similar to Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii.
The computer age has also brought changes to the English language as well {as if it wasn't hard enough as it were} Now words like 'default', I mean who is at fault? If you were a good student of English grammar and literature, today's presentation of how to choose words on a computer screen can have you make the wrong choice by misunderstanding the very words that you thought you knew.
Thread, once a string that was put through a needle, now a line for computer link,'link' being formerly a part of a chain, you know the saying, ' a chain is as strong as it's weakest link', hmm,would you like to hear some more? Words used in slang today were once used to mean something else. Of course slang has always been used in the bible, yea, even by the prophets, when they said God told them to 'drop his words to the north'.
Then comes the polluted waters of the planet. All across the globe our once bountiful supply of fresh clean and clear water has diminished, ravaged by the building of factories and mills to support our march into the industrial age. "In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty" from the song 'Rat Race' Bob Marley and the Wailers. Our oceans and seas once thought to be an inexhaustible supply of water, has endured so many oil spills from the north pole to the south pole and from east to west that even the fishes try to beach themselves occasionally to try to escape the pollution.
Add to that the various nations that set off nuclear explosions in our oceans to flex their military might and you begin to get the picture that we are on the road to self destruction, Another dangerous thing to add to the mix-- Plastic. every single thing in use by modern man is wrapped up in plastic, in one form or another.
What was presented as alternative to paper, as an innocuous solution to paper has now become one of the most insidious inventions ever created by man. Most avid and average fishermen that go on fishing trips, with a couple of six packs of beer, think nothing of tossing the plastic holding the beers into the ocean, resulting at times in suffocating some hapless marine life that had the misfortune to swim unawares into the plastic trap.
Indeed almost half of the oceans are floating plastic debris. Plastic- it's not biodegradable, and somehow we have been hoodwinked into thinking, or rather, accepting plastic as a necessity. Water, cooking oils, every form of processed foods, sodas,medicine. Just bought a new cell phone? Its probably encased in plastic or has some form of protective plastic cover over the face of the screen.
Back to the waters. The U.S.G.S. has long ago discovered that over 80% of all bodies of waters in the good ole U.S. of A are suffering from pollution. The drinking water supply of many municipalities across the nation has fluoride[toxic industrial waste] added to the water along with arsenic { also a known poison and carcinogen} along with Teflon and Scotch guard. The ingredients of the latter two which constitutes the active pollutants in their makeup, I wont name here, suffice it to say that, they are found in humans, animals, and plants and the waters. Also found in their study, is the fact that every form of medicine, from over the counter pills to prescribed medication is also filtering it's way into our water supply via the recycling processes. From prozac to cancer meds to diabetic medications,Arthritis and others have formed a miasma that we are currently consuming unawares in our water supplies. P.S. Do not think you are immune to this because you're drinking bottled water.
Chances are that bottle is made from plastic, and water the greatest soluble there is, has already dissolved some of that plastic into your supply in the bottle, no matter how minuscule the amount.All these things may seem to have been man's doing, but have you ever stopped to ponder, that perhaps these things were done by the adversary of man? That my friend will lead to another discussion, so until then, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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