For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: Behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgement. Isaiah chapter 34 vs 5. K.J.V. [1611]. Note that Idumea is also another term for Edom who is Esau who are the Caucasians. That being said let me return to this spiritual Journey.
Now before Ahbaya-Malak had broken off from the school, and while I was still in his camp an incident occurred in front of the Mickey D's on 125th St where we first started to preach. There was no traffic on the street back then as giant pipes were being laid out from Broadway on the west side to 1st Ave on the east side.
This particular Saturday I had come to camp rather late, and when I got to camp all camp members were edgy. Yadaiya Ahla told me that the camp had been confronted by some Muslim brothers. Come to find out that Ah-Ba-Ya Ma-Lak had insulted two Muslin sisters as they had walked by the camp. They in turn reported it to their men who had come back to the camp and lined up in two lines in front of the camp. Most brothers had thought that they were about to have a civil war with these brothers.
This also added to the list of his woes. The Only thing that we would tell our Muslim brothers is that they were following the philosophy of the Arabs, which also required them to bow to a Kaaba stone which is a black meteorite that fell from the heavens, and The Most High had instructed us not to worship stone or any images.
To bow to a stone is the same as Negroes bowing to white Roman Catholic images, which is idol worship. Give those Nation of Islam brothers credit though, they know and understand the importance of standing up for the Black woman.
The near flare up with the Muslims did not sit well with leadership, as they and most of us recognized that the major reason most black men went to the nation of Islam, was the rejection of white lies, white 'Jesus', and the white man's constant systematic oppression in this land/country.
We had always had an uneasy unspoken truce between us, them, and the Allah School Of Mecca two blocks over which housed the 5 percenter brothers. Ahbaya Malak had held his ground though and kept preaching and the Muslims stood there for a while. My guess was he never uttered another word of insult at their women, and they left after standing there for around a half an hour.
I had also passed my soldiers test and was cruising along just happy that more and more new brothers were coming in and feeling like we were about to awaken this mighty Nation of Israel. This is just not about dishing dirt. I certainly did not have a halo around my head as I have my own sins to fess up to too.
While in school I still was smoking herb at home. I met a brother from Yard at the building where I lived and when I told him that he was the true Jew that Christ Ya-ha-Wah-Shai was black he accepted this as light shone through his eyes. His name was Peter and he asked me to give him his name in Hebrew. After asking Sha-la-mah what Peter was in Hebrew he told me Ah-Ban and he accepted it, meanwhile he called me Rad for short of Ah-Rad. As for the herb bit I think some brothers sensed it or knew but never said nothing to me about it as I carried myself humbly, at least that's how I saw myself.
One Sunday while under Ta-har at the 44th St camp, he began to rail on me, and even put me out the camp. I was embarrassed and frustrated as I had no idea what sparked that, but it drove me to tears standing in a corner publicly humiliated. After I gathered my self, I sucked up whatever came next, and a week later I got so damned angry at it I wanted to hurt this dude. He must have sensed it cause he spoke to me about looking at him like I wanted to kill him, and gave me some lame ray rah rey talk, and we let that incident slide.
Ya-Shar-Wan in the meantime was doing great works in Brooklyn, opening new camps and even had brothers that were not slaving going out to preach in the middle of the week and Ah-Ra-Yah was loving it.
I was reading Hebrew in the Sabbath service slowly, not as fluently as Sha-La-Mah or Ah-Ra-Yah or Ma-Ya-Ka Ah-La or some other brothers but me and some lower ranked brothers were giving it our best attempts.
Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La had also gone evangelizing, he'd gone to New Mexico and started a school there, as well as venturing to California and added another bunch of brothers that he brought to the school.
By my fourth year we had had so many brothers that the school took more space in the 1 west building and Ahrayah instituted an officers class on one side and left the original school for the new brothers coming in. In the midst of this, as we were becoming like unto a small battalion in an army fashion, a whole lot things began to jump off.
I must also mention another honorable brother by the name of Dar. he later changed his name too to Ban-Ah-Yah. He was a tall imposing figure of a brother with his beard he looked as lion like like Shar. Three quarters of the brothers who attended school wore their beards like badges of honor (which it was). After all whitey made it seem that only his so-called professors were supposed to wear beards. Hmm. We were men of learning studying to be priests and considered ourselves men for nation and The Most High Yah.
During one council meeting Ah-Ra-Yah had said that he wanted more brothers to open up more shows on the Manhattan cable network as they were willing to take more home style produced shows, little did they know they were about to get flooded with a bucnch of shows.
There were two artistic brothers that had come in, one was Chaa-Rash (Artisian), and Na-Than-Yah Ah-La Ga [Nathan the third]. Lemme explain, there was one original or the First Nathan, Na-Than Ya {Giver} and his son being born into the knowledge became Na-Than-Ya Ba, [Nathan the second]. As I said before each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has it's own numerical value i.e. "Ah" is 1, "Ba" is 2, and "Ga" is 3 and so on up to "Ya" which is 10. I have written it like this even though Hebrew is written from right to left unlike this corrupt and evil English. "Ka" is 20, but I digress.
Ta-Har had also instituted a new form of soldiers saluting brothers that were officers, in a military style. One day I asked him why and he said he got that from observing me salute one of the heads of the school one day, hmm.
The one thing that I can take credit for is once I had began to memorize new Hebrew words, I happened to recall that Qam meant rise, and when brothers had gathered outside school on a sabbath to go to our respective camps I had raised a pumped fist in the air and hollered Qam Ya-Shar Ah-la, and it quickly became a battle cry of encouragement. For that I will take the credit, believe it or not!
Now the first time that I laid eyes on Ya-Ha-Nah was on a Sunday at the 44th St camp. I saw this diminutive brother dressed in a majestic garment with a cape looking like a cross between a super hero and the Count of Monte Cristo. I said to myself this brother must be deep. When it was his turn to get up on the podium and speak, he delivered a fiery sermon that I was glad inside to be even linked with these great brethren.
Also in my early days I was studying bible classes before even taking the soldiers test, and one Saturday I was at the 42nd St camp as Raw-Hab was usually there. La-Hab had just finished teaching and as I walked towards him to ask him a question, a brother named Sha-ka-Yah stepped in front of me barring me with his staff, I thought he was about to knock my head off, fortunately La-Hab remembered me from the book school and told him it was all-right for me to approach him.
That was also my first time meeting Sha-Ka-Yah and also seeing a dude by the name of Ephraim, He later changed his name to Ma-Qa-War Ash,. Later on I found out that this cat had so much hatred in his heart towards the brotherhood and the school, hmm mm mm, I do hope I don't meet him on a dark night in a secluded place anywhere cause I will......
It's much better to do than to riff any how. Now as I said things were beginning to jump off at the school. Both Chaa-Rash and Na-Than-Ya Ah-La Ga had begun to update the flyers with new and bolder drawings of Ya-Ha-Wah-Shai both in black and white and also in color, as we had a mandate even from Ah-Ra-Yah himself to get the word out to our people.
I had also applied For a cable show and I was the only one that got a full hour while all the other shows were a half an hour. Some beautiful sisters had also come on the scene. One of them was the wife of a new brother from the tribe of Ra-Aw Ban {(Reuben) The Seminole Indians of Florida}.
As usual, women always gravitate to men with positions of power and authority, and in I.S.U.P.K. it was no exception. Now Ma-Sha had always told brothers that if a sister came to the school and wanted to deal with a brother for him to take her to wife it was best that they talked with each other for a year before deciding to commit to such a serious step. Suffice it to say that that rule was often ignored as some brothers acted like they were the most thirstiest of all men or had never had a woman in their life before.
Even when I just came in there was the story of a sister that came in and shot ten brothers, if yaknowamean. One sister came and took to La-Hab, another took to Ah-Ra-Yah.
Ya i qab had always said to some of us that it was appropriate to fly the white man's flag at the camps as that was what they did when they first started out street speaking/teaching. The reason being that Esau had to have respect for his own laws and respect our rights to freedom of speech and "religious freedom".
Of course by and by brothers discarded even flying the flag at any camp, and one Sunday Ya-Shai-Ya said to whitey "Here's what I think of your raggedy damn piece of cloth, and with a handkerchief size flag proceeded to wipe his posterior like it was toilet paper, Shar's turn to speak after Shai -ya also did his part of dissing whitey's flag by pretending to blow snot in his hanky sized flag also. They were lucky that day that Esau did not roll up on us, as much as every black man felt that the U.S was not dealing in the best interest of the Negro. They never did that again though.
Now Im-Na-Wa Ah-La had pulled my coat to the fact that the oil selling business under the cover of religious items was a hundred percent profitable return for your money business and it was not long before some enterprising brothers opened up an oil table. The first brothers to do so were Ra-Im Ban [Formerly Ka-Wa-Kab Ban] and Ah-Ra-Yah Lab [formerly Ban-Ya.
Before I forget to mention this too, during the summer months most of the top men, the heads of the school and their top generals always showed up at 44th and B-way on Sundays. Ma-Sha had an old brown and white van that all the camp equipment would get packed into along with the few brothers it could hold, Shar usually was the driver from the school, and those of us lower ranked brothers who couldn't fit in the van took the A train down.
In the winter when the temperature dropped to the 40's and below either Ta-Har or Dar took the camp out. I remember one Sunday out the temperature was about 35 degrees but with the wind chill of the water blowing from one river to the next on both sides of Manhattan Island it felt like it was in the single digits, and the white policemen stopped in their car, sipped warm coffee as they laughed at us and decided to not even bother us. Yea, I put my time in in this knowledge.
As I must give credit where credit is due Ya-Shai-Ya was a great public speaker, an excellent teacher in his class and a comedian also which earned him the love of many. I admired him from a distance though simply because when it came to money he turned downright ornery.
I remember taping him one Sunday at speaking camp and I was on the train playing back his speech loudly on the #2 train, in which he was telling Ms Anne (white women) that the time was coming when they'd have to pay for the ills done to our black women for the rest of their wretched damned life and get on their knees and scrub the black woman's floor, I never saw so many black folks cringe out of fear so much at hearing this good news that I was amazed at how much the Negro was still in fear of the white man.
To be continued.
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