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February 23, 2014

Plastic-Plasticide or Homicide?

        Plastic, ever since it's inception, has been touted to be of great benefit to mankind, but it's insidious proliferation into our daily lives and it's effects on people and the environment, leads to the burning billion $ dollar $ question, is it a homicide, suicide, or both? The benefits of plastic was once shown as being indispensable for the use of man, i.e. the use of plastic tubing in hospitals carrying I.V.'s to patients and the plastic bags carrying the solution. It's use has also been lauded in assisting patients in inhaling oxygen and in the use of major surgeries.                                                                             

         So why would any one speak ill of something that seems to have so much good in it's usage  for mankind? The negatives of this material far outweigh any seeming good that it may have, and as we are about to show you, it is nothing more than an evil necessity  that has been forced upon mankind.                                                                                         
        Genesis chapter 3 vs 1 when the serpent (Satan-Lucifer) approached Eve, his words to her were, "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  This 'tree' is the same tree that God told Adam in Genesis 2 vs 17 not to touch. "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die".                                                                                       
           The proliferation of plastic into the daily life of city dwellers all across the globe is an alarming trend. Every single product in use or bought by urban residents are encased in plastic, from drinking water to meats purchased at the local supermarket, or bread and cakes bought at the bakery, plastic has been inculcated into every aspect of our lives and yet most of us fail to see the dire results of such prolonged usage in the years ahead. You don't agree with this?                                                                                              

             As a small child, at the tender age of eight,the most terrifying story I ever read , was the story of Pandora's box. Now more than ever the similarity between the box of Pandora and the deception of Eve with the knowledge of good and evil has become more and more parallel in equation.                                                                                                  
           The manufacturing and usage of plastics has contributed vastly to the carcinogens in our air, water, and food supply more than we care to admit. Consider the case of 9/11., and the innocuous ink pen. The vast majority of ink pens are made out of plastic, especially those that are of the disposable kind. Next, factor in the fact that the inner tubing containing the ink for writing is also made of plastic.                                                              
           Were you to burn a couple thousand of those things at once you could not stand in the immediate vicinity without being affected by those fumes, and add to those pens the various plastic wrappers from candy, peanuts, plastic ware from  the various eateries in the buildings and from different furniture, and you have serious miasma of different grades of plastic {meaning different levels of chemicals in use to either harden or soften the plastics involved} burning to release high levels of toxic carcinogens.                                                                                         
           For those first responders  and the folks who were involved in the cleanup following that infamous day, they [and the rest of us] were told that the air quality was non toxic. We now find out that was not true as the gallant folks who tried to save lives, assist in the cleanup and the truckers who were first on the scene to make the place restored to some sense of normalcy, are now falling like flies to a myriad amount of cancers and assorted respiratory ailments.                                                                                                    
           In an earlier blog we gave a list of some of the ingredients that make up plastic, which some of them are related to rubber, a close kin to plastic which also is contributing to our planets demise, as there are so many cast of rubber tires that are non recyclable, that if they were all lumped together they could make two Mount Everest's or fill all the deserts on the planet.                                                                                                             
           Plastic has been so inculcated into our daily existence that we barely notice how much we have been placed into a dependency upon it.  Add to the fact that man is a very programmable being, it is easy to see how the forces of darkness has used that knowledge to orchestrate their agenda upon mankind. There is a scripture that says train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it, if a child is trained to do good from early childhood, in adulthood that child will continue to do good, and the same holds true for bad/negative training.                                                                         
         That said, why are we now being programmed to accept talking reptiles? [Geico]-and talking animals? Pardon the digression here, as this link will be expounded on at a later date. Hardened plastic is used for the seats on buses in mass transit and other peripherals in use on these vehicles, the seats on trains and other necessary peripherals, that we do not even take notice.  Library chairs, chairs in Gov't buildings, even those plush office chairs in corporate offices, have plastic manipulating devices at the bottom of them, ensuring that we do not do without this invention.                                                       
          Akin to rubber, plastic is not a bio-degradable substance. It is on the verge of becoming the scourge of the 20th/21st century. The vast majority of urban/inner city dwellers discard plastic without even a moments thought of the impact that improperly discarded plastic has upon the environment. Most do not even consider how disgusting discarded plastic bags look upon the branches of various trees after been blown there by the wind, and marring the very aesthetic look of these plants that have been placed here to assist us with oxygen and other life giving uses.                                                                                                           
           Styrofoam, another rendition of plastic, was recently outlawed by the New York City Council, due to it's poor relationship with the environment, the amount of PCB's the containers release into both the air and coffee's and foods consumed via those types of containers. Man has been slowly becoming aware of the dangers of modern society via the new technological advances that we have been programmed to think that we just cannot live without. Nevertheless,and even though the task to stop man from creating and using more and more plastic seems daunting, yet for the survival of our species we must advocate the dangers of too much plastic in our daily life and living, which is leading up to planetary plasticide/homicide. Let us stop from killing ourselves, and so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.                                                                   

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