The End Of The World As We Know It. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea". Rev chap 21 vs 1. At the end of any event, there is always a beginning for something else. We are rapidly approaching the end of the first heaven and first earth. The end of the world as we know it.
Since the start of slavery began with the rape and plunder of the continent called Africa, the hatred of racist Caucasians has known no bounds in their demonstrating their barbarity and animal savagery against those who are non white. History and their deeds have even been recorded by them as proof of their insanity and total evilness. Mass murder by the Caucasian against the Negro has always been overlooked by them, as if they were doing the world a favor.
For more than four centuries the Negro in America has endured, denigration, humiliation, torture, seen the outright murder of his next of kin,i.e. fathers,mothers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts and nephews by racist policemen and backed to the full extent of Caucasian law by racist politicians and courts. Justice for the Negro in America has been non-existent. "Thus saith the Lord my God; feed the flock of the slaughter; [the Negroes]; whose possessors [Caucasians] slay them, and hold themselves not guilty:" Zechariah chap 11 vs 4-5.
The current genocide being done to and against the Negroes in America is mind boggling. Trayvon Martin, after his death, was portrayed as a hoodlum and criminal type as his killer Zimmerman was set free. Since then his killer has been shown to be the real criminal and hoodlum. We still yet have to see Justice executed for Trayvon Martin. Eric Garner, his death was ruled a homicide, and yet a racially biased jury refused to indict his killer and killers. Justice for Mr Garner has yet to be executed.
The Klu Klux Klan was established by,{for want of a better term(trailer trash types)}, who were incensed at the very idea of the Negro being set free from wearing shackles. Other racists of the upper classes, who disdained rubbing elbows with the bed-sheet wearing murdering hooligans, were the very backbone of these vermin. They were the lawmakers, Judges and politicians who allowed crimes against humanity and The Negroes to be condoned and overlooked. In fact it was these same law breakers/makers that wrote in the Constitution that the Negroes were to be deemed as three fifths of a human being. That statement is still in writing as of this day. Any Negro who supports that message has got to be insane and lacking intelligence.
In 1925 the K.K.K. held a march and rally in Washington D.C. Every field of govt was represented by the klan in that march. Here we are in 2015, and we can see the ongoing effects of racism directed against blacks (the Negro). The K.K.K. has since infiltrated every form of law enforcement that is known. Whatever alphabet there is, FBI, DEA, ATF, or whatever police department, in every city, they now have members entrenched to make sure that their members can murder Negroes with impunity. With the backing of the Illuminati, and believe me it's not a fairy tale, Police departments all across America have been receiving military grade weaponry, which also includes silencers. This was revealed by the riots in Ferguson for the unjust murder of Mike Brown for whom Justice must also be executed.
In Baltimore, The racist Governor of that state Maryland, has denied a request for $11 million dollars to build public schools in Baltimore. At the same time denying $11 mil for schools he's turned around and approved $30 million for the building of youth jails. It is quite obvious that this nothing more than advancing slavery by dressing it up with other names as breaking the white man's laws. When the abolition of slavery was signed into law it took another two years before any whites began to even obey the edict. Subtle as this serpent was he then started to make being black a crime in every way so that we could be hauled off to prison to serve in chain gangs. A black caught walking in a white neighborhood? Off to prison, to drink from a water fountain used by whites another crime, every ridiculously petty thing that could be used against the Negro was done to our detriment.
It has been that same mentality that has prevailed in all urban areas including New York State and City. In the City as all black men across America have known, each day of surviving has been by the grace of a higher power. Black men in some instances have went down under a barrage of bullets that can only be described as overkill. Driving while black and your car is stopped, rest assured you will be searched for drugs and weapons, and you will receive a ticket or summons to appear in court. Police in every precinct are told to write tickets against blacks in every community as if only blacks are committing crimes. Every petty offense done by the negro has warranted his (abduction) being hauled off to jail. Not so for the Caucasian.
For those who think That I am supporting black criminals, lets not get it twisted. After watching episodes of the F.B.I.'s Files, Forensic Files, Snapped, American Justice, Crime 360,and other such programs, there are some blacks in prison who do not even deserve to be alive. The same can also be said about a lot of Caucasians. Crime on these programs it seems is color blind. Atrocities against both blacks and whites have been done against their own kind by both races. That said, the Illuminati sponsored racist mass media and murderous clansmen masquerading as law enforcement have made sure that they keep embedded in the minds of John Q Public that blacks are the source of all crimes and the problems of today's whites. Indeed this programming has been so effective that even blacks look upon blacks as potential criminals.
The Advent of a black President has blinded the vast majority of blacks into thinking that they have made progress in their fight for equality and justice. Fact of the matter is we have regressed. Barack Obama is not the descendant of Negro slaves brought to this country. He is an implanted African with no idea of the trials and indignities heaped upon the Negro, and since his taking the Office of the Presidency, and hiring a black attorney General, Eric Holder, blacks in southern states have begun to be lynched at an alarming rate. Indeed it would seem that they were being hung for the mere presence of a 'black' living in the "White House". Again Blacks have been killed with such impunity that neither President nor Attorney General did or said anything against those deeds, showing that they were either complicit or powerless against those who committed these foul acts.
The police departments of those cities have not even been investigated. Cities such as Ferguson and Baltimore, only recently had the findings that racist procedures have been the normal routine for both the police and the court systems. Every Black man In America already knows this is standard in every American city. The Racists who are spurring, or rather hastening this coming racial warfare and racial divide do so not knowing that the Negro has one ally that will not forsake him. GOD. The Most High himself will come from heaven and fight for his children the sons of Jacob The Negroes (the tribe of Judah).
Why has the Caucasian whites in America held such deep hatred for the Negro? The answer is simple. "And Esau [white/red man] hated Jacob [black man] because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, the days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob". This hatred has been ingrained into the Caucasian so much so that he just cannot bear to see the negro have any kind of prosperity or peace. Never mind the entertainers and sports figures who earn millions entertaining the Caucasian system, as they are few and far between the common black man. This is all coming to a thunderous end. From the book of Obadiah, vs 10, "For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever". Vs 18 "And the house of Jacob (Negroes) shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph [Puerto Ricans] a flame, and the house of Esau {Caucasians} for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; [whites]; for the Lord hath spoken it".
The world of the racist oppressors is crumbling and it is almost upon us. Recall that there have already been two governmental shutdowns, One by Newt Gingrich and the other under Obama. Even this Presidents name has some kind of sambo ring to it...tsk tsk, shake my damned head. There are numerous groups all prepared and prepped up for this coming upheaval, everyone Caucasian that is. The Negro still has his head in the sand, in the clouds or focused on some big booty woman and is all unconcerned with the warfare being waged against him. Nevertheless this attempted genocide of the Black male in America will fail,the end of the white run world as we know it, is inevitable. And so until next time, live well, be happy, make love we bid you peace.
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