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May 13, 2016

Dirty laundry - One Man's Odyssey Thru I.S.U.P.K. Pt 2

      After my first Saturday visit to the book school and camp, I later learned there were camps of teaching all across the city and not just at 44th and Broadway, that I decided to start going to the book school more often than martial arts training.
     It was so that I began to learn the Hierarchy of the school, Ma-Sha (Moses) being the head and his co leader was Ah-Ra-Yah (Lion).  I later found out that Ya-I-Qab was Ah-Ra-Yah's father. No classes were taught on Sundays as it was also a camp day, that is until some brother named Atariya came in to teach brothers wives, and well, hmm, that comes into discussion later.
    There were seven top men who were the accepted leaders within the Book school, Ma-Sha  was considered the top man, had instituted martial arts training as a requirement for any one who wished to join the camps. To enter into any camp one had to be a soldier or officer as Ma-Sha had a military type order based on how ancient Ma-Sha (Moses) had the children of Israel {Ya-Shar-Ah-la} set up with officers and judges of ten, twenty, etc.
      And there was also a scripture written test and a mandatory requirement to pass was the ability to write and know the Hebrew alphabet.
     The most charismatic and best teacher of the scriptures to me then was the teacher of the Monday night's classes, his name was La-Hab (Blaze). I gave up watching Monday night football for the knowledge this brother brought to his classes. His classes was as packed as The Friday night's class teacher's Ya-Shai-ya.
      When I first started to attend classes in the small room on the second floor of 1 west 125th st, seating was for about 30 brothers and for about 10 sisters. The Ten commandments were written out in ancient Hebrew, as well as other pertinent writings in Hebrew. There were many paintings also and one of them was located to the back of the class that struck me as odd.
        It was a painting of a black woman in the midst of a cemetery like setting with a snake wrapped in a coil around her leg with his head almost buried in her crotch, the snakes head was a white man.
      Chaa-Zaq {Strong} was indeed a strong brother mentally, quiet and introverted he was nobody's follower and was definitely not a brown nose type brother. His class night's was on Tuesday, which he taught whenever he didn't have to slave (work). Deuteronomy stated that we had to serve our enemies for the want of all things, so that any job, professional, glamorous or mundane is still working for the enemy and is considered a form of slavery. 
      Other brothers taught the classes whenever Chaa-Zaq was off at  the plantation, and they were approved by the heads of the school to teach.
       Wednesday's  classes were split between Ta-Har (pure?) and Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La {Lion power}. Back then Both Tahar and Ahrayah Ahla were almost inseparable as brothers. Thursday's classes belonged to Shar (Prince). Some brothers were so lazy in enunciating his name by omitting the 'R' at the end of his name that I originally thought his name was Shaw, hmm mm mm.
      The seven heads of the school at the time were Ya-I-Qab, the Elder statesman, Ma-Sha, Ah-Ra-Yah, Ya-Shai-Ya, La-Hab, Shar and Chaa-Zaq. Ya I Qab only taught whenever the spirit moved him to in any of the classes as he was like the caretaker of the daily running of the school.
      When I first started to attend classes at 1 West 125th St [I.S.U.P.K.] classes were about ten to fifteen brothers and maybe a sister or two every now and then in the classes, with the exception of Monday nights and Friday nights.
      Monday's with La-Hab dropping gems on the scriptures also made me to understand the symmetry of the placement of many books which included the placement of the book of Ruth and Esther and later on, Job.
       Brothers were encouraged to seek out knowledge and even find books like the book of Jasher and others that were mentioned in the bible but not found in the bible. Here at I.S.U.P.K. the admonition to study to show thyself approved was taken literally. Among the study guides one had to have was the Apochrypha, Zondervan's bible dictionary, The complete works of Flavius Josephus, who contrary to popular belief is a black man.
       It was in this school that I saw pictures of King James being black and looking almost like David Dinkins, I saw a picture of Josephus and he was as Negro as any other brother, not that white washed thing they've been presenting. I saw pictures of Socrates and Plato men of wisdom and renown who were black that I, and many of us thought that they were white men when we were growing up thinking that no black male could have been so great, alas the perils of the mis-educating system of Esau (the white man).
       In one of my rare visits to Ya-Shai-ya's Friday night classes I learned that the original Vikings or the six kings, roman numerals VI became Vikings, were original black men. In His classes he always had books with archaeological facts to backup his statements of the great black men of history that had been whitewashed to deny the Negro his due credit. It was also in his class that I learned that the great Marco Polo was also Black.
      Ya-Shai-Ya was a great teacher, but as a person, arrogant, and when it came to money, he became downright ornery. In two of his classes that I sat in on, at the end of the class, he would order the doors to be closed, and that no one would be allowed to leave until he exacted a certain amount of money in tithes he felt was being withheld by brothers who were working. 
       Ya-Shai-Ya was also single hand-ed-ly responsible for wrecking the love lives of many brothers. In his classes, the constant denigration and disrespect for black women/our sisters was taken as almost gospel truth by many, who in turn treated their women like dirt, and lost them. He was very humorous, and his classes were a cross between facts and comedy, maybe he might have been related to that other comedian Mike Epps. Hmm.
       I had only known of the brothers at 44th St and Broadway, Raw-Hab was pleased that I was coming out to check out the camp, and one Sabbath he said to me 'give me a walk' and I walked off with him from the camp and we went toward 42nd St. It was here I saw another camp for the first time, and many brothers from a camp in Brooklyn called the 'Mount Zion crew' were there.
       La-Hab was teaching then and I also witnessed Ah-Ra-Yah Ah-La teaching also, There was this brother who did the reading for that camp whose voice was so loud he was given the nickname 'Boom Box'. It was at that time that Raw-Hab told me why he hung around La-Hab to hear him teach so much because of the facts he brought and the charismatic style he brought with it. That's also when I began to attend His Monday night classes diligently. At that camp I came to realize the school had more members than it could actually seat, and I sensed the spirit of growth.
       The school at that time had also published a booklet stating that they were seeking brothers/men of intelligence [of course later on it proved they only wanted men not more intelligent than the heads]. This booklet was also an introduction to why the Negroes are the real Jews and the subject of nationality.
       A comparison of a black person being born in or near the Schuylkill river was not called a Schuylkill-ite so too the Negro should not call himself by the names of the land mass of where he was born, after all wherever in the world a Chinese person (Moab-ite) is born he/she is still considered a China/man/woman.
      Nationality is considered by your ancestry, the lineage of one's forefathers and not by the name of the country wherein one was born. Try telling that to our people though, was like trying to break open the concrete on the sidewalk and planting a seed and expecting it to grow in the middle of that concrete.
      Although I had started to attend classes in the school I was not yet accepted as a full pledged member, there were Saturdays when I went down town only to find out no one was out teaching that day, of course I never knew about certain high holy days that Israel was commanded to observe, that the brothers were keeping.
       I was also puzzled by how Raw-Hab could come out to camp blasting truths and then revert to being submissive during the week, he and many other brothers like him, I was yet to find out. I had began to study the soldiers test to join in the camps, then and only then would other brothers that were in long before me and the leaders would consider you as a brother, knowing that you were ready to lay your life down to tell the Caucasian to his face in the middle of the greatest city in America that he Mr White man is the 'devil' that the bible spoke of. 
      One Saturday as I contemplated with Raw-Hab on selecting my Hebrew name I told him I was going to take the name of Caleb [Ka-Lab]. We were in the stairwell of the school at that time when Ah-Ra-Yah was passing by and gave a a look at Raw-Hab, After he passed, Raw-Hab flipped on me and told me in no uncertain terms that I was to not take that name as it also meant 'dog'.
     Pick another name he told me. I later found out why. Brothers would scream at those fake Jews and called them 'Rosh Caleb' (red dogs). Man am I glad I never took that name. I looked around the list of words and Hebrew names available, and not wanting to bite off of any other brother's name I sought one that would be unique to me.
      I found the name for Bronze and I thought okay, since I was kinda light skinned I'll take that but it was not me in totality, so I kept Ah-Rad (bronze) as the first part of my name, but I needed something else to go with my personality.
      I remembered back in Esau's army that a brother had given me a tarot card reading and in it he had pulled the card of knives, after three times he told me that that was indicative of something in my personality.
      Swords were what attracted me to spark up my first meeting with Raw-Hab and I looked up the word for sword and it was Chaa-Rab. {I later found out in my Hebrew studies that the word Chaa-Rab was also translated as 'Horeb'} And so I became Ah-Rad Chaa-Rab. Some ten years later I dropped the Ah-Rad and just kept Chaa-Rab.
      After getting my Hebrew Name I was now ready to attend the Sabbath (Shabath) services held early in the mornings before brothers went to camp. I now had a name but was not yet ready for the battlefield as I had not yet passed the soldiers test, I now had to learn to write and speak basic words from the Hebrew teacher at the time Sha-La-mah. Little did I know that Ah-Ra-Yah was also the foremost teacher of the language.
      My first Sabbath service was amazing. There was a podium with the Elder, Ma-Sha who then called up Ah-Ra-Yah who sat to the right of Ma-Sha with a space in the middle for a third man. The third man had to do like wise as Ah-Ra-Yah by stating his name, son of what tribe he was, son of Israel.
      Example, the young man would start off the service with a sip of wine with the Elders, on the podium, but, i'll use another brother as an example, he would stand up and placing his hand on his heart in the salutation that brothers did, he would say Chaa- Kam (wisdom) ban Ya-Ha-Wah-Dah (Judah) ban Ya-Shar Ah-La (Israel.). Wisdom, son of Judah, son of Israel.
     The elders would then salute him and he would take his place on the podium. It was then I realized that Ah-Ra-Yah was not just the second in command, he was the co-leader with Ma-Sha, and he was the driving force of fire driving us all along, not speaking for anyone else but I would willingly die on the battlefield with this man standing up for the truth of the Negro more than any other. His name Of Lion suited him fine as well as the tribe from which he stood for, Judah. Of course that was back then. The only thing that I couldn't understand even back then was his being enamored with Ya-Shai-Ya. 
      The reading of the scriptures was taken from the Assyrian writings that Amalek (the Fake Jews) now have in their possession. It was one thing to learn to read and write the ancient Hebrew in it's original form, but it was a whole different thing trying to read and write it from the changed format in the Assyrian writings with the different endings for the letters Ma, Na, Pa, Ka,  and Ta-za.
      The Lord's prayer was said in Hebrew by all, with one man reading or saying it in English after, this was done also with the 121st Psalm, and then the Ten Commandments, then blessing for receiving the law, the light,and the fruit of the vine, at which time the members on the podium sipped with a toast to Israel, and then all were commanded to be seated. All prayers were done facing the East. At the close to the end of service, all circumcised males were required to touch the scroll of the Torah, {The laws written on a scroll} and ask the most high to bless them.
      Uncircumcised brothers could not touch the scroll nor even come up to the podium. I could do neither at the time, and the words of the Most High to Abraham (Ah-Ba Ra-ham) came to my mind distinctly and clearly, Gen 17 vs 10 "This is my covenant which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised".
      I knew then that sooner or later I most definitely had to be circumcised if I wanted to participate fully in all aspects of Israel. It was almost the middle of summer that year in 1988 that I went and took the soldiers test. Apart from knowing the answers to certain scriptural questions one also had to be able to write the entire Hebrew alphabet.
     Sha-La-Mah may have seemed strict at the time but in reality he was very lenient, he knew many a brother wanted to be in a camp, there were 4 different formats of writing Hebrew, from an almost similar style of Arabic writings to the Assyrian to the ancient. If a brother at least knew the basic writing of the ancient which was the easiest to write and comprehend he let you pass the test if knew your scriptures also, otherwise you would fail and have to retake the test another time.
     Shar was from Kentucky. Gruff and rough speaking he had a good heart but he was a follower. He was an avid chess player and He could be seen playing chess with Ah-Ra-Yah often. But I digress from my journey here. After taking my soldiers test and passing it at my second try by making sure I could correctly write the ancient alphabet in it's entirety., I was now ready for camp. Once a month though there was a mandatory council meeting where all members were required to attend, and it was in council that differences were resolved, brothers assigned to camps, and other affairs of the school and brothers were addressed.
 To be continued.


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