Despite this one's voice voicing alarm over the plastic menace engulfing this Planet Eden [Earth], It seems to have fallen on deaf ears. More importantly the ears of those who insist on manufacturing plastic to wrap and use in every facet of our daily lives, especially 'western civilized man'.
"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth". (Rev 11:18)
This planet has been under attack by the forces of darkness ever since GOD put man in charge of it's safe keeping.Genesis chap 1 vs 26-28. This brings us back to so-called civilized man, and the question; 'Is mankind in this day and age really civilized'? Let us rewind history a little bit. In ancient Egypt the Israelite's became a great nation, (in number despite the Egyptians trying to kill their young and limit their growth).
The Egyptians also waged a deep psychological warfare upon the Israelite' s along with the rigors of slavery, pretty much a repeat of what has happened to the modern day Israelite [the Negro] in America. This included making them feel that their worth was less than nothing and that every evil deed done against them was pretty much their fault. Then God rescued them and Moses told us it would happen again if we forsook the laws of righteousness. (Deuteronomy 28:68)
The horrors of ancient Egypt has paled to the horrors of the modern Egyptian, the Caucasian. The death toll against Africans for the ownership of the diamond mines by Cecil Rhodes was and is a whole lot more than what Adolf Hitler did to the wanna be Jews in Europe. That whole tribe of Amalek, them that say they are Jews but are not, [Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9] should be incarcerated for identity theft.
Then there is that true holocaust, the rape of Africa, and the ensuing deaths of more than a million Black Jews during the beginning of the slave trade,and the unimaginable horrors that those who survived the gruesome trans-Atlantic voyage had to endure on the breaking grounds of the Caribbean Islands, before further transport to America and Great Britain.[England]. Even now from those times to this very day horrific deeds are still being perpetrated against the Negro in America, from the east to the west and from North to the south.
Now more than ever Blacks in America are being killed by the oppressive Egyptian regime-taskmasters now termed policemen. during the early days of the alleged abolition of slavery states such as Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas and Missouri regularly lynched and burnt Negroes for sport. Oh yes, let us not omit the bastion of kill a nigger and be set free state, Florida.
All across the continental United States every form of oppression and repression has been practiced against the Negro. In Africa thousands have been slaughtered in various countries via civil war. Then there are the Arabs and their insistence on forcing their ideology of Islam upon all the residents of this planet Earth. This has resulted in murder and mayhem all across the globe. All of man's new technological marvels have been used by these people not for the betterment of mankind but to murder maim and kill.
Of course they cannot equal the blind hatred and murder of the planet and it's citizenry done by the Caucasian. Plastics, chemicals, not only in Pesticides but in every thing wrapped in plastic that we are supposed to use for our hygiene, eating and drinking, the very furniture we sit on, sleep on and the clothes that we wear. The more man claims to be civilized it seems he becomes more barbaric.
Many people who become Doctors, do so for monetary gain. In fact, in the medical industry almost everyone is in it for the money. Please do not get this remark twisted. Everyone that does a job is entitled to get paid. That said, the truth of the medical field is that those that can least afford to get medical treatment,i.e. the very poor [that is Blacks in the ghetto] are the ones that get denied the most for medical treatment and medicines.
The rich are able to pay extensively for what ails them because of their riches. At the bottom of the barrel, those of us who are living in abject poverty face certain rejection from hospitals and clinics for routine medical treatment that could escalate into serious problems. The only emergency that would be done for us is the treatment of gunshot or knife wounds or some similar scenario that would bring us into the emergency room of a hospital.
Ancient man never had to face the slew of modern diseases that modern man faces. Every form of cancer that is facing man now is a product of not only his environment, which he has done his best to destroy nature around him for the sake of so-called progress,but also with his eating habits which calls for the consumption of processed foods in bulk. Cereal in the supermarkets now taste like cardboard, in fact most cereal, and processed chips on sale today are probably an atom or molecule away from being plastic or cardboard.
Many nutritionist will tell you that eating raw foods the way nature and The Most High intended is the best way for man to refuel his body, and get the maximum sustainability for life and longevity. But I digress. In Baltimore following the rioting after the murder of Freddie Gray, the Justice Dept came out with a report finding a pattern of racism and undue targeting of Blacks by that city's police dept. Tell us Blacks something we don't already know. Hmm, that has been the modus operandi of every police department across the continental United States of America.
At the hands of the police many an innocent Black male has been imprisoned, some for life others get a death sentence while the real offenders remain free to commit more crimes. Torture has been known to be implemented upon many a black male in an effort to get him to "confess". This barbaric treatment has too often been overlooked, by jurist [Judges] sitting in judgement of the black male in front of them, with the intention of sentencing said male to the maximum time they can give to help the state's slave labor via the prison systems.
The barbaric treatment done by the alleged civilized man against his fellow human beings is incredible and almost unbelievable. The cosmic law of Karma though is still in effect, and the time is indeed coming where the downtrodden Negroes who have been so long under the yolk of oppression and repression will be uplifted above all that hate them. [Isaiah chap 14 vs 1-4]. While none of us want to go back to relieving ourselves with tree leaves in the bush somewhere, or use kerosene lamps to read at night or try to gather sticks at night to keep warm, there is still a lot of undesired traits within the civilized world. We all know that if you cannot pay the energy company in your area they will cut your lights off. In upstate New York a poor elderly couple lost their lives in winter by being cut off without a means to heat themselves. That was a death sentence passed on to them by civilized man. Indeed Many a poor black persons have lost their lives or what meager possessions they may have had from fires started by them burning candles for light after being cut off by the conglomerate heartless energy companies. Are you beginning to get the picture? Is there hope for this planet? Yes there is. Think about it. And so until next time, live well, be happy, make love,we bid you peace.
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