The recent and disturbing acquittals by the racist jurisprudence in the City of Baltimore concerning the death of Freddie Gray, which sparked public unrest for his murder, is a clear indication that for us Negroes, there will never ever be justice done for us by the Caucasian system as is currently run by Caucasians.
Law and Order as seen by the vast majority of racist whites means the killing and suppression of blacks, and ignoring our basic human rights and dignity of human personage. It also goes as far as the court system when judges become jury, and basically deny the victims of nefarious police actions, i.e. murder, and beat-downs any justice, the same racists judges never fail to exonerate the guilty.!
"Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth." Judge Barry Williams has put his name to infamy and joined the host of his colleagues who also sit in wrong judgments and doings in the city of Chicago, even though he's from Baltimore, Maryland.
While mass media has many blacks being defensive on Michelle Obama being a Black First Lady, none of these erstwhile blacks have paid attention to the fact that while she may have mentioned that black slaves built the white house, she dared not address the problems facing black women with racism here in the U.S.A.
In the city of San Diego, ? Or is it San Francisco? I was reading how the black women constitute only a mere 20% of the population of the city yet they comprise 90% of the city's jail and prison populace. Were all these black women born criminals, or is it indicative of a system designed to persecute one set of people,,, Blacks???
Michelle Obama, guilty as her husband, guilty as Michael Jordan, in her not speaking out against the racial profiling deaths of so many black women. Some of the known and reported victims of police misconduct so far has been, Sandra Bland. Kindra Chapman. Joyce Curnell. Rakima Jones and Raynette Turner. I guess her political advisers told her it was okay to speak out for the missing Muslim girls taken by the Boko Haram gang, but to not say a word for defenseless women held in custody by the Police, or that it's time to stop criminalizing each and everything that Blacks do.
Equity under the so called white mans laws is nonexistent for black men and women. An unarmed black male laying on the ground with his arms outstretched, weaponless, and still getting shot is the height of insanity and extremely venomous. Just ask Charles Kinsey who went through the experience.
The states attorney who failed to get one single conviction in the Baltimore debacle, cried foul on the police and the court system that allowed them to manipulate their way through avoiding any convictions for blatant wrong doing, supported by racist whites who think that blacks deserve to die willy nilly at the hands of their current slave catchers, the police.
In Ms Marilyn Mosby's words, "It has become clear that without being able to work with an independent investigatory agency from the very start, without having a say in the selection of whether cases proceed in front of a judge or jury, without communal oversight of police in this community, without substantive reforms to the criminal justice system, we could try this case 100 times, and cases just like it and we would still end up with the same result".
So as long as blacks have no control or say in how the police carry on or behave towards the blacks there, it's business as usual in killing and jailing blacks for profit and pleasure to these evil minded creatures pretending to defend 'law and order'. The same stands true for all cities and suburbs wherever us blacks find ourselves living, be it Chicago, Detroit, L.A. N.Y. Miami, or Cleveland, the end result and message is the same, "Bleep you niggers".!
Further evidence that the police everywhere is dedicated to corruption is noted by the firing of a few cops nationwide who had the decency to stand up for what is right and in so doing risked their lives and limbs. And most of these were white, hmm.
Curt Stansbury, fired for exposing Police corruption.
Shanna Lopez. fired for snitching on a fellow cop who was a sexual predator.
Cariole Horne. Black. Beaten savagely and then fired for attempting to stop an incidence of police Brutality, and became a victim herself of the abuser.
Joe Crystal. Fired for turning in fellow cops for brutality.
Regina Tasca. Fired for stopping an incidence of police abuse.
Laura Schook. Fired for exposing police corruption. These are just a few that are known, just imagine, how much more dirt is really hiding under the so-called law?
In 2009 black police officer Omar Edwards was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend a car thief, by white officer Andrew Dunton. (Of course after checking the how to kill a nigger and get off free manual.)., They {The NY.PD} not only cleared Mr Dunton of any charges in the shooting, but , you guessed it, he got an atta boy- good job -promotion.
These are but some of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the corruption embedded within the walls of this so called 'law enforcement'. It's now coming to light that Ms Korryn Gaines was shot and killed in her own home on the surface/premise of some dire traffic ticket warrants, 2,? Hmm. Looking at it deeper though she was a vocal critic on social media of police corruption in her city and state, and if you ask me it looks like a professional hit by licensed killers supported by higher ups.
Armed whites can shoot and kill others, especially blacks and not fear getting shot, as we see by the F.B.I. attempting to and ending an armed siege by whites successfully. Blacks on the other hand, as we see by an unarmed black male laying helpless on the ground, that blacks are just in existence for them as targets.
While recently watching an episode of the F.B.I. files, an episode about a white police California Highway patrolman who went on trial for raping and killing a white woman, twice! He was found not guilty twice! Now on this program, the lie was told that the F.B.I. monitors cases of killings by law enforcement officers. Maybe for some white folks, but definitely not for us blacks.
This white officer did eventually get his comeuppance when the F.B.I. got him for violating this woman's civil rights, in his third trial. But, herein lies the rub. If the F.B.I. monitors killings done by local law enforcement types, why hasn't any action been taken against the killers of Mike Brown of Ferguson, or Eric Garner of Staten Island, or the guy from Arizona who claimed he meant to pull a stun gun and not his service pistol? Are my peoples eyes opening yet?
Obviously not, when people like Steve Harvey can come on the radio and be exhorting Negroes to go vote for a bigot like Hillary Clinton, whose heroine is Margaret Sanger, a woman whose existence was dedicated to eradicating the existence of the Negro. It is plain to see that blacks are still caught up in the lying belief that us blacks can get true justice, and equal treatment at the hands of whites through his political system.
Real truth here is this.! The F.B.I. does not give a hoot about white policemen breaking the law by violently violating the human and civil rights of blacks. The city of Chicago, has long had a history of violent mistreatment of it's black denizens similar to the way racists states like Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and Missouri do. Chicago has had racist cops and judges railroad hundreds of black males to prison houses, wherein many have died wrongfully.
In the most recent scandal of white murderers killing a black youth in a stolen vehicle, in Chicago, somehow those body cameras did not function while his actual murder happened, but miraculously worked after the shooting. This goes to show us that both body cameras, and dashboard cameras are edited by these lawless 'law enforcement types', to hide their crimes from view.
The front-line for the white defense is the police. They have been practicing on how to murder women as evidenced in the rising numbers of black women being found dead in their cells while in police custody.
White rule over the planet earth is about to end , abruptly. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! (Lucifer is the name that all free-masons worship, and is the name which all Illuminati members revere.) {Lucifer here is also the father of these whites who are the Edom-ites,Caucasians.} How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the Nations".
The Caucasians history is filled with pillaging and plunder, to colonization which includes slavery, rape robbery and murder, and the outright stealing of all the minerals of all the lands he stole across the planet, and in so doing has weakened all nations.
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, (His space programs and space stations), I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north". {Whitey's rule over the Negroes in north America, and his continuing suppression/oppression and tyranny.}
White Jesus, is one of the worlds biggest blasphemies. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is home to the largest testament to white supremacy and dominance over all the people of color worldwide, that gigantic statue of Cesare Borgia, he who infamously did the French Renaissance whitewash of Yahawahshai son of YAH. It is also whitey showing the world that he has everyone thinking that he whitey is god.
"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high". {Whiteys jet planes and space shuttles and stations makes him think that he is indeed as god, (a power) that can fly over anywhere and bomb it to the stone age or into submission.
"Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit". Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem ultimately qualified to preside over the destruction of white rule over the planet. It certainly is coming.! "They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee saying, is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;" (The idiocy of the last presidential campaign by both political parties reveal just how depraved and low American politicians have devolved.)
"That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof;" (just look at the countries whites have invaded during the course of any war and you can see the devastation of many cities and the aftermath of destruction that leaves no inclination of life left.) "that opened not the house of his prisoners? Isaiah chap 14 vs 12-17 [K.J.V.]
To this very day, we Negroes are still prisoners to this white man. Some of us see it and know it. unfortunately for a vast majority of us, they still remain deaf, dumb, and blind to the wake up call. The good news is that salvation is near for us the true Hebrews/Jews that the Bible speaks of. And so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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