"And the first came out red, all over like a hairy garment"; The birth of Chuck Norris? More like his ancestry. "And they called his name Esau". Gen chap 25 vs 25. (KJV) This is the first recorded birth of the so-called white man. In actuality he is not white but red. Esau in the Hebrew tongue, (I-Shaw) means to do or to be done, in his case he was not born with any color on his ears or fingers to indicate he would have a normal color as the rest of men then in existence.
Whites, [so-called] were and have been the minority on the face of the earth, Obadiah vs 2 in regards to the Edomites [Whites], it is written, "Behold I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised". And for their barbaric deeds, rightly so. So how is it that they have control of the earths resources, and control all venues of commerce and monetary income?
These are the beasts which have arisen up out of the sea of humanity having seven heads and ten horns. Neither Alexander the Greek or Napoleon Bonaparte established world dominion by wars for either the Greeks or the French but this was a collective endeavor by the following factions of the Edomites. The Greeks under Alexander. They were followed by the Roman Empire. The Russians took over after conquering the Byzantine Empire which was ruled then by black men.
The Spanish Empire rose up along with the French aristocrasy as they and the British all had battles with each other over the right to plunder the rest of the world. The Germans [Teman] under Hitler made a last ditch effort to wrest world ruler-ship from the British. In Rev chap 13 vs 2 Shows that the beast had the mouth of a lion, which was the symbol the British Empire used as their symbol back then. The 'dragon' which gave him [them] his [their] power and great authority is that spiritual ruler of darkness the spiritual demon Satan.
The journeys of Christopher Columbus that started in the late 1400's, marked the beginning of the end for people of color everywhere and the end of indigenous peoples holding on to the lands wherein they dwelt. When Columbus 'discovered' America, he hauled off over 400 Native Americans {Indians} on his ships to show them to queen Isabella of Spain. This was the beginning of slavery, even before it began in Africa.
By 1503 the slave trade began to to be an all out blitzkrieg by Spain and Portugal - the Spanish Empire, the French and the British who were also busy dividing up the continent of Africa to themselves. Enslaving blacks for transportation to the Caribbean Islands and the shores of great Britain and America, France and Spain. On the Island of Puerto Rico the Spaniards killed mercilessly as they plundered the gold , diamonds, and other precious stones they found just laying on the shores of that Island. They did even worse to the inhabitants of what is now known as Mexico. Should they not be condemned for those atrocities?
After being enriched by the barbarous use and treatment of the Negro slaves,(back then it was cheaper to get a new slave than to spend time and monies on medical treatment for any slave), from the exploitation of the islands sugar cane and coffee exports that many whites became the nouveau riche. Whites all across the world seemed to realize that they were in control of the earth. The ability to build ships to sail the earth's oceans and the inventions of advanced fire power using gunpowder gave the whites the ability to conquer bows and arrows and spears everywhere they went.
After the establishment of America [the eighth Beast] Whites had it written in their laws that any white male of Caucasian descent can seek asylum and citizenship at any given time in any state if they have lived in country for two years. Also back then only white land and property owners (slave owners) had the right to vote. Fast forward to now, these slave owners and land grabbers are now known as the College Electorate. As seen by the fiasco of the Al Gore/ George Bush election, Mr Gore had more votes than Mr Bush. The Negroes votes were dis-annulled by the crooked brother of George, Jeb Bush, and Once again Negroes were fooled into thinking that it was a matter for the courts, even though Mr Gore had more votes.
White supremacy, the root cause of all the world's ills. White supremacists upon seeing the disenfranchisement of the Negro and the Latin communities had to hoodwink them with the illusion of inclusion.* (The Illusion of inclusion coined by Dr Uber) The Negro {Israelite} in America almost lost their minds with euphoria over having a black president, thinking that salvation was at hand. The truth must now be told. Barack Obama is and has always been complicit in the destruction of the American Negroes who are the true sons of Jacob,Isaac and Abraham.
He (Obeezy) is a descendant of Ham. Hand picked by the CFR to deceive the Negro, the Illuminati's white supremacists behind the scenes have had him arm all police departments all across the U.S. with military grade weaponry, which includes silencers. The other trick of these supremacists is that when Negroes have elected black public officials, we can then no longer cry racism when they commence to murder us outright.
That has been the case ever since Obama took office. Private Lavena Johnson, raped and killed in her barracks in Iraq. And her death ruled a suicide by the killers, in the U.S.Army! White supremacy has been responsible for the worldwide spread of homosexuality. {Deuteronomy chap 32 vs 33} White supremacy is responsible for the inhuman treatment of all black people and other people of color, particularly for the Negroes. Over 100 million died in the the voyage(abduction) from the shores of Africa to the western hemisphere and to parts of Europe.
Now consider this. 45% of all college students are white including males, however when it comes to the corporate world, finance, the courts and legislatures it is 98% white male controlled. At the root of this startling fact must be that the utmost form of racial prejudice and intolerance has been and is being perpetuated by whites to insure that (a) they do not lose the wealth of the ill gotten gains of their ancestors and (b) that they do lose their stranglehold of power over the Negro.
This hideous and subtle administration of white supremacy has been placed upon people of color through mass programming which of course is controlled by white males. The once black owned company of Motown was brought and dismantled by whites because blacks were getting too united and many were actually getting rich in the process. BET once a valid form for black conscious entertainment was also bought out by Viacom, a white controlled company that can now program buffoonery upon the minds of the Negro.
In the court system, another bastion of the good ole boy network,[whites only in the upper echelons] the human rights, civil rights, and every right that blacks have has been routinely denied and a blind eye cast upon any proceedings in court involving blacks. In the world of finance the supremacists have rigged up so many detrimental and discouraging rules and regulations that can only and will only be applicable to blacks attempting to have their own fiscal independence of whites. Therefore making it next to impossible for blacks to establish a bank of their own. The practice of redlining was also instituted by these rednecks of denying blacks loans for either housing or business. While it appears that the practice has been lifted, it has only shifted to a more devious manner that will rob blacks ultimately.
Running out of time and space for now and so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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