Times Square was always a battle zone between us, itinerant whites and the police who always took umbrage to the fact that we had their white 'Jesus' marked with red horns and the number 666 on his forehead, and that we were calling all whites the children of Satan and a bunch of devils.
When I first came into the school I was among a new wave of rookie member recruits, all eager to be as effective in speech and teaching and learned in the knowledge to impart to our people, the Negroes, and the other 11 tribes of Israel, just like the men whose teaching it was that brought us in.
Legend has it that one day a white police captain from the precinct that ruled Times Square came and stepped on Ah-Ra-Yah's boots while looking him in the face. Ah-Ra-Yah promptly returned the favor by stepping on the captains shoes with as much if not more vigor, a brouhaha broke out after that.
I learned true stories from other brothers about many incidents of fights with the police about our teaching at 44th St and Broadway, because they were involved, and had gotten locked up, plus they the po-po were always taking our speaking equipment despite brothers getting a speaking permit to utilize the same at camp.
The not so funny thing is if some pork chop Negro preaching a white Jesus and that 'God' is all love were in the vicinity with a bull horn, or any other religious group supporting white indoctrination, they were never bothered.
Whites hated us as we were in the middle of them attending their Broadway plays and entertainment, and here was a bunch of Negroes reminding them they were living off of the the blood, sweat, tears and backs of our ancestors back then, and our backs now.
My first hand experiences included smelling stink bombs whitey threw from their passing vehicles at us in an effort for us to move. When the police came and told us to turn off the speakers, the leaders would say to hell with them, we'd speak vocally without any amplification, and stay in spirit dropping the knowledge to any brother or sister who happened to stop by out of curiosity. They (the police) could not stop our 'religious' right to free speech.
One Sunday while I was in camp with Ta-Har, {this was before he went off the deep end}, he was the senior officer in charge of the camp that day, and was teaching when two white boys kept throwing grapes at him. Very patiently while addressing the questions posed to him from some of our black listeners, he told them to please refrain from throwing grapes at him.
The crackers never stopped and even began to throw more grapes, at which time Ta-Har jumped off the podium and draped one of them, I had moved towards the other and threw a kick to the dudes face. Just as my foot was about to connect here was a brother named Calvin rocking the dudes face with a right, I was glad the dude got rocked, disappointed my kick wasn't faster than Cal's hand, and Calvin was the camera man who was always there filming.
They eventually scattered but we had the camera and other brothers that were always filming just in case we had to prove we were attacked first. We never were about turning the other cheek, If you hit or smacked any one of us you were liable to get your ass kicked. We taught that the world that "GOD" so loved was the world of Israel.
Using the white man's semantics against him, we used the dictionary to prove that there were/ are many worlds, the Asian world, the world of fishes, the world of the western hemisphere, your world, my world etc, you get the drift if you know what I'm saying or yaknowamean!!!
Another thing that we taught was that (CHRIST) Ya-Ha-Wah-Shai, was born from the act of sex between Mary and Joseph. The immaculate conception promoted by the Roman Catholic church was a myth. As Taught to us by Ah-Ra-Yah and other brothers the scriptures do point out two very important things. a) he was always called the 'son of man' and two the scriptures under Paul pointed out that he was from the seed of David.
Man carries seed. The woman is the womb-man in that man by sex plants the seed which is then nurtured and brought to life by the woman(womb-man). John 7:42 "Hath not the scripture said that Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?". And again Acts 13 vs 23 "Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a savior, Jesus.[Ya-Ha-Wah-Shai].
Mary was from the tribe of Levi.{Known today as the Haitians-as was Moses}. Joseph was from the tribe of Judah. Also conflicting was the fact that if "God" destroyed the ancient world during Noah's time because the angels came down and took wives of the women then, why would he now have a spirit impregnate Mary? That would be hypocritical.
The Scripture in Jeremiah chap 1 also bears witness that man being born of woman but the spirit is sent from the Most High, when YAH told the prophet "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".
In examining the bible dictionary one finds that the term virgin was not only applicable to a female who had never had sex but it also applied to women who were betrothed, [engaged]. Back then condoms were not available and it's presumable that Joseph being a man did the do before doing the ceremonial rite before men.
Women have always taken the brunt of social ills and stereotypes from ancient times until now, and back in Joseph's time was no different. He not wanting to be called out for violating, and not wanting to shame her either was about to send her away, and well the rest is history. You can accept this logical explanation or not, the choice is yours. But I leave you with one more scripture, 2 Timothy 2:8 "Remember that "Jesus Christ" of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my Gospel:". And that's from Paul for all those who accept all of Paul's writings religiously.
As a part of taking the soldier's exam or the officer's test, one also had to know the table of 18 nations. All whites are the same, not all blacks are the same. All whites are descendants of Esau, or Ah-Da-Wam, red. In fact if one looks closely at whites on T.V. or in the Movies, no matter how pasty they look, they are really different shades of red, just open your eyes and look.
In learning Hebrew I also found out that in the Ten commandments, the sixth commandment is not that one should not kill, but that one should not commit premeditated murder. [La Ah Tha-Ra-Ta-Zach]. Ra-Ta-Zach being the Hebrew word for murder. This also made sense as to the various times that we were ordered to kill either the animals for sacrifice or when we were in battle against our enemies.
Just as I was warming up to the camp at 34th St I was sent to replace two brothers in the 125th St camp. This was also the first camp set up in Harlem, despite the brothers teaching downtown on Broadway and at the mall on Fulton St in Brooklyn.
By my third Sabbath in Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak's camp I noticed that he did not even have a donation bucket. Don't get it twisted, as far as I and many of us were concerned we were doing this out of love for "God and Nation" the real Jews who are the Negroes, not for monetary gain. Hell, when I first got into this truth I would have told the very roaches that the Negroes are the real Jews, shout it from the rooftops anywhere and everywhere.
I got one of those big gallon water jugs and put donations accepted on it and brought it to camp. We never asked for anything from anyone, we just had it there. Downtown, though the brothers asked some of our people if they liked what we were teaching they could contribute to the cause for us printing up flyers, the upkeep of the sound equipment and the use of our visual aids. I mean after all we were going thru white 'Jesus' very frequently, what with the vehement bashing of this cracker until his picture was ripped to shreds whenever a brother held him up to the audience and in no uncertain terms let all know that he was the devil that the bible speaks of.
Uptown on 125th though we asked for nothing. Some of our people though, loving the fact that we were telling them that they were God's chosen people and the greatest people on the planet loved us and some would occasionally put some thing in the donations bucket. It was then that Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak started telling me that he appreciated me for having a 'money consciousness'. Because I was light skinned the dude kept telling me though that I was tainted.
Money eventually became his downfall, but I'll get to that later. In his camp we had a brother by the Name of Im-Na-Wa Ah-La, who adored everything that Ahbaya Malak did. But Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak was always bucking up against Ah-Ra-Yah.
Im-Na-Wa Ah-La, myself and Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak all came from the same country, and Imnawa Ahla had migrated to England before coming to America. Impressed with Ahbaya Malak's educational standings and his methods of teaching the brother was mesmerized. As the militant style of how the school set up and operated and by the very speeches that we spoke on the street, Ahbaya Malak began to whisper to some brothers that he wanted to set up secret squads to attack Esau and get this upcoming race war on.
I was nearing the end of my second year in this brother's camp when I heard some his whispering's reach my ear. I had at the time my own personal 38 that I kept home in case of emergency. Even though I knew some martial arts I know this, that even the baddest martial artist can get his ass kicked, and knowing my slender size, well you know what time it is. I decided to let this brother see my stuff.
I called the brother up one day and told him I was coming to see him about something and he agreed. When I got to his house he agreed to go up to his rooftop and test out the jammie. On his roof he squeezed off two rounds and said that he liked the feel of my piece and while he was saying that I felt like he wasn't the only one who should bust any teeth there and so I let off another round.
Imagine to my surprise the dude then said to me he thought the neighbors probably called the cops and that I should leave his building while he went into his apartment. I put my jammie away and started to walk down the four flight of stairs to the street while expecting five O to come through the door at any moment on me.
This dude could not even lead me to bust a grape at the fruit stand I told myself as he demonstrated the act of a coward by telling me to flee from his presence just for test firing my piece. Hmm. I told another brother, in fact I think I told Raw-Hab about it. Two sabbaths later even Ma-Sha knew about it as he mentioned that I almost killed the dude with a twinkle in his eye. The story had gotten magnified and out of proportion by the time Ma-Sha had heard it.
This was the start of ill will between me and him, but what was the icing on the cake was what he did one Saturday to Im-Na-Wa Ah-La. Usually after Sabbath service. Me and Mike the 2nd and Imnawa Ahla used to bring the camp stuff from the school out to camp,as well as some other brothers that helped. This particular day though Ahbaya Malak dogged the brother Imnawa Ahla out for no reaason, cursing him out as to how he was carrying the camp stuff and any and everything he could criticize he did to the point where he was actually putting the brother out of the camp.
A lot of us took umbrage at that and Abaya Malak was brought up in council as to his behavior with the brother. I joined up with Ya-ha-Nah In speaking out against Ahbaya Malak even though I was just a foot soldier at the time, and it was in this council that I was relieved from 125th St camp and sent back to Ya-Ha-Nah's camp at 34th st. At that time Ahbaya Malak had earned the dislike of many brothers as he wanted to seem as if he was more knowledgeable than even the very men who were the vanguards of the school, and was seen as a type of uncontrollable show off.
By my third year in, the leaders had decided to paint the school, and Ahbaya malak had volunteered to keep the ten commandments and other art works at his home while the school was getting repainted. Despite his continued opposition to Ahrayah he was allowed to take them home, but his constant bickering with Ah-Ra-Yah created dsipleasure with the other heads of the school towards him and created an antagonistic air towards him.
To be continued.
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