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March 31, 2016

Controversies, God, The Bible, Religion, UFO'S, Science vs Faith 1

      This presentation is not for those who are afraid to think for themselves or to question anything or everything. Let me state for the record that to me what others call GOD, I will refer to as First Cause. To further clarify, I will refer continuously to the book called the 'Holy Bible'. Considered by millions to be the greatest compilation of books ever to affect mankind, it has also been called a plagiarized version of "The Egyptian Book Of The Dead".
       Having the misfortune to have never read or investigated this book for myself, I must also make note here that in the Bible's defense, the Hebrews (Negroes) were held captives under the Egyptians for over 400 years.
       All 66 books of the current Bible was sanctioned by the Nicene Council, or the council of Nicaea, take your pick. Many books never made it past this ecumenical council. Among them are the "Lost Books of the Bible" which included the books of Clement and Barnabas, "The Forgotten books of Enoch", 'The Book of Jasher', and other books mentioned in the Chronicles of the Kings. There are also books and testaments written by the first 12 sons of Jacob, from Reuben down to Benjamin.
       To understand parts of Genesis, one must read the complete works of Flavius Josephus, who indicates that the genealogy written in chap 5 of Genesis is about the Hebrew community and those men mentioned were the ones who took over the administration of the Negroes who were forming their own nation at that point of time in history.
       There are many versions of this Bible, including the 'Catholic Douay-Rheims Version' which omits the third commandment "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images, nor bow down to or serve them".
       The Catholic Church has duped millions into idol worship in the form of statues to various alleged saints and to Mary and Christ, and even worse portraying them as being Caucasian.
        In the Bible's defense is Isaiah chap 45 vs 1. "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden,". This king was named and mentioned more than three hundred years before his birth. Incredible? Truth. Is there a similar or like prophesy written within the Egyptian book of the Dead? Give proof if you dare.
       Considered as the authentic words of God, the Bible itself has many questionable things written that needs further examination despite those who insist that everything written therein should be accepted on blind faith.
       Questions like these have not been answered by the ruling clergy of organized religion, of which comes the first question, did God (First Cause) give man religion? Psalms 147 vs 19,20 says no. "He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord".
        Moral (ethics), civil, dietary and ceremonial laws were handed to the Hebrews, and has always been a cornerstone of living by the Negroes (Hebrews). Nowhere has any mention of any religion been handed out or commanded within the pages of the Bible.
       Having digressed from the first and most important question, let us now ask the question that many have been afraid to ask. It has been said and written that God is the Father, Christ is the son, Mary being his mother, has been dubbed "the mother of God" by catholic catechism. Here is the problematic question though, since we all have fathers and mothers, if God is the father, that would imply that he had a mother, no?
        As far as life is as we know it on this planet all mothers have fathers just as all fathers have mothers. Clergy denying the feminine side of First Cause (God) has stated  for the purposes of control that the 'Holy trinity consists of God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy spirit, and of course if one questions the "Holy Spirit" one will be condemned for all eternity.
       Unsatisfied with the answers from organized religion, naysayers, and cynical scientists, I will therefore refer to the one who has caused my being as "The First Cause", as the theory of evolution (The big bang theory) fails to address this planets longevity or how man came to exist on it.
      That man could do even greater things than he is doing now if he utilized all the grey matter called his brain, is indisputable. The fact that some higher intelligence's came together to not only form this planet but to create man is evident to those of us with enough common sense to see that order in the universe did not occur from some unknown big bang happenstance.
       The theory of evolution has blindsided itself by the mere fact that there are no fishes jumping out of the ocean to begin walking upright, nor are there any apes, gorillas, monkeys or any of those primates that have begun to walk upright and speak like man.
       All species are still reproducing after their kind just as it is written in the first book of Moses called Genesis. This though leads to another question, How could Moses, born during the time of Negro (Hebrew) captivity in ancient Egypt [land of Mizraim, also called Kemet], know so much about the forming of the planet and the creators of flora, fauna and mankind?
        Since God (First Cause) said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" why hasn't the clergy and all preachers addressed this statement, that more than one was involved with not only creating male and female but also the very planet itself?
       The words US and OUR certainly implies team effort and not one individuals deeds or efforts. Then there is the statement or verse that states in Genesis chap 1 vs 27, "So God created man in his own image, (note the shift from vs 26 wherein God said "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness), in the image of God created he him; male and female created he THEM".
       Many men, and certainly some of my brethren will disagree with what I am about to say, but it is obvious that since the Powers [Ah La Ha Yam in Hebrew] {First Cause} made male and female in their likeness and image, that women also were given the same powers of imagination as men, but men have always suppressed their creativity and exercise of the same powers that men do. You can agree or disagree, but history tells the tale.
      Having come to the conclusion that more than one entity or force was involved with not only formulating the planet but men and women also, we must now address the unthinkable to most 'Christians'.
      Did Beings with higher intelligence's than man come from other dimensions, or worlds, to create man similar to the way that man has been experimenting with cloning and producing laboratory babies?
      The very first verse of Genesis is about the formulation of this planet by First Cause. If Moses was indeed the author of this book then we must presume that a higher intelligence was giving Moses a running breakdown of creation that men of that era could understand.
      This also gives credence to two things, (1) that UFO's were in existence before the formulation of the planet, (2) there is a higher force that is in charge of all life, be it on this planet or in other dimensions unknown to us, that we call God and I say First Cause. 
       In just over two centuries man has gone from riding Horses and Horse drawn carriages, to rocket propulsion and travel to the ozone layer [the Heavens] and beyond. This could not have been done with out the assistance of higher intelligence's and technology, which unknown to the general public have/has been given to various governments from the U.S to the U.S.S.R. and are now seeping out to the public in various forms such as LED lighting.
       Have you seen the commercial with the liquid plastic that can mend anything after being exposed to UV light? It also has incredible strength after being bonded to whatever it has been applied to. This is but two of the space age tech that is sweeping the planet, including the computer and cell phone trends currently raging across the globe.
       Of course with all these technological advances, the vast majority of scientist worldwide are inclined to dismiss the Powers [First Cause] {GOD} from their thinking, and by promoting and advancing the big bang theory they insist that there is no God.
       "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good". Psalms 14 vs 1 [K.J.V. 1611]. So far the chemical industry has been an over $88 billion a year industry that is poisoning the air, food and water supply, permeated the cosmetics field and is killing thousands of women, who silly as it may seem, still insist on placing chemicals in their scalps with hair dyes, poisonous mascara all over their faces, among other vain vanities which they've been hoodwinked to tryout.
      But back to the Spaceships, or UFO's, or preferable known as the Chariots of Israel. 2 Kings chap 2 vs 11, "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven".
     Ancient man has always been seeing these chariots, indeed this could have been inferred from the time that Abraham came across the angelic beings who rained fire and destruction on the 5 cities which included Sodom and Gomorrah.
     The three men who visited Lot wore what we would nowadays call spacesuits and shoes that were split toed similar to some types of kung Fu type shoes we see in the martial arts world.
      Wars of Gods and Men by Zechariah Sitchin points out that when fire rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah, it was done so via some sort of vehicle traveling from outside of our ozone layer and quite possible from another dimension as the ashes to this day still emit radioactive radiation. Alas Time and space are running out but I will continue on another page, and so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.


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