When speaking of unidentified Flying Objects, those that are in control of the media, usually put a spin of deception against those who have seen such things with the naked eye. [our way of seeing things in the flesh]. Reports of such activities have been countered with weather balloons, [proliferated?], atmospheric anomalies, or airplanes in the vicinity on an exercise. All these events have inspired the question by those who have seen them in this our modern era, WHY?
In the Lost Books of the Bible-The Forgotten Books of Eden, it was reported that Adam, during his stay in the Garden of Eden, [Earth], could look straight up into the heavens and see the Angels giving praise to God. Indeed, while the cynical among us tend to only believe what they can see and touch in this three dimensional world [or setting] of ours the facts remain that not only are there other worlds but also other dimensions. How can that be? And do you have proof?
The movie "Independence Day" portrait-ed other life forms attacking the earth in ships that had clouds as camouflage. Now for those of you who have seen this movie as just science fiction entertainment, consider these words shortly after Christ's death and resurrection, just before the start of A.D. {B.C.-before Christ} and A.D.-after Christ, in the book of Acts. The last reported doings of the Son of God in chap 1 vs 9:"And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight". Again in the book of Revelation chap 1 vs 7, "Behold, he cometh with clouds;". The plurality of clouds implies obviously, more than one, and, it's a certainty that they are interstellar vehicles.
Still not enough to make you a believer? Then answer this question honestly: Why was the movie "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" such a huge hit? Was it just a Hollywood gimmick? Or was there enough truth in it that there are other life forms in the Universe and that man is not alone? At the dawn of the atomic age, when there were but 4 super- powers, and after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, most of the inhabitants of this planet, went about their business, with tepid intimidation for fear that should infighting among these powers take place the earth could be engulfed in wars that could destroy civilization as we know it.
We now have nuclear power, and unfortunately, irrational people in power that are developing the means to have these weapons at their disposal which makes the threat of man wiping himself off of the face of the earth a very serious possibility. Where will this end and what does it have to do with spaceships?
Have you ever read the book "Communion"? Or 'Missing Time' by Bud Hopkins? Seen the movies 'Encounters of the 4th Kind?, or Dream Catcher? Those books were not science fiction, nor was Encounter of the 4th kind. Peculiar as we earthlings are, the we more we see something, or get accustomed to a person,place or thing, it soon becomes blase to us, in other words we are easily programmable.
If your mind has been piqued, and your imagination has twitched even for a moment, do you still think the things mentioned herein are fantasy? Yes? No? In either case let us proceed even further. We humans are affected by water and by gravity. Water as we all know has three states,liquid,solid-[snow and ice] and vapor,H,2,O-two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen constitutes liquid water and indeed we walk around in this vapor each and every day. So what do you think would happen if the highly irrational rulers of Iran and North Korea were to send nuclear attacks on both the Eastern and Western powers? World's war three. And besides the EMP and radioactive fallout and such, the tremendous heat would cause the earth's oceans to boil into vapor.
Now you know why Christians keep singing of the rapture. How else can the people of earth survive such a calamity of such magnitude? In Matthew chap 24 vs 30;" And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory". The next verse tells that he will gather his elect from east,west, north and south.[my interpretation of the four winds].
This means that those who created us in the 'image of God' already knew our limitations, in fact, the story of the creation, shows that everything was prepared for man before he got here. Ezekiel, one of the four major prophets, was also called Son of man, and, in the first chapter of his book tells of the first reported [in detail] contact with flying objects. Chap 1 vs 4," And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire".
This is the first up close look of the 'cloud/s', and does it not seem like looking at a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral? The infolding fire was as best as ancient man could then describe what he was seeing, jet planes not being the norm back then, the closest thing to a train was a caravan/convoy of Camels.
Why be skeptical or cynical of the proof? Is it hard to fathom or imagine, that a higher intelligence than man made him and has been traveling via U F O's from their place of residence to the earth since its inception? Lets jump start that imagination and return to ancient Egypt. If you saw the classic movie "The 10 commandments", lets go to where the Israelites are in the desert close to Mt Sinai.
Exodus 19 vs 18,"And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace,and the whole mount quaked greatly". Now imagine ancient man hearing the roar of stealth aircraft or mothership descending on top of the mount without them actually seeing the outlines of these ships, and the resulting burning of flora and earth at the top of the mount. Wouldn't that make sense?
Verse 18 of the 20th chapter also says this,: And all the people saw the thunderings,[#note-you hear thunder not see it], and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. Imagine then,even two dozen of such type flying objects descending upon the mount Sinai would indeed perplex all that saw this. Picture yourself in a big city park on a warm sunny day, perhaps you're with your girlfriend,wife or family on a mini picnic when suddenly you hear sounds of a tremendous roar even louder than a squadron of air force jets flying pass along with such a musical sounds-similar to the music from Close Encounters of the third kind, would you not be perplexed. Tell yourself you wouldn't all you want, there isn't a soul on this planet that doesn't cringe and seek shelter when the Lord's thunder roars extensively during summer storms.
Still don't believe in U.F.O.'s? Elijah the prophet, the second man not to have seen death was taken up into the heavens also, as recorded in the book of second Kings chap 2 vs 11. If modern man has devised a way to make aircraft invisible to radar, they call it stealth technology, why do you think that God and his angels cannot have an even higher technology? When Elisha, Elijah's successor was surrounded by the forces of the Assyrian king, his servant panicked, 2nd Kings chap 6 vs 17," And Elisha prayed, and said,Lord,I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." These then can appear or disappear at will.
Still filled with disbelief? Man can barely answer all the paranormal activities that occur on this earth that you should believe. If not then answer these few questions, can man put fire on a scale and weigh it? Can you tell where the sound of your voice went after you spoke and you and someone else heard what you said? And in the movie Star Wars, there was a scene of babylonian significance where there were all types of life forms gathered on a certain planet. While a lot of the characters were fictitious, there was one that was real that has often visited the earth, the red one with the horns protruding from his head. While you ponder those things and questions, live well, be happy,make love,we bid you Peace.
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