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April 04, 2016

Controversies, God, The Bible, UFO's Science vs Faith. 3

      Mercury the element as shown to me as a child attending school appeared to be a reddish substance in thermometers and those instruments used to measure temperatures. Through science, Soviet scientists with the help of non-earth intelligence's have devised a method of shrinking radioactive weapons grade plutonium, using {'Red Mercury'} Mercury shrinking the old mega sized warheads that required tons of steel and rockets to launch, to being able to put it/them in an attache or hand carried suitcase, without reducing it's devastating explosiveness. 
       Hence the term "Dirty Bomb" has been coined by those who know that once the children of Ishmael {so-called Arabs} get their hands on such a device the world is in for even more devastating bombings in the name of 'Allah'. Hmm.
       "Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines". Satchel Paige. One Universal question many people find themselves asking themselves is, 'why am I here, and what is my purpose in life'? Few have been fortunate to live full productive and happy lives while the rest of mankind runs around in circles like a dog chasing his tail, going two steps forward and one step back heading nowhere.
      So far as I can tell, neither science or organized religion has done much to answer any of these questions or put the mind of the average Joe at ease. So, does God exist? To put things in perspective, the Greek/ English word for power is God. God, however, spelled backwards is Dog.
       To the minds of the Hebrews (Negroes) we do have a hard time accepting this Caucasian philosophy of God. Why? The Hebrew language [La Sha Wan Qa Dash] {the Holy Tongue} is written from right to left unlike the devils languages (Caucasians) which proceed from left to right.
      Thus to the Hebrew mind whenever he (whitey) speaks of God, somewhere subliminally in his Hebrew mindset some one is trying to make him honor a four legged creature. The original term for what we in our English minds call God is translated from the Hebrew word for power, which is Ah La.
       In Genesis, the start of the Negro chronicles, the reference to beings and other supernatural phenomena were referred to as Ah La Ha Yam, {the Powers}. Yes there is intelligent life elsewhere other than just on the planet Eden (Earth). There are also other paranormal events affecting not only the wind, water and earth, but also man which can never be fully explained by our current collective Frankenstein doctors/scientists. Yes There is a GOD who I will refer to as First Cause.
      Although it may seem tenuous to link First cause to UFO's, spiritual entities and science yet I will attempt to do just that right here.
      To understand the book of Genesis it seems that one must also understand the book of Revelation as the events in Revelation seem to affect our (man's) beginning in the known Universe; {ours}.
       The mention of Cherubs [Ka Rab Yam-Cherubim] to guard the way to the tree of life is the first suggestion of higher life forms other than man on the planet. Gen 3:24. Just what is this flaming sword that they used to stop man from finding out how to live longer or eternally I have no idea, and neither does pastor pork chops or reverend ham hocks, who insist on telling their congregants it's okay to violate the dietary laws and consume all abominable meats with just a prayer  and all will be a-okay. Hmm.
       Of a truth, the days of the dinosaurs ended when under the command of unseen forces all the animals that were to be saved aligned up themselves for transportation on the ark with Noah. 
       Truth that First Cause is directing the events and peoples of the planet is found in the books of Daniel, (Daniel chap 4 vs 17) and Revelation, (Revelation chap 4 vs 11). This may be a hard pill for many to swallow especially if their questions as to who and why they are living on the planet has yet to be answered by that mystical voice in the sky, or the still small voice within them.
       That there are spiritual entities belonging to First Cause is evident when Jacob had his dream of angels ascending and descending above his head in a dream. Indeed, dreams do indicate that man has a spiritual side which is in-explainable by these modern Egyptian scientists. 
       But in all fairness one must question Gen chap 32 vs 1 which states, "And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him". Just who were these angels? In today's high tech fast paced world how does one distinguish or recognize an angel? You don't unless they wish to reveal either themselves or the planet they are from or spiritual realm from which they came. Hebrews chap 13 vs 2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".
       The war in heaven that was described in Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9, has been denied vehemently by some brethren who argue that where First Cause is [Yah, Ya Ha Wah, Yahuah Ya ha wah shai, or any of his names that he has revealed to many] there could not have been any form of warfare.
       Know for sure that there are not only spiritual forces at work, both good and evil, {positive and negative} in our world but throughout the Universe, Galaxies and beyond. There are also space and dimension travelling vehicles by beings more technologically advanced than man that are also both for good and for evil, [positive and negative.] Recall Genesis when it was said behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil: those forces have ever been in existence long before man.
       I once had a dream of looking up into the sky and observing three flying sphere like type of vehicles, in the midst of them was a great big Handsome (no homo) black man flying in the midst of them. He was attired in a green robe, golden girdle around his waist as described in Daniel chap 10:6 and Revelation chap 1:13. I knew that it was the Son of Yah and as I cried out to him Ya Ha Wah Shai, I reached out my hand for him to take me up as he flew towards me, He touched the tip of my fingers and I awoke feeling like my body had dissolved and disappointed that he had not taken me with him, and that I was still on the planet. It was not until later I realized that had he taken me my carcass would have been found and none would have been any wiser to what had transpired.
       So yes there are vehicles belonging to the powers [Ah la ha yam] as well as there are vehicles belonging to the adversary, {Satan, Sha Tan}. If puny man can build rockets that explore outside our ozone layer, super speed aircraft, i.e fighter jets and concord aircraft's, and vehicles that transverse underneath our planets oceans, [submarines], then why do so many choose to ignore that First cause (GOD) can have his own vehicular army? Just why do so many choose to act like ostriches and bury their heads in the sand rather than open their eyes and use the brain that Yah has made them with?
      And now to the battle between science and faith. To the toddler still crawling and seeing grown-ups walking, his/her greatest challenge and desire is to accomplish this act of walking as we see when we adore baby's first steps. This is the first act of faith that all that walk on two legs accomplish. From it's first steps a child has developed the faith and belief that it can walk and does so more and more with ease the more it attempts to do so until he/she can do so without conscious effort upon awakening from sleep. scientist can explain away the physical deeds all they want to but they cannot explain the unfathomable faith.
        "For we walk by faith, not by sight". 2 Corinthians 5 vs 7 [K.J.V. 1611.] From the simple act of walking to the acceptance of the highest power in all of creation both earthly and heavenly also requires an accepting by faith that HE exists.
        That scientists have always been under the influence of evil forces [negative] has always been evident from the days of the 'alchemists' who were attempting to transform lead into gold for their personal gain. But wait, it goes back even further to the days of Nimrod and the first tower of Babel, the first Babylon.
       When the first tower was being built, was it being built to be a landing zone for the negative forces at war with Michael and his troops who were representing First Cause in the fight against Lucifer? Remember that Lucifer is mentioned in Isaiah chap 14 as falling from heaven and Revelation chap 12 has him getting kicked out from a lofty position (He got Fired) and being placed on earth. To be continued, and until next time live well, be happy, make love we bid you Peace.

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