"But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value." Job 13 vs 4 (KJV)
Ever bought prescription medicine? I'm sure you have at some time or other in your lifetime.Ever bought over the counter legal drugs? Yes? This is what they both have in common. Warnings of serious if not downright deadly side effects. Doctors for the most part are sponsored by the huge Pharmaceutical 'companies' and they are again the majority of them mostly white.
Wall St. the place where The big money flows, all white owned of course, got it's start from the beginning of the slave trade in America. A fact that's unknown to many blacks and whites. Wall street is also where the majority of 'legal' thievery is done to the chagrin of the poor. It is also the place where no black male or female will ascend into the upper money making echelons simply because they are Black. Make no mistake about this statement, all of the big brokerage firms have nothing but pictures of the old slave traders upon their walls as the symbols of their smashing successful start in the trading business.
That White supremacy is also responsible for the Negroes having to live in blighted urban areas of the inner cities is also not an understatement. The racial payment for blacks and whites in every field of endeavor, tells the tale. It's no wonder that whites can and do live in multi-million dollar homes just outside of the inner-cities. White enclaves in the cities are upgraded to be close as possible to their white counterparts in the suburbs as their pay for any type of work is grossly higher than that which is paid to the Negro. You might not like to hear it, or think about it, but explain why is it that Negroes can barely afford to live in a so-called decent neighborhood, and is always struggling to make ends meet.?
Illegal drugs in the black communities? Blacks do not own the planes or ships these drugs are brought with into this country. J.Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI, during his war against the Black Panthers started the campaign of flooding the inner cities [the Ghettos] with Heroin and any other drug that could affect blacks in an effort to destroy the Negro and stop them from rising up against the gross injustices inflicted daily upon the Negro.
To this very day his orders and plans to destroy the black men and women of the ghettos is still in effect,and enforced by none other than the police departments of all these cities all across America. One faction allows the drugs into the communities to whomever they employ to peddle death to the community. The others then use the use of drugs as an excuse to harass any and every black they do not like as they all view us as criminals. Remember, it is a crime to be black in America.
Back to Wall St. Goldman Sachs was Obama's single largest contributor in his campaign for the presidency. After his election recall the financial breakdown involving many a Wall Street Brokerage, which also included the insurance giant AIG. Obama not only authorized the bailout of these crooks, but the top honchos involved in the financial shakedown of America all received top govt jobs in the field of finance as a reward for being the damned thieves that they are.
All inoculations mandated by order of whatever board of health in any school district, is nothing more than white supremacy attempting to wipe out black children via germ warfare. The minds of these people are sickeningly warped into a definite inhuman stance when it comes to the Negro.
White supremacy must be understood for what it insidiously is. All whites developed an air of superiority at the start of the slave trade. Suddenly these people who used to eat their body lice and eat out of skulls, could pretend to be civilized.The K.K.K was and is a natural offshoot of their kind of thinking. The elite whites do not have to be klansmen to share the same sentiment toward people of color, ergo, the constant denigration of the Negro, and every type of rule and regulation designed to keep the Negro in abject poverty, and to be forced into a life of crime. From that he [the Negro] can then become a prisoner and give forced and very cheap labor which has become the second largest method for the ultra rich to gain maximum riches without even having to pay a fraction of the minimum wage that those on the outside struggle to make.
White supremacy in control of the mass media outlets has been used to program not only whites, but also blacks into thinking that all blacks are responsible for whatever ails society, and whatever crimes are committed. Even when whites have been the culprits for major crimes, a black face has somehow always ended up being juxtaposed into the mix so that inevitably a black person sucks up the blame.
Since the over 400 years of the programming of blacks hating themselves, the reason why we cant even come to a simple agreement among ourselves, we kill ourselves with an alarming frequency in every city and suburb where we reside. Enter Howard University. This black institution of learning has been the recruiting center for the supremacists alphabet gangs. The FBI,CIA, ATF and others have a high input of blacks from this University into their ranks. As in everything white supremacists do, there are layers within these organizations. These blacks in the CIA what will they be doing if not working for the white supremacists in furthering the destruction of Africa?
And why would any conscious black individual want to become an FBI agent seeing that that agency has been and is still responsible for the flooding of drugs into the black community? The CIA is also responsible for the allowance of tons of cocaine and heroin into the shores of America and therefore into the black communities. Recall that movie with Forrest Whitaker as the White house butler who served over five presidents? In the movie it showed how those who were Caucasian received a higher rate of pay other than the Negro, even if their jobs entailed less work or positions were of less value they still received a higher rate of pay.
This is an example of what I stated earlier about white supremacy making sure that whites are on top and the Negro staying on the bottom. Next up, the Illuminati's Bush connection. Prescott Bush father of the most thieving clan in American history, was once the director of the Union Banking Corporation, this same company was known to be helping finance Adolf Hitler's regime. The profits from this collusion left a $ 1.5 million dollar trust fund for George Bush Sr. This same Corporation, Union Banking Corp. was seized as collaborators for the enemies of the U.S. His sons later became the authors of two of the biggest banking ripoffs in U.S. history that would make Al Capone, Dillinger, and Frank and Jesse James proud.
Neil Bush, George Bush Sr, George Bush Jr and Jeb Bush, I guess you could call them the Jesse James gang of our times. Despite all four of them being implicated in the Savings and Loan scandal which cost the American taxpayer more than $1.4 trillion dollars, they never even got so much as a slap on the wrist. Pay close attention to white supremacy at work under the Illuminati here.
Jeb Bush defaulted on a $4.56 million dollar loan in the state of Florida, and eventually only paid back $500,000. Tax payers repaid back the other $4 million and change. Neil Bush, became the director of the Silverado Savings and Loan institution that eventually ripped of $1.6 billion dollars. Although charged with criminal wrongdoing in the S & L scandal, Neil Bush never spent a day in jail, and paid a paltry $50,000 to settle out of court. The fall guy, the the head of Silverado plead guilty to ripping off $8.7 million dollars for which he received a mere 3.5 year sentence. Keep in mind if a negro robs a gas station for $50 dollars he'd get upwards of 10 to 15 yrs behind bars to keep cheap labor going for these white supremacists.
When the savings and loan scandal was about to become a full blown public scandal it was quickly swept under the rug by the white owned mass media, as George Bush Sr. very cleverly declared war against Iraq for occupying Kuwait in the "war against Saddam Hussein". Years later under George Bush Jr. he left office with the steppin fetchit Barack Obama to do yet another bail out of the major crooks in the Wall Street banking and insurance debacle that the American taxpayer has to foot the bill. This is twice that the Bushes have swindled John Q Public, and here goes Jeb Bush claiming to run for president. Hmm, perhaps he'll rip off all the rest of the gold reserves. That will serve the mindless peoples(sheeple) who follow the mass medias programming in believing all the lies being fed to them on a daily basis without thinking for themselves.
When George Bush declared the war on terror, the battle in Afghanistan was about taking control of that nation's poppy fields which can be used to produce opium and heroin. The Invasion that finally toppled Saddam Hussein saw Bush Jr authorizing millions for the rebuilding of Iraq. Those monies were quietly stolen by his crony and fellow crook Dick Cheney who was also another Oil speculator as was Neil Bush. Another dirty deal by these merchants of death, was that among some of the first things that they did was destroy all the museums and artworks of the peoples of Iraq basically wiping out any proof of those peoples culture, pretty much the same as they have done to the Negro and his heritage.
Until next time friends, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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