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July 28, 2016

Disparities. Or Only in America

      Ethiopia. The only country that flies on it's flag the symbol of a Lion. A country where the term Negus means king, not nigger. It was also the only 'Christian' country amidst a sea of Muslim countries, and it has been, and is still rumored, that the Emperor Menelik 1st, was the direct son of the great King Solomon. That there could be some semblance of truth to this is in scripture, though very debatable.
       In 1 Kings chapter 11 vs 1-3 we read,"But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moab-ites, Ammon-ites, Edom-ites, Zidonians, and Hittites;
       Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love:
       And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart."
      This verse though in chap 10 vs 13 is what makes it seem plausible. "And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire,  whatsoever she asked, beside that which he gave her of her royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants. 
      A man as wise and handsome as the great king Solomon, player back then, think he didn't ? Think the queen of Sheba could have resisted him?  Now to his alleged descendants starting with Menelik 1 then II and after. Born Lij Tafari, he was given the title Ras upon being made the ruler of a province making him Ras-Tafari.
      After being made Emperor, his name was changed to Haile Selassie, the name means the power of the trinity. When the Italians under Mussolini attacked Ethiopia, it was with the blessings/consent of the British and French gov'ts.
      In the 'Kebra Negast', the Ethiopian book of Kings, it is alleged that in the night when sleep fell on men that the ark of the covenant was spirited away by Sheba, impregnated with Solomon's offspring, and her company, with the aid of some  Levites, and that despite the efforts of king Solomon to retrieve the ark, failed as the powers of The Most High aided the Ethiopians queen in her escape.
      These Levites then became known as Falashan {foreigners} Jews. the word 'Falasha' is the Amharic for foreign or strangers. Marcus Garvey had once prophesied that blacks should look to the east for a king long before Ras-Tafari became crowned Emperor of Ethiopia, and during this coronation was given also the titles of king of kings, and called the conquering lion of Judah. A title the Shah of Iran also tried to keep until deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini.
      Many Rastafarians took those man made titles to mean that the now crowned Haile Selassie was the Son of The Most High returned in the flesh. Time has since proven that Selassie was never the ultimate "King of kings and Lord of lords" that is prophesied of in the book of Revelation and it was during the last days of his tenure that both Somalia and Eritrea broke away from Ethiopian rule and began their own autonomic governance. 
      Despite the flaw of trusting in man as the highest power, Rastafarian thinking has been the doorway to the path of higher learning for many influences in many strata of living. Diet and the refrain from eating unclean and unhealthy foods led to 'ital' cooking and the re-inventing of many new ways to enjoy vegetarian type dishes along with eating clean fishes. [Fishes with scales.].
      The real nation of Israel has been scattered into every nation and country and place on this planet. The tribe of Judah has been ascribed as the Negroes who are the descendants of slaves in America. One can also say that there has to be members of Judah left behind in the various ports of the Caribbean Islands as those were the main transfer points before further travel to the States.
      The tribe of Gad has also been in the mix between Judah and {"Ban-yam-yan"} Benjamin as Benjamin has been alleged to be the other slaves left behind on the Islands during this era. "And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth  as a lion, {those long head dress of feathers in the form of a lion's mane upon their heads}, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head".
      "And he provided the first part for himself, because there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; and he came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel". Deuteronomy chap 33 vs 20-21. [K.J.V.].
       In the Caribbean Isles, there are brothers who insist that they themselves are from the tribe of Judah, and no one can tell them differently. America, considered as 'great Babylon', Sodom and Gomorrah, and Egypt, is also the home of the most prisons on the planet. A once proud phrase of "Only in America", was a phrase of hope now relegated to facts of deeds of atrocities done against the Negroes.
      'Only in America', can a white male murder 9 blacks in a church, and get kid gloves treatment upon his arrest. Only in America can a racist killer get off freely for murdering an unarmed black teenager, have the weapon used in the commission of his crime be sold for enormous profit, while a black male on drug charges be held on $2 million dollar bond, while a mass murderer of blacks receives a mere $1 Million bail bond. Hmm.
        Only in America, can the killings of blacks be so nonchalantly told by the mass media as if it were mere trivia. Whites have always made it seem fashionable to be diffident when it comes to their ability to differentiate the worst of their ilk among themselves, and while doing so, become complicit in the racial crimes of their fellow whites by their seeming indifference.
       Only in America can white racist groups sworn to the destruction of the Negro be sworn in to uphold law and order. Are they for real with that crap.??? Why is it that Klu Klux klansmen are allowed to be the police but not the Black Panthers? Only in America are whites allowed to carry and bear arms while should blacks seek the same rights, the response against them is almost overwhelming. 
       Only in America can a white male having anti government sentiments and slogans with him, carry assault weaponry and not be arrested while a black teen with a pocket knife who stabs a tire is shot dead within 16 seconds of stabbing the aforementioned tire. Only in America are whites given a free pass to commit murder and other crimes against society and walk free while blacks are given subhuman treatment in their encounters with law enforcement.
       The N.R.A., long a proponent of the right to bear arms as set forth in the second amendment, changed their tune when Members of the Black Panther Party began to assert their rights to bear arms, and sided with legislation designed to disarm the Panthers or any other black who thought it would be terrific to be able to defend their families and homes.
        Only in America, are the laws as written, apply only to whites without prejudice, while a whole subversive set of rules concerning the same laws, are applied to blacks. Only in America, can politicians tell us Negroes that they are all for equal rights for us Negroes, but go back to business as usual in killing and murdering our men women and children. As for the lying politicians this is what the Lord says about the white man, i.e. Donald Trump and Hillary and Bill Clinton;
        "He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him: he hath broken his covenant. (Remember, how the white men under the U.S. Gov't broke each and every peace treaty and agreement ever made with the North American Indian). {Remember, that when whitey declared an end to slavery it never ended.} In fact just recently in as late as 1977-78 there was the discovery of a still running slave farm in the Carolina's.
       "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, (promises promises but never delivered), but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords".  Psalms 55 vs 20-21. [K.J.V.] That's the way of the white world, from back then until now, nothing has changed about these people. "For their vine is the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter: Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps." Deuteronomy chap 32 vs 32-33.[K.J.V. 1611].
        So should we believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton/s have the black populaces best interests in their hearts? Bill in speaking of Hillary's taking the ball and moving forward must have been dramatic irony since he had his balls in Monica lewinsky's face denying he 'had sex with that woman'. Guess Hillary wiped those balls off and kept it moving. Hmm.
        Most Negroes do not wish for me to speak ill of their beloved Barack Obama, and his Michelle. Buck Ofama!!!!! Only in America, you can find a black President who never spoke out against racism during his seven years and six months in office, until a Negro got fed up of the murders of blacks in so many states across the U.S. and retaliated killing five cops; one of whom was a registered racist anti-Negro type. A President slow to speak out against the atrocities done to black women and the killings of young black males, but is first to be on T.V. and radio endorsing some damned faggot for coming out the closet. Did I say faggot? Hmm, should I have said 'gay'?
        Gay supposed to mean happy. I just don't see no man being happy with  another man going up his damned rectum. So yes let's call it as it is, faggots. They need death as per the word of the Lord in his laws set forth in the book of Leviticus. And so friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love (man and woman to each other please), we bid you Peace.  

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