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January 27, 2016

Race -The Movie-s and Hollywood/ Hollyweird

        Race, a movie coming to a theater near you soon. A double entendre of racial bigotry cooked up by Hollywood to milk monies from people of color. Despite our alleged freedom and emancipation, Blacks law dictionary still states that we, people of color, descendants of slaves, are still considered to be without rights or due process of law or even our basic humanity. 
                                                                                                                                                           Race! A movie cooked up to show a foot race that will live in history to prove the physical superiority of the Black race. (Race, a term coined up by white bigots to differentiate themselves from the rest of the inhabitants of this planet who all happen to be people of color.) Hollywood sure knows how to milk monies from events that have affected their [whitey's history], and ours [Blacks].

      Time after time these racists supremacists who control the industry, have made movies about the events that the Negroes have done to impact the way of life in sports and other areas of living without so much as even acknowledging the actors or the story itself. Examples? How about the life of Jack Johnson, or better yet Jackie Robinson who broke the color barrier to make Blacks enter the Lilly white world of baseball.  

            That old bigot Clint Eastwood with a smirk on his face said it was just a matter of people crying for not having won any awards. Examine Mr Eastwood's ability to milk monies from people of color.  In all his 'Dirty Harry' movies Mr Eastwood had a purported friend who had roles in three of them. In one he was a pimp who threw Drano down a hookers throat and was killed by corrupt cops, in another he was his cop friend who got killed by the bad guys looking for Harry, and in the first he was the guy who didn't take the chance that the magnum was empty.  
                                                                                                                                                              Eastwood also had a black partner who got firebombed at his mailbox.  How about Eastwood using Mr Morgan Freeman in the 'Unforgiven'  and 'Million Dollar baby"? A hint of Mr Eastwood's bigotry was evidenced by a line in one of his Dirty harry Movies which a lot of black folks did not pay heed to, and it was the response to something another white did for him in which he {Eastwood} replied, that "it was mighty white" of that person. 

           During the so-called Blaxploitation era in which we were making our own black movies with our own heroes like Fred Williamson "The legend of Niger Charley" in which when he shot the red necked racist cracker, he told him that the real Jews are Black. D'Orville Martin, Pam Grier, Jim Brown, Bernie Casey and so many others,  it caused Hollywood to break into a sweat.   
                                                                                                                                                             Considering that the Negro could become a serious threat to his inflow of monies the white supremacists cleverly threw bones to a few black actors to do integrated movies with them[whites] that made whitey's pockets bulge from worldwide rise in sales of his movie profits. In forcing integration of blacks into accepting whites as the superiors in the industry, it marked the downward spiral of blacks making advances into all areas of the movie industry.   

           Now Hollywood has a black figurehead for the movie academy, [she's absolutely powerless to even make any significant changes to the industry]. Now to add insult to injury, comedian Chris Rock has been announced to host the all white affair of the annual gag fest the Oscars.

          Damned if he does, and damned if he don't. The choice is his to make. Personally I think that all Blacks need to boycott the Oscars, it's long overdue for the change, that we must now begin to have honor for ourselves and be separate from them. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, my people, [Since these devils refuse to let us go- from the days of Nat Turner and Marcus Garvey] that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev chap 18 vs 4 (K.J.V.1611).                                                                                                                                  
           Should Chris Rock decide to do the event because of being afraid of being white balled by these racists {heathens} he gets no respect from me, not that it matters. What Mr Chris Rock may not seem to understand is the ultimate subterfuge that this devil is pulling. One, while denying Negroes any artistic recognition, they are pulling a fast one in having a black face there to give them a few guffaws while they snicker that 'see, we aren't racists, why, we even have a black guy giving us our rewards', you can pardon me while I choke at the bald faced audacity these supremacists are pulling in front of our very eyes.                                                                                                                                               
            Black entertainment was based on negro buffoonery, led by white men in blackface, it began in the early 1820's. These white men in blackface portrayed the Negro as idiot savants, as well as portraying black women, it is no wonder that to this day these homosexual deviants have corrupted the mindset of all black actors that have since then entered the entertainment industry.                                                                                                                                    
              The Character 'Rochester' as played by  Eddie Anderson generated a lot of appeal to black radio listeners as well as viewers when the show moved from radio to television. It also made Jack Benny one of the most beloved comics of his time. But on to the prejudicial side of Hollywood.  Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for her portrayal of a white woman who took a Negro teenager into her home.                                                                                                                                    
               Ms Bullock had lived for years next to door to black Icon Mr Sydney Poitier, without even so much as acknowledging him. After her award there was the awkward meeting with Mr Poitier as if to say she was now on his level as an actor. examine that fact and you can see that when she played the uptight housewifely bigot in the movie 'Crash' she was no doubt showing her real face.                                                                                                                                    
              With the exception of Mr Quentin Tarantino, there are extremely few Caucasian producers and directors that will have anything to do with the production of an all star black cast in any movie or produce a movie with the main character being a Negro, for fear of being labled 'nigger lovers' and getting a back lash for their efforts.[whiteballed so to speak, {enough with the negative connotation of black ball}]                                                                                                                              
             We once had our own music producing labels that produced great music, for example Motown was once black owned, sold out by Mr Berry Gordy, Now it has been up to young bloods like Dr Dre, and Ice Cube to open up studios to let young aspiring Negro singers and rappers to sing and rap conscious lyrics to our youth, and not the self destructive, disrespect to our women, love of material instead of love for one another that the current rulers of darkness would have us all listen to.                                                                                                                                   
              Believe it or not, Michael Jackson in an interview in London, publicly denounced one of the music industries greatest mogul's Stanley Motta, and called him out stressing the fact that the dude was a devil. It was not long after that that Mr Jackson met his untimely demise. Go figure that one out. You can best believe that if this system is still up and running next year (Caucasian rulership of the planet) that the most trivial Black Movie will be up for an award and just as they gave the African sister an award for playing a slave, so too they will give an award to a Black male or female not for anything distinguished, but for playing either a buffoon or worse, a criminal.  Anything to reinforce a negative stereotype of the Negro. And so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you peace.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

January 25, 2016

The Miseducation of Ms lauryn Hill

         The miseducation or rather the purposeful misleading of the Negro child has been a white priority not only in America but all across the globe wherever Black people find themselves living. While it is a good thing to be able to communicate and survive with the tongue or languages of the oppressor his programming is what has done the most damages to us as a people and he is still doing so to this day.                                                                                                                                
         For many of us older folks, growing up, we were forced to repeat silly and idiotic sayings, like some damned egg named humpty dumpty sitting on a wall, three blind mice, and the equally ridiculous saying about some cow jumping over the moon, etc, under the pretext that we were being taught to read.                                                                                                                                
         There are two old sayings that have been put to use with extreme success against us. The first is 'A picture is worth a thousand words'. Lo and behold in our earliest indoctrination's by the white supremacists was the picture of some blond haired blue eyed devil that we were forced to accept in all churches and places of worship that that was the son of god.                                                                                                                                 
         As children we were not allowed to question our parents acceptance of this lie, as respect for our elders was still ingrained in us. No one bothered to question that the words in the book said that Christ the Son of God had white woolly hair, not blonde stringy dog hair, and none questioned the fact that it is written that he also had skin that was if it were burned in a furnace, and you know that ultimately anything burned becomes black. "My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat". Job chap 30 vs 30 (K.J.V. 1611)                                                                                                                                  
         That reference was to also let you know that this is a black man's book, written by black men. Before Barack Obama became president it was the universal goal of racist guidance counselors to misdirect aspiring young black minds to jobs that were subservient to white interests. Our children were always told to seek employment that benefited them and that was to be laborers of all sorts.                                                                                                                                  
          Aspirations to become aviators, astronomers, oceanographers or to do anything involving cranial activity was frowned upon by most guidance counselors. The second saying is to 'Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it'. This is found in the book of Proverbs, chap 22 vs 6 (K.J.V.1611). It has been used against our offspring most effectively since we and our elders have forsaken the training of our young ones minds.                                                                                                                               
          When the blacks (who are the true Jews) got taken from the shores of Africa and brought to the west, many men and women suffered not only physical anguish from extreme brutality, but both men and women were raped and sodomized by our capturers the Caucasian.                                                                                                                                      
          After years of imprisoning black males and forcing homosexual values in their minds these whites then try to insinuate that that was the natural state of the mindset of blacks. We know this to be false. Deuteronomy chap 28 vs 68 tells that we would be sold into the hands of our enemies. This enemy saw to it that he promoted himself as the Most High God to us whom he captured.                                                                                                                              
           2 Thessalonians chapter 2 vs 3 & 4,"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,[Judgement Day] except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, {The white man, Caucasian} the son of perdition; (One of the archaic meanings of the word is utter ruin, and only one species has been responsible for the deterioration and destruction of the planet - yes you guessed it right if you said the white man). Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God [residing in the minds of blacks via that white imagery of Cesare Borgia the fake Christ] shewing himself that he is God". [K.J.V. 1611.]                                                                                                                                    
           Since the year 2012 errant and deviant homosexual mores have been forced into the educational system upon our children to accept and encourage this filthy lascivious behavior. Not only has been the school system been instructed to follow that mode of operation, commerce also followed suit by placing homosexual ads every where to influence the minds of our young from the moment they stepped out of their parents homes until they returned, these ads were on buses, in trains and on the tell a lie vision sets.                                                                                                                                    
          Today, as also in yesteryear, our children have yet to be taught that we were the ones who invented the bathtub and showed the miscreant white folks how to be sanitary, and to wash themselves (bathe). Our children have yet to be taught by the enemy that we were the inventors and creators of writing and mathematics. They have yet to be taught by the enemy that we had great centers of learning while they still dwelt in caves because then civilized men chased them from view.                                                                                                                                    
           "They were driven forth from among men( they cried after them as after a thief;) [And I ask you who has stolen the wealth of the entire earth? Is it not the Rothschild's and his fellow Caucasians?] To dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, in the caves of the earth, and in the rocks". Job chap 30 vs 5,6. (K.J.V. 1611). The History of the Caucasian is that he came from the cave of the Caucuses Mountains of Georgia, Russia and that is why they are called Caucasians, whether they be British, Irish, French, Russian, Greek, Italian, Spanish or any other Eurocentric analomy they call themselves.                                                                                                                             
          In the educational system our children have not been given the inspiration to think outside the box but to have the mindset of the obedient and subservient servant ready to jump when massa pulls the string.                                                                                                                                   
           Blacks who have opted to attend white college institutions of learning are now coming to the realization that not only is the educational system out to milk them of present and future earnings, but of the racial status quo that goes along with trying to earn college credits in whatever curriculum they attempt to pursue.                                                                                                                                    
            Keep in mind the aura and air of white supremacy that permeats the entire system that allows whites to act as if the blacks who are applying to their institutions are begging to be admitted with hat in hand so to speak. Note also that in no form or fashion any white college historian will teach the rich history of people of color in his classes. WHAT? And admit that Blacks have been their benefactors? No way Jose, never going to happen.                                                                                                                                    
           Hand in hand with white racism and their alleged supremacy is the outright prevention of true justice due to the Negro in America. Here are but a few cases of which Blacks in America know having been denied justice know too well. A young Black male is arrested on drug charges in Fairfield Va and is held on $2 million bail, meanwhile a young white male murders 9 blacks in a church, is arrested with kid gloves and given a mere $1 million bail setting.                                                                                                                                      
            We, (Blacks) are constantly mistreated, and treated as if we were the common criminal with no inherent rights to be granted by a system of racist Judges, police, prosecutors and jurors. Whites are allowed to travel openly with firearms despite their affiliations with white supremacy groups hellbent on destroying the Negro and any other people of color, while black children playing with toy guns are gunned down mercilessly and their killers set free by this racist system.                                                                                                                                
          Kwame Kilpatrick, Black, and a former mayor of Detroit Michigan, is now doing a bid of 28 yrs for the misuse of city funds. Meanwhile under the orders of Klanmember Gov Rick Snyder's insistence the Negroes residing in Flint Michigan were constantly told the drinking water was safe despite it's cruddy appearance. Black folks and their offspring were being deliberately poisoned with contaminated water and the Blame and cause of this is The Governor himself.                                                                                                                               
          It was the Governor and his fellow racists who claimed it was too expensive to giving these Negroes safe and clean water to drink and cook and clean themselves with, so they came up with the plan to kill them off with the poisoned waters of the Flint river, why hasn't he resigned or even been arrested? You can bet your bottom dollar that were it a Black Governor who had poisoned a bunch of Caucasians he would have already been lynched.                                                                                                                                     
           Speaking of lynching, on the corner of Flushing and Knickerbocker Avenues, in Bushwick Brooklyn, there is a picture of a Negro being lynched on a street sign in plain view, in an area that is mostly white controlled, and this is in the year 2016 and no one in the City's government finds this offensive? It's still there!!                                                                                                                                     
            Again the arrogance of the descendants of these slave owners are of such that they straight up dare us Negroes to challenge their authority and superiority and right to rule over us as they have been doing for so many hundreds of years.                                                                                                                                 
           It would be comical, were it not so sad that these miscreants who profess themselves to be our superiors, keep imitating everything that we blacks do, in life as well as in speech. Every bit of 'Ebonics' Black jargon, slang's and sayings have well transcended into these cretins vocabulary. We first coined the term "from the git go" (from the start) "24/7" (twenty four hours a day seven days a week), have all found their way into the diction of many a white folk, including these same racists who would deny us our right to live.                                                                                                                                    
          There are so many other things and mannerisms that have been copied from us every time we try to be separate from them, that it would probably fit into a copy of a jet magazine from cover to cover,(Lord knows when's the last time you seen one of them{Jet magazine}]? So many things we have lost it's a crying shame. However all is not lost, and so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.

January 21, 2016

RACE - ism And White Supremacy

        History! (His-Story). When the Caucasian began to make explosives from the use of the sulfuric materials used in the making of firecrackers, he/they quickly used this knowledge to not only war among themselves, but to overcome and subjugate all other peoples of color.                                                                                                                                  
        One only has to look at Australia. A peaceable land until the arrival of expelled undesirable British citizens, guilty of crimes ranging from murder to the very outright lunatics they had no desire to endure. Taken there by the British Govt they then began the systematic destruction of the original Aborigine,  during the colonization process of the country, that of those that remain, through some adroit form of chemicalization, {sounds fictionalization though don't it?} they all look like ashen ghosts without any  resemblance of their original black skins.                                                                                                                             
         Fast forward to 2016 to this present day world now ruled by the Caucasian in the personage of the U.S.of A. Now begins the task of asking the questions that refuse to be ignored in the battle between good and evil, of truth over lies, that righteousness and Justice may prevail.                                                                                                                                     
        If the Federal Government, elected by the People, to be for the representing of the people, and the governance of it's laws of equity and justice, Why is not the law of the land enforced equally under the letter of the law, as is (not) currently practiced by the Justice Dept? Why are States allowed to let outright murder of it's citizenry to go blatantly unpunished simply because the victims were black men and women?                                                                                                                                  
         As far as the Martin Luther King Holiday as stated by the Federal Government, the only personnel that even receives overtime pay for working on that day as far as the people of color for whom he died representing, are those that work for city, state  or federal level employees that must work, for the system to function.                                                                                                                                 
         There are still companies that require their employees to work on that day without giving them overtime, and this is in reference to their black employees. Discrimination and that air of white supremacy  has permeated every place of business and form of endeavor that the Negro has put forth his effort to, similar to the corrosive poison that came through the pipes on the unsuspecting victims in Flint, Michigan.                                                                                                                                   
          Now the cry to commit to a black boycott of Lilly white Hollywood, ruled also by the white supremacists who want only what they wish to acquiesce of the black community from the standpoint of making money off of us.                                                                                                                                      
          Hollywierd oops, Hollywood has long had a history of not recognizing the artistic endeavors of movies relevant to the History of the struggles of the Blacks who came here as slaves and our current dilemma of trying to co exist with the devil himself.                                                                                                                                        
         The Historic March for the rights of Blacks to have their voices heard in the determination of governance of ourselves, and the right to vote, from Tennessee to Alabama was remade as a film of the life Dr King. A movie that wasn't even mentioned come award giving time during Hollywood's annual gag fest. Those of us who are conscious never watch that folly any how.                                                                                                                                        
          But , let us examine many of their buffoonery and programming. (brainwashing our young one's minds diverting them from the current battle of good over evil).  Denzel Washington never got an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Charismatic Malik El Shabazz, aka Malcom X, nor was the movie and portrayal of the true to life story of Rubin Hurricane Carter. Instead he was given an award for playing a corrupt  cop in the movie "Training Day".                                                                                                                              
          The Sensational and original Mo Nique after winning an Oscar hasn't been seen much since winning her award, Hollywood's and white supremacy saying we make you, we can break you. Doug Williams, the first black QB to win a super bowl (for the Washington Redskins), was not even given back the starting job the following season nor did he get any form of commercial endorsements that today's modern blacks in sports are enjoying.                                                                                                                                  
           QB's like Randall Cunningham, and Warren Moon have had to endure many things that go with any white ruled sport. The QB and Head Coaching jobs were always smug representations of white supremacy. Coach Lovie Smith was fired from the Tampa bay Bucs after only two seasons without him getting the opportunity to build a dynasty. On the surprising end is the fact that the Bengals head coach still has his job.                                                                                                                                    
          As for the black boycott business, it has long been overdue. We need to segregate and separate ourselves from them. We had Motown as one the few remaining companies that was black owned bought out by white interest groups. Black Entertainment Television was bought out by Viacom, Caucasian owned and controlled.                                                                                                                               
          The truth of Tavis Smiley's book of the "Covenant with African America" is that due to the incessant and corrupt thinking of white supremacy we have lost most of what those who got bloodied and died for gained during the tumultuous 60's 70's and 80's. In New York a young man has spent up to five years imprisoned without even going to trial.  Of a city which once boasted of being the melting pot of humanity and the proud bearer of the statue of Liberty, of the seven radio stations which once catered to black audiences, all have been sold.                                                                                                                                 

          All black owned businesses that have had any form of financial success, had been the targets of unscrupulous racist white characters in and out of the gov't or trade organizations. It is an economic war as much as the struggle for the truth to emerge, because those who have money can spend it to spread lies and pacify and pervert true judgement and justice from occurring.                                                                                                                                   
           Black Colleges and University's are currently urgently in need of financial assistance to stay operating and to be of any assistance to the black mans future survival. For those whites who also got poisoned from the Flint river in what is this centuries out right and blatant form of chemical warfare ever perpetrated against a predominantly black city, you now know that the white supremacists could care less about you when you reside or exist too close to blacks.                                                                                                                                   
            The residents of Flint should have taken heed to my warnings from my past blogs concerning the state of drinking river water in this land. Every river and lake in America has toxins and toxic ingredients you would find it hard to believe but true. Remember, the CDC were the same folks who injected over 600 black males with the venereal disease Syphilis without their knowledge or consent, and denied them treatment while hoping for it's outbreak within the black community.                                                                                                                                
          Here are two more questions for the so called Justice Department,{perhaps we should say the department of injustice and unequal enforcement}. Why is a Black female Police officer Sgt kizzy Adonis being charged with offences concerning the death of Eric Garner, while his actual murderer Daniel Pantaleao is walking around free as a lark?                                                                                                                                  
          Just when and where was she when this murder was caught on tape?  And the film's creator arrested for various crimes that could be brought against him. According to this corrupt and out right K.K.K. police dept that arrest black males and deny them the right to due process daily, she was guilty of failing to supervise.  This they are doing with a straight face. When will the Justice Dept intervene and bring forth true Justice?                                                                                                                                     
           In 2006 in the city of Buffalo, New York, Black female Police officer Carol Horne was fired from her job for attempting to stop her then presumed partner from choking out an already handcuffed black suspect. before she was fired she was beaten savagely by her racist partner so badly that she needed facial surgery. When will Justice be done by the Justice department?                                                                                                                                   
            After the deliberate poisoning of the waters of predominantly black Flint, Michigan, the chief stepinfetchit er the President Mr Obama refused to declare a state of emergency, coming on T.V. stating he/the gov't has the back of the Mayor and it's(Flint) residents. Seems to me the only back he's got is to turn his from the plight of Blacks in America. History will show him for what he is, a coward who did nothing to prevent racist so called law enforcement (K.K.K. Policemen) from murdering blacks all across the nation indiscriminately simply because he is a pawn placed there to bamboozle blacks.                                                                                                                               
             Recall the black nurse in Tuskegee, who was placed there by the CDC racists with orders to deny and turn around any blacks who would seek treatment for the symptoms of the Syphilis they were unaware of being infected with, was given a Nobel prize. A fat lump sum of money with a fancy sounding title for aiding and abetting the destruction of her people.                                                                                                                            

           John F. Kennedy went on national Television and openly rebuked the backwards racist mentality of the vast majority of western and southern States that to this day still practice racism. To some folks that was the reason for his assassination, truth be told however, was Mr Kennedy was about to usurp the power of the Federal Reserve Board, which is an independent entity not related to nor subject to the Federal Government. This entity is the sole possession of the Rothschild's.                                                                                                                             
          They are not only in control of the Federal Reserve Board, they also control the international I.M.F. After Mr Kennedy's threat of turning American currency to having the dollar backed by real silver and Gold and giving the autonomy of the Federal Reserve back to the collective will of the people, he was promptly assassinated after his speech in which he decried the secret societies which had an ironclad grip on politics, commerce and industry.                                                                                                                                          
           One of the top secret emails that was leaked from Hillary Clinton's e-mails was that Libyan leader Qaddafi had over 143 tons of gold and an almost similar amount in silver. The plan of the Libyan leader was to establish or to set up a monetary system for the French speaking African nations. This would in turn shut out the white dominance of the French over our African brothers in the war against white supremacy.                                                                                                                                 
           Make no mistake about it, our very survival is a matter of economics. Germany was almost bankrupt when Adolph Hitler turned the finances of his country around. The Rothschild's started off the worlds war by egging Poland via the Banks in London that promised them funding if they would attack the Germans in every way possible.                                                                                                                             
           As for the hoax that has been placed upon the globe that six million fake Jews died in an holocaust, unearthed records have shown that only 270, 000 of them were actually killed. The real holocaust here is the deaths of over 100 million Negroes who died in transit over the Atlantic ocean, and upon our arrivals on the shores of the Caribbean Islands and the shores of America.                                                                                                                                     
           There is more to be said, but time and space prevents that and so my friends, until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.

January 15, 2016

What Is Right In America? Or What's Wrong? Racism In America.!

         The American public, gullible,programmable, bamboozled and hoodwinked into being the most pliable people on the planet. Just what is it that is right about America.?  About the only thing that is saving this land is the existence of the so-called Negro who is barely eking out an existence in this country.                                                                                                                                   
         The majority of white racist supremacists are I am quite sure, ignorant to the facts that blacks have contributed to every phase of development in America and indeed the entire planet. From the invention of lifesaving equipment, i.e. Gas Masks, refrigeration, the traffic light, steam iron and an endless list still in progress to this very day that I haven't the time, space or inclination to do all of them here.                                                                                                                                         
          Sadly many of these racists are the same people who go around imitating our style of dress, mannerisms, slang's, indeed our very way of living as if they were the authors of originality. That aint right. errr,  That's not right. Wait, there's more.                                                                                                                                      
          Chris Christie in his GOP debate ranted  against the President most disrespectfully saying that he/they {the republican party} will kick Mr Obama's rear end out of the white house at the end of his term. This fallacy of his must be addressed. Firstly, due to term limits the current President has no other option but to leave the white house to the next presidential elect.                                                                                                                                         
          Christie also made a statement concerning how many republicans became governors and of just how the republicans have taken over both the Senate and Congress. Just how blind will the American public be?  Chris Christie running for president and he cannot even control his people from running amok on the G.W. Bridge, creating  distress for motorists and businesses alike.                                                                                                                                        
          Just how blind are you to the game of politics America? whenever there is a democratic President, Congress and the Senate has always been of a republican overload. Likewise whenever there is a republican President, Congress and the Senate has been decidedly democratic.                                                                                                                                        
          Neither party has any hope for the Negro in America. Consider that for more than 40 years Negroes infected purposely with syphilis by the CDC and denied medical treatment have yet to have this grievance redressed by either party.                                                                                                                                     
          New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio have long been bastions of covert racism. Ohio has just recently switched from covert to openly overt murder and outright discriminatory practices against all people of color. In Pennsylvania, Mumia Abul Jamaal  has been imprisoned unjustly for far too long and still has yet to see justice.                                                                                                                                       
          Indeed, were it not for the tireless efforts of three whites who came down from Canada and the charity of two Caucasian lawyers {and one beleiving black young man of Mr Carter's innocence} in Mr Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter's defense, he probably would still be an innocent man still rotting away in prison.  And this was in New Jersey. It is safe to say that about three eight's of black men incarcerated are there wrongfully, placed there by racist policemen and sentenced by bigoted judges.                                                                                                                                       
          The right to a speedy and just trial seems to apply to whites only. While the media has played upon the emotional content of women in the accusations of rape by white women,{Let us not forget how racist white women can be, and are just as heinous as their male counterparts, many white women through sheer evil have caused many a black male to lose limbs, eyes and even their lives by outright lying against them accusing them of ogling or touching or of even raping them}.                                                                                                                                       
          Then there are those white men who have raped many black women willy nilly and not even so much as a reprimand or rebuke for their devilish behavior. There is even the case of a certain policeman who after raping his victims and threatening their lives went back for seconds and third helpings of his victims, just where is the outrage from our allegedly bally hood black women?                                                                                                                                    
           It has been said that of all ethnic and racial breakdowns the Black African American woman is the highest educated of all. Yet what I can see of them is the support of fake hair (in the emulation of white women in the guise of free to do what you want) making it a $4 billion a year industry. Suddenly their voices have gotten silent.                                                                                                                                      
           Here are a few questions none of the political pundits are asking that is relevant to everyone in America, not just blacks and whites. One(1), when will the Federal Reserve be made answerable to the Federal Government and the American Citizens? In even more pressing economic concerns, during the ever mounting rise in gasoline and fuel production, the cost of living index skyrocketed, to every phase of living. To this day as of this writing, every week the costs of meats, produce, and other necessities keep spiraling upward apparently out of control.                                                                                                                                     
           Since gasoline and fuel cost have seen a recent decline, why has the prices of goods whose prices soared when gas was high, have not also been reduced to give the average consumer some relief from the pressures of the high costs of living?                                                                                                                                       
           In his book 'Secrets of The Temple' author William Greider, while exposing a few facts of the Federal Reserve, throughout his book has omitted any reference to the fact that it is an Illuminati stronghold that has it's hands on the necks of the American public. So too does Wall Street.  Governments spend money because they are authorized to print it. They do so  without regard to consequences of trade or international relations.                                                                                                                                   
          Wall Street on the other hand, is synonymous with slavery and worldwide chicanery.Wall Street first began with the buying and selling of slaves. That has been the cornerstone of Wall Street's trading to this very day,and the prison system is a sure fire investment for whites as there will be no lack of prisoners as long as the Negro continues to live in this country.                                                                                                                                
          That this is also one reason that Marcus Garvey's plan to remove all blacks from this land was met with trickery and deceit and his eventual imprisonment on trumped up charges of mail fraud by the so-called jews who are just pawns in the Rothschilds'[Red child] Illuminati.                                                                                                                                       
          It has been reported that Goldman Sachs will pay a $5 billion dollar settlement in the mortgage scandal that gripped the nation in the early days of Mr Obama's Presidency. But to who are they giving these monies to? Will the thousands of African Americans who lost their homes due to the maliciousness of the Illuminati controlled banking system get back anything or even their homes?  Methinks not!  Then there is the court system, varying with racial hatred and intensity from state to state all across America.                                                                                                                                  
          Racism has been of such intensity that Mr Tavis Smiley has written in his book "Covenant with African Americans"of all the losses that so many black men have fought to gain, bled and died for, and all that our young have been focused on is the garbage that is spewed forth on the idiot box that has America programmed, the T.V.                                                                                                                                       
          Consider, that whenever a black politician in New York or anywhere in the country that won an election, and had the support of their black constituents, some racist planner would come up with some re zoning or redistricting to remove power from the voice of the colored folks and put the majority of most districts into the hands of whites. This has been going on relentlessly since blacks got their heads and bodies busted by white racist police  pretending to obeying the law which was no law at all since there was no justice down in Selma Alabama.                                                                                                                                   
         That mode of redistricting or rezoning spread from Alabama all the way to New York. The constant removal of the right of the black man and woman in America to our GOD given rights to determine our own rulers and not just who massa says should be representing us.  Oh when will John Q Public wake up to the lies and pretension's being paraded in front of their eyes?                                                                                                                                         
         Every time that the M.T.A. decides to raise fares or tolls they supposedly hold a public hearing, for what purpose I really do not know as without fail they raise the fares or tolls after holding hearings despite any and everybody's plea against the hardships those increases will bring, and still the sheeple do nothing but sigh oh hum que sera sera, whatever will be will be, what a crying shame. Hmm.                                                                                                                                       
         As for Ted Cruz slamming New York as pro gay, lets make one thing perfectly clear here, his republican party mates have been the ones caught with their pants down with male interns, and his fellow politicians are all a bunch of faggots that have passed laws decrying their denouncement, that do a summer fling in the redwoods of California praising Satan while sexing each other and doing murderous sacrifice of children, so don't put that on New York.                                                                                                                                 

         Not everyone in New York upholds the current level of faggotry err homosexuality sweeping the nation that has in part been spurred by the government and judges who are part and parcel of this disgusting system of Sodomy. This is the sad dilemma that has reached the upright man of color. "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, {America} which spiritually is called Sodom (because of the legalizing of homosexual acts and deeds) and Egypt [Egypt is also a Greek word for bondage and indeed many blacks still fail to see that we are enslaved- enthralled to the whims of the slave trader viz a viz wall Street speculators who has us all under the thralldom of interest run by the bankers.] where also our lord was crucified". Revelation chap 11 vs 8 K.J.V 1611] Wanna get white folks upset? tell them the truth that CHRIST was/ is a black man and they will try to lynch you on the spot.                                                                                                                                    
         While I cannot fault many a black male for denouncing the bible, it has all been the fault of the white man for trying to portray himself as the ultimate authority, but know this, that in reading, studying and comprehending this book it is the sole property of the Black man living in captivity worldwide.                                                                                                                                      
        There are those who allege that the bible is a plagiarized version of the Egyptian book of the dead. This is for another discussion on another day. This is for those of us who denounce homosexuality and them that relish that filth. " And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem (the Negroes) and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof". Ezekiel chap 9 vs 4.[K.J.V. 1611].                                                                                                                                 
          If you cannot see what is wrong in this land then all must be right for you, and if not then you must be sighing and crying for all the ills and wrongs done to our people, and so until next time, do your best to live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.