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March 21, 2016

Truth vs Deception

     "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Revelation chap 3 vs 9, [K.J.V. 1611]. These are words of promise to a people unrecognized as the real deal, The true Jews of the planet, the Negro.

      Zondervans Bible Dictionary states that Ham {Derived from the Hebrew word Chaam meaning hot} is the father of the known dark races on the planet with the exception of the Negro. Who then are these peculiar people? They are the children of Jacob, whose fourth son was named Judah from whom the term Jew was coined, and mentioned in the Bible, the majority of them not knowing their true history or circumstances that have led to their current state in world affairs and community, and unkownst to the vast majority of their en-slavers who persist on persecuting them to this very day.

      As for the Captors who through the course of time, put their images up in our books, forced their captive tongues upon us, then proceeded to mislead us with erroneous information in education so as to suppress any idea of our greatness. Their lies and habitual usage of them will eventually come to aid in their fall from power.
      "But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value." Job chap 13 vs 4, [K.J.V. 1611]. Just to dissect this one verse, gives clue to whom this refers to. The use of lies has been evident ever since we all discovered that yes Virginia there is no Santa Clause and he has nothing to do with the birth of Christ. Rabbits do not lay chicken eggs ever! Not even during the time of the pagan celebration to the goddess Ashtoreth, called Easter.

      Now to the present. In his mis-education of myself and so many others, {Fortunately so many of us awoke from his mental brainwash.} we were told that every ten years was a decade. A century was the Roman term for a hundred years, right,? Right. So let's see if I have this right, the 1400's would seem to be the fourteenth century, seeing that the numbers begin with fourteen, correct? Same thing could be said of the 15th and 16th centuries too or am I incorrect? From 1700 to 1800 should be 100 years and thus be a century, right?

      So why is it in 1968 an author in his writings {Barry Downing -'The Bible and Flying Saucers'} would state that a person attending school in that era was living in the twentieth century when we didn't even reach the year 2000 yet?,     [the past y2k hysteria of mass calamity], And now there are those who wish to insist on telling us that we are living in the 21st century, when the numbers do not compute, at least to me, did someone get a memo that the rest of us did not receive? Or is it that pathological lying is just inherent in the genes of the Caucasians?

      At the beginning of the twentieth century, 2008, America saw an alleged historical occasion, the election of it's first black president, allowed by the ruling racist power elite to bamboozle blacks, {the Jews}, into thinking that they would be getting an even and fair deal from their former captors. Incredible as it seems, here we are in the 20th century, and there are still vehemently violent bigoted whites who are still within the ranks of law enforcement, are judges and prosecutors, senators and congressmen who deliberately pass laws to inhibit the right of the Negro in his pursuit of freedom, liberty and happiness.

     It should be no surprise then that these words of comfort belong only to one ethnic and racial group, like it or not, and that this book the bible is really a good news book for the Negro. Most, not all 'Christians' think that they are 'Gentiles' both in body and mind and that those whites now living in the occupied states of the land of Israel and Palestine are the Jews. The people now in residence at Jerusalem are impostors placed there by the Rothschild's and their Illuminati organization. 

     Jerusalem was once occupied by the children of Chaam (Ham). One look at the world map and one can easily surmise that all the planets land mass was once one big mass surrounded by water, and that it had to have been a cataclysmic event to have split such vast areas of land that far apart even though it looks like the pieces could be put back together almost evenly if it were a jigsaw puzzle. 

      With that in mind we can now ascribe that whole land mass as Africa, for want of a better term to the understanding of those who are just coming up on a level of knowledge, that region now called the middle east was once all occupied by Black men, both the Negro and the African or children of Chaam as they were then known as.

     That area was also once called the 'Garden of Eden', and from which the term 'horn of plenty' derived. The so-called Israelis who now occupy Palestine and Jerusalem are the Caucasian descendants of Amalek, great grandson of Esau, who is Edom also known as the Caucasian, or plain whitey. Note: they are not really white, just different shades of pink and red.

     As for their physicians, they are all sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry. Just as a true 'Seer' can meet and see a person for the first time and tell them of events and people in their lives without asking, so too can a real physician look at a person and tell what ails them. Today's doctors cannot do so. they have to listen to you tell them what ails you and then they prescribe something manufactured by their sponsors, which by the way has so many side effects, that there are now a plethora of lawyers waiting to file lawsuits of these medications, hmm. 
     "For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob". Isaiah chap 14 vs 1 [K.J.V. 1611].  Factor this with the prediction in Revelation and we see that salvation is on the way for the entire Negro populace. And to think that I haven't even begun to address what I wanted to say, well friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.


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