Ethiopia. The only country that flies on it's flag the symbol of a Lion. A country where the term Negus means king, not nigger. It was also the only 'Christian' country amidst a sea of Muslim countries, and it has been, and is still rumored, that the Emperor Menelik 1st, was the direct son of the great King Solomon. That there could be some semblance of truth to this is in scripture, though very debatable.
In 1 Kings chapter 11 vs 1-3 we read,"But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moab-ites, Ammon-ites, Edom-ites, Zidonians, and Hittites;
Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love:
And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart."
This verse though in chap 10 vs 13 is what makes it seem plausible. "And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which he gave her of her royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.
A man as wise and handsome as the great king Solomon, player back then, think he didn't ? Think the queen of Sheba could have resisted him? Now to his alleged descendants starting with Menelik 1 then II and after. Born Lij Tafari, he was given the title Ras upon being made the ruler of a province making him Ras-Tafari.
After being made Emperor, his name was changed to Haile Selassie, the name means the power of the trinity. When the Italians under Mussolini attacked Ethiopia, it was with the blessings/consent of the British and French gov'ts.
In the 'Kebra Negast', the Ethiopian book of Kings, it is alleged that in the night when sleep fell on men that the ark of the covenant was spirited away by Sheba, impregnated with Solomon's offspring, and her company, with the aid of some Levites, and that despite the efforts of king Solomon to retrieve the ark, failed as the powers of The Most High aided the Ethiopians queen in her escape.
These Levites then became known as Falashan {foreigners} Jews. the word 'Falasha' is the Amharic for foreign or strangers. Marcus Garvey had once prophesied that blacks should look to the east for a king long before Ras-Tafari became crowned Emperor of Ethiopia, and during this coronation was given also the titles of king of kings, and called the conquering lion of Judah. A title the Shah of Iran also tried to keep until deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Many Rastafarians took those man made titles to mean that the now crowned Haile Selassie was the Son of The Most High returned in the flesh. Time has since proven that Selassie was never the ultimate "King of kings and Lord of lords" that is prophesied of in the book of Revelation and it was during the last days of his tenure that both Somalia and Eritrea broke away from Ethiopian rule and began their own autonomic governance.
Despite the flaw of trusting in man as the highest power, Rastafarian thinking has been the doorway to the path of higher learning for many influences in many strata of living. Diet and the refrain from eating unclean and unhealthy foods led to 'ital' cooking and the re-inventing of many new ways to enjoy vegetarian type dishes along with eating clean fishes. [Fishes with scales.].
The real nation of Israel has been scattered into every nation and country and place on this planet. The tribe of Judah has been ascribed as the Negroes who are the descendants of slaves in America. One can also say that there has to be members of Judah left behind in the various ports of the Caribbean Islands as those were the main transfer points before further travel to the States.
The tribe of Gad has also been in the mix between Judah and {"Ban-yam-yan"} Benjamin as Benjamin has been alleged to be the other slaves left behind on the Islands during this era. "And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, {those long head dress of feathers in the form of a lion's mane upon their heads}, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head".
"And he provided the first part for himself, because there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; and he came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel". Deuteronomy chap 33 vs 20-21. [K.J.V.].
In the Caribbean Isles, there are brothers who insist that they themselves are from the tribe of Judah, and no one can tell them differently. America, considered as 'great Babylon', Sodom and Gomorrah, and Egypt, is also the home of the most prisons on the planet. A once proud phrase of "Only in America", was a phrase of hope now relegated to facts of deeds of atrocities done against the Negroes.
'Only in America', can a white male murder 9 blacks in a church, and get kid gloves treatment upon his arrest. Only in America can a racist killer get off freely for murdering an unarmed black teenager, have the weapon used in the commission of his crime be sold for enormous profit, while a black male on drug charges be held on $2 million dollar bond, while a mass murderer of blacks receives a mere $1 Million bail bond. Hmm.
Only in America, can the killings of blacks be so nonchalantly told by the mass media as if it were mere trivia. Whites have always made it seem fashionable to be diffident when it comes to their ability to differentiate the worst of their ilk among themselves, and while doing so, become complicit in the racial crimes of their fellow whites by their seeming indifference.
Only in America can white racist groups sworn to the destruction of the Negro be sworn in to uphold law and order. Are they for real with that crap.??? Why is it that Klu Klux klansmen are allowed to be the police but not the Black Panthers? Only in America are whites allowed to carry and bear arms while should blacks seek the same rights, the response against them is almost overwhelming.
Only in America can a white male having anti government sentiments and slogans with him, carry assault weaponry and not be arrested while a black teen with a pocket knife who stabs a tire is shot dead within 16 seconds of stabbing the aforementioned tire. Only in America are whites given a free pass to commit murder and other crimes against society and walk free while blacks are given subhuman treatment in their encounters with law enforcement.
The N.R.A., long a proponent of the right to bear arms as set forth in the second amendment, changed their tune when Members of the Black Panther Party began to assert their rights to bear arms, and sided with legislation designed to disarm the Panthers or any other black who thought it would be terrific to be able to defend their families and homes.
Only in America, are the laws as written, apply only to whites without prejudice, while a whole subversive set of rules concerning the same laws, are applied to blacks. Only in America, can politicians tell us Negroes that they are all for equal rights for us Negroes, but go back to business as usual in killing and murdering our men women and children. As for the lying politicians this is what the Lord says about the white man, i.e. Donald Trump and Hillary and Bill Clinton;
"He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him: he hath broken his covenant. (Remember, how the white men under the U.S. Gov't broke each and every peace treaty and agreement ever made with the North American Indian). {Remember, that when whitey declared an end to slavery it never ended.} In fact just recently in as late as 1977-78 there was the discovery of a still running slave farm in the Carolina's.
"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, (promises promises but never delivered), but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords". Psalms 55 vs 20-21. [K.J.V.] That's the way of the white world, from back then until now, nothing has changed about these people. "For their vine is the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter: Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps." Deuteronomy chap 32 vs 32-33.[K.J.V. 1611].
So should we believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton/s have the black populaces best interests in their hearts? Bill in speaking of Hillary's taking the ball and moving forward must have been dramatic irony since he had his balls in Monica lewinsky's face denying he 'had sex with that woman'. Guess Hillary wiped those balls off and kept it moving. Hmm.
Most Negroes do not wish for me to speak ill of their beloved Barack Obama, and his Michelle. Buck Ofama!!!!! Only in America, you can find a black President who never spoke out against racism during his seven years and six months in office, until a Negro got fed up of the murders of blacks in so many states across the U.S. and retaliated killing five cops; one of whom was a registered racist anti-Negro type. A President slow to speak out against the atrocities done to black women and the killings of young black males, but is first to be on T.V. and radio endorsing some damned faggot for coming out the closet. Did I say faggot? Hmm, should I have said 'gay'?
Gay supposed to mean happy. I just don't see no man being happy with another man going up his damned rectum. So yes let's call it as it is, faggots. They need death as per the word of the Lord in his laws set forth in the book of Leviticus. And so friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love (man and woman to each other please), we bid you Peace.
July 28, 2016
July 21, 2016
Prophesies!!! There Will Be No Healing in Race and Police Relations!
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever". Daniel chap 2 vs 44. [K.J.V. 1611].
Again, the Lord put the spirit of vengeance upon another man of Judah, Gavin Eugene Long, who also gave up his life in taking out three police men, one of whom unfortunately happened to be black. It must be noted here, that all black policemen who do not speak out against the long list of whites who have murdered blacks in extremely dubious fashion and walked away without persecution, are complicit in aiding and abetting the murders of their own kind.
Blacks who stand silently with whites in the blue/khaki line of silence are not in good conscience morally, especially when they themselves (blacks) are recipients of racist treatments and comments inside their respective precincts or station-houses.
The police have been murdering members of the black community with impunity for decades, if not centuries, backed by elected white officials, sanctioned by white voters. And now that retribution is beginning to be handed out to the same police departments, house Negroes and fearful whites begin to decry the results.
Most, if not all, public schools and colleges that are dedicated to the education of black youth, all have systematic lead poisoned water flowing through their water fountains and taps to effectively affect the brains and minds of our young. Add to that mix the forced imposition upon us to submit our young to vaccines that prove to be harmful to us in the long run (term).
The C.D.C. has yet to be held accountable for giving the black community syphilis and causing the deaths of over 8oo black men while denying them treatment. And still whitey acts as if they are surprised that blacks still have resentment for these modern day evils being perpetrated against us.
The law of having one's male child to be circumcised on the eighth day from birth will never be done by these fake devil so-called 'Jews', as they have no intention of honoring the true people of Yah. We as a people also have the right to home school our children but this devil will not allow it. Try to do so and you will be faced with threats of prison time.
While the current president tries to do damage control, the whole earth is now seeing America's hypocrisy, in it's dealings towards it's citizenry of color, and that they are treated not as citizens but as an unwanted nation dwelling in their midst. "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise". Daniel chapter 2 vs 40
This fourth kingdom from the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the second Babylon, is now about to crumble, as I submit to you that America is this kingdom, also called Egypt, Sodom, and great Babylon. The list of atrocities done against blacks in this land is almost endless. The Police has been the front line of oppression and repression against us blacks and all Negroes.
While the half truth that they are there to protect the weak from being bullied and certainly trampled by the avarice of human nature, none can deny that in truth all they do is terrorize the black community. {The vast majority of them}.
A black male is held on drug charges in Virginia, and is held on $2 million bail, while the white mass murderer of 9 black church members is arrested with kid gloves and held on $1 million bail. This tells us in the black community, that you whites just don't give a damn about us blacks, real LOUD.
To those blacks who stand by whitey's side despite his bigotry, along with our lame duck Oreo cookie President, history does not look kindly upon traitors to their own race/nation. Just ask Benedict Arnold.
"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; (deny it all you want Obama, but the truth still stands, America is divided) but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay." We be in the days of this last kingdom as was revealed to Daniel and king Nebuchadnezzar.
Vs 42, "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken"
43, "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay". Thus we see the Lord Yah is against racial miscegenation and this alleged false unity between blacks (iron) and white (clay). this unity is also bound to fail because of whitey's deep seated hatred towards the Negroes and their refusal to treat the Negro as equals.
The arrogance of the Caucasian is evident in his attempt at global domination, but his clay laden plans will fail. "Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is not satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people: Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay?
Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them"? Habakkuk chap 2 vs 5-7 [K.J.V]
While Uncle tom Ruckus Obama is giving platitudes and accolades to the racially motivated and biased police force, (the majority of them), the years of injustice, degrading treatment, unjust prison sentences, the removal of the rights of black defendants by racists judges in cahoots with the police (the city of Chicago a prime example) and the general showing of disrespect towards all blacks by the police has gone past the boiling point and like a pot on the stove left unchecked is now about to spill all over the place.
Again the Lord raised up the spirit of vengeance on another black male in Baton Rouge and three more cops lay dead. Instead of seeking to curb white racism which has lead to these deaths, this President is seeking to arm them even more to murder even more blacks. Keep in mind that he has also sanctioned the giving of 'silencers' to police departments across the nation. Just what will the police be doing with silencers???
True, not all white cops are bigoted individually, but when among'st their associates who are biased they do nothing to reject their friendships which makes them also compliant in perpetuating racism. And again the word of Yah stands true here in Ezekiel chapter 35 vs 2- 5.
"Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, (Mt Seir is the home of Edom i.e. the Caucus Mountains), and prophesy against it." [Prophesy against the white race]. And say unto it, thus saith the Lord God; Behold O mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out my hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate."
Vs 5: "Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword (guns) in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end. Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God [Yah], I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith (since) thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee".
As long as the current state of injustices are being carried out against the Negro without any form or semblance of justice handed out to those who murder us, those who unjustly oppress us via motor vehicle tickets for driving while black, dehumanizing treatment at our respective jobs, the constant overcharging us in insurance rates, charging us more for our cars, homes, and selling our neighborhoods defective and porous foods and materials, these retaliatory strike backs will only increase, and yes the war is coming.
When Michelle Obama first came into the white house with her husband, she was a regal and proud looking black woman. After seeing her since the Trump wife's debacle of plagiarizing parts of her speech, she now looks like a distraught white woman all frazzled. What message is she and these Hollywood types sending to our young impressionable black females? That it's best to look white and reject our blackness?
It's time to regain our black pride and like the late king of Soul said in his song, "Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud". Even more and more black men are still being murdered by the police as we speak, a new case in Florida, that kill a Negro and get off free state. Police dog attacks a black male who kills it in defense of self , is given a 23 yr sentence, meanwhile our murderers are given paid administrative leave. Is that not a pat on the back and an 'atta boy' to these bigoted killers?
There should be no paid leave for outright murder, in the most blatant cases as seen on video, demands immediate suspension and revocation of weapon carrying privileges. As blacks We demand and deserve the right to be treated as human beings. "For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye." Zechariah chap 2 vs 8 [K.J.V.].
That we must deliver ourselves is an admonishment from on high. Zechariah chap 2 vs 7 states,"Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon". Surely we can not be delivered by ourselves, but as in the old saying 'the Lord helps those who help themselves', so too we must as a people begin to exercise our economic power by limiting our spending with our enemies and developing our own economic base.
Random shooting of the police doesn't ensure that those who get capped are deserving racists. While it may give second thoughts to some who entertain the idea of killing us while they are in uniform, our best strategy is make them lose money by our lack of supporting any of their business establishments wherever they have done us these grave injustices.
The time of deliverance is almost here. As more and more blacks get killed by mercenary whites disguised as lawmen, and as more righteously indignant black men retaliate to this escalation, these things must also come to pass, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places." Matthew 24 vs 7. And again Joel chap 2 vs 30 -31, "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be darkened and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come".
Yes it is coming, justice and freedom for the Negro, the tribe of Judah and an elevation from being the tail end of everything to being the head of it all, just wait for it as it is certainly coming. And so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
Again, the Lord put the spirit of vengeance upon another man of Judah, Gavin Eugene Long, who also gave up his life in taking out three police men, one of whom unfortunately happened to be black. It must be noted here, that all black policemen who do not speak out against the long list of whites who have murdered blacks in extremely dubious fashion and walked away without persecution, are complicit in aiding and abetting the murders of their own kind.
Blacks who stand silently with whites in the blue/khaki line of silence are not in good conscience morally, especially when they themselves (blacks) are recipients of racist treatments and comments inside their respective precincts or station-houses.
The police have been murdering members of the black community with impunity for decades, if not centuries, backed by elected white officials, sanctioned by white voters. And now that retribution is beginning to be handed out to the same police departments, house Negroes and fearful whites begin to decry the results.
Most, if not all, public schools and colleges that are dedicated to the education of black youth, all have systematic lead poisoned water flowing through their water fountains and taps to effectively affect the brains and minds of our young. Add to that mix the forced imposition upon us to submit our young to vaccines that prove to be harmful to us in the long run (term).
The C.D.C. has yet to be held accountable for giving the black community syphilis and causing the deaths of over 8oo black men while denying them treatment. And still whitey acts as if they are surprised that blacks still have resentment for these modern day evils being perpetrated against us.
The law of having one's male child to be circumcised on the eighth day from birth will never be done by these fake devil so-called 'Jews', as they have no intention of honoring the true people of Yah. We as a people also have the right to home school our children but this devil will not allow it. Try to do so and you will be faced with threats of prison time.
While the current president tries to do damage control, the whole earth is now seeing America's hypocrisy, in it's dealings towards it's citizenry of color, and that they are treated not as citizens but as an unwanted nation dwelling in their midst. "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise". Daniel chapter 2 vs 40
This fourth kingdom from the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the second Babylon, is now about to crumble, as I submit to you that America is this kingdom, also called Egypt, Sodom, and great Babylon. The list of atrocities done against blacks in this land is almost endless. The Police has been the front line of oppression and repression against us blacks and all Negroes.
While the half truth that they are there to protect the weak from being bullied and certainly trampled by the avarice of human nature, none can deny that in truth all they do is terrorize the black community. {The vast majority of them}.
A black male is held on drug charges in Virginia, and is held on $2 million bail, while the white mass murderer of 9 black church members is arrested with kid gloves and held on $1 million bail. This tells us in the black community, that you whites just don't give a damn about us blacks, real LOUD.
To those blacks who stand by whitey's side despite his bigotry, along with our lame duck Oreo cookie President, history does not look kindly upon traitors to their own race/nation. Just ask Benedict Arnold.
"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; (deny it all you want Obama, but the truth still stands, America is divided) but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay." We be in the days of this last kingdom as was revealed to Daniel and king Nebuchadnezzar.
Vs 42, "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken"
43, "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay". Thus we see the Lord Yah is against racial miscegenation and this alleged false unity between blacks (iron) and white (clay). this unity is also bound to fail because of whitey's deep seated hatred towards the Negroes and their refusal to treat the Negro as equals.
The arrogance of the Caucasian is evident in his attempt at global domination, but his clay laden plans will fail. "Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is not satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people: Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay?
Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them"? Habakkuk chap 2 vs 5-7 [K.J.V]
While Uncle tom Ruckus Obama is giving platitudes and accolades to the racially motivated and biased police force, (the majority of them), the years of injustice, degrading treatment, unjust prison sentences, the removal of the rights of black defendants by racists judges in cahoots with the police (the city of Chicago a prime example) and the general showing of disrespect towards all blacks by the police has gone past the boiling point and like a pot on the stove left unchecked is now about to spill all over the place.
Again the Lord raised up the spirit of vengeance on another black male in Baton Rouge and three more cops lay dead. Instead of seeking to curb white racism which has lead to these deaths, this President is seeking to arm them even more to murder even more blacks. Keep in mind that he has also sanctioned the giving of 'silencers' to police departments across the nation. Just what will the police be doing with silencers???
True, not all white cops are bigoted individually, but when among'st their associates who are biased they do nothing to reject their friendships which makes them also compliant in perpetuating racism. And again the word of Yah stands true here in Ezekiel chapter 35 vs 2- 5.
"Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, (Mt Seir is the home of Edom i.e. the Caucus Mountains), and prophesy against it." [Prophesy against the white race]. And say unto it, thus saith the Lord God; Behold O mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out my hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate."
Vs 5: "Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword (guns) in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end. Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God [Yah], I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith (since) thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee".
As long as the current state of injustices are being carried out against the Negro without any form or semblance of justice handed out to those who murder us, those who unjustly oppress us via motor vehicle tickets for driving while black, dehumanizing treatment at our respective jobs, the constant overcharging us in insurance rates, charging us more for our cars, homes, and selling our neighborhoods defective and porous foods and materials, these retaliatory strike backs will only increase, and yes the war is coming.
When Michelle Obama first came into the white house with her husband, she was a regal and proud looking black woman. After seeing her since the Trump wife's debacle of plagiarizing parts of her speech, she now looks like a distraught white woman all frazzled. What message is she and these Hollywood types sending to our young impressionable black females? That it's best to look white and reject our blackness?
It's time to regain our black pride and like the late king of Soul said in his song, "Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud". Even more and more black men are still being murdered by the police as we speak, a new case in Florida, that kill a Negro and get off free state. Police dog attacks a black male who kills it in defense of self , is given a 23 yr sentence, meanwhile our murderers are given paid administrative leave. Is that not a pat on the back and an 'atta boy' to these bigoted killers?
There should be no paid leave for outright murder, in the most blatant cases as seen on video, demands immediate suspension and revocation of weapon carrying privileges. As blacks We demand and deserve the right to be treated as human beings. "For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye." Zechariah chap 2 vs 8 [K.J.V.].
That we must deliver ourselves is an admonishment from on high. Zechariah chap 2 vs 7 states,"Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon". Surely we can not be delivered by ourselves, but as in the old saying 'the Lord helps those who help themselves', so too we must as a people begin to exercise our economic power by limiting our spending with our enemies and developing our own economic base.
Random shooting of the police doesn't ensure that those who get capped are deserving racists. While it may give second thoughts to some who entertain the idea of killing us while they are in uniform, our best strategy is make them lose money by our lack of supporting any of their business establishments wherever they have done us these grave injustices.
The time of deliverance is almost here. As more and more blacks get killed by mercenary whites disguised as lawmen, and as more righteously indignant black men retaliate to this escalation, these things must also come to pass, "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places." Matthew 24 vs 7. And again Joel chap 2 vs 30 -31, "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be darkened and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come".
Yes it is coming, justice and freedom for the Negro, the tribe of Judah and an elevation from being the tail end of everything to being the head of it all, just wait for it as it is certainly coming. And so my friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
July 16, 2016
Told You So.
The Lord rose up the spirit of vengeance on Micah Johnson and five cops in Dallas Texas lay dead. The biased and racially prejudicial motivated members of 'law enforcement' thought that they have won the battle in inciting Negroes to attack all white cops. I mean that has to be their motivation for the string of viscous murders of blacks all across the U.S. Not to worry though, their time for retribution is fast approaching and about to fall on their heads.
In his memorial address for the slain in Dallas, the grief of the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were given slight mention by the President while ignoring the root cause of what led to the killings of these five men in Dallas. Of course during his speech he had to mention what he has been trying to avoid during his eight years in office. White racism!!!
This President has acted blissfully ignorant to the fact that more Negroes got lynched, murdered, and generally prosecuted en masse during his Presidency than any other, almost equal to the time of those presidents who supervised the old Jim Crow laws. Which leads us to talk about 'House Negroes'.
Lets dissect this President's speech on justice. A black woman is dragged from her car on a highway somewhere in California, and is seen being beaten viciously by a patrolman sitting astride her. Instead of him facing departmental and criminal charges, the black prosecutor (modern house Negro) states that the officer was putting that walloping beating on her for her own protection. Was that for real coming out of her mouth???? Unbelievable but true.
Victor White is sitting handcuffed inside a police car and after he's been shot is he is alleged to have shot himself.?? Darren Wilson murdered Mike Brown and did not once face indictment or departmental charges. Instead he received a great fiscal reward from the governor of his state and told to ride off blissfully into the sunset. No comment from 'the Black President' on that.
Eric Garner, also murdered publicly by Daniel Pantaleo. Mr Pantaleo has yet to face departmental or criminal charges despite Mr Garner's death being ruled a homicide. Another unsolved murder in the annals of the NY.P.D's crime log. Again no comment from this President.
Justice here, would be, the investigation into these racists grand juries that constantly and brazenly ignore the callous murders of blacks and allow white murderous officers to go free. These juries need to be investigated and remanded, and be seriously disciplined for gross dereliction of duty. The list of white bigoted and biased officers who have killed blacks indifferently and walked home Scott free is very long indeed. That is one of the most bitter things that still sticks in the craw of the Negro. lack of Justice!
And yet this President has the nerve to say that those who speak out against these horrible outrages are doing justice a disservice. Hmm Translation? "What's wrong with you niggas? Don't you see I am in the 'White House'? Don't rock the boat from business as usual".
If you haven't gotten the gist of what he's saying perhaps a few more of his words may set you straight.
In Georgia. A young black high school teenager is found dead in a rolled up gym mat, and his death is ruled a suicide. Hmm, imagine that, he killed himself then rolled his-self up in that mat. This is the utterly ridiculous things they expect us to swallow when murdering us and trying to cloak it all under the 'law'.
What's also not mentioned is the fact that the sons of the local chief law enforcement official are also in the same school and had heated exchanges with our now departed (murdered) brother. You figure out the rest.
Wayne Isaacs, a black police officer shoots and kills Delrawn Small, another black male. You can rest assured that Mr Isaacs will eventually face criminal charges and be prosecuted for this crime, despite the lies of being attacked, as a video refuted.
His white counter parts however will walk away from criminal charges whenever they execute a black. The white list of officers who have killed blacks without any charge of wrongdoing is almost endless, but we can start from the time of Eleanor Bumpers and coming forward, it seems as if nothing has changed.
Again, in Georgia, James R Burns, killed a black male, 22 yr old Deravis Caine Rogers was shot in the head, by this officers wanton and unwarranted gunfire. All he got was getting fired from the Atlanta PD. That will not prevent him from joining another PD elsewhere and continue his killings of blacks. Meanwhile another of Burns cronies tries to give him some false justification for his murdering Mr Rogers. And you want us to shut the hell up about this Mr President?
Officer Nick Novello of Dallas tells of a quota system that is similar to New York's. This is a racist system that implies that blacks and poor [so-called Latinos] are always up to no good and are employed in some form of criminal type behavior so therefore they/we must be given tickets or summonses for any possible infraction of the law. keep in mind that after emancipation any and everything was taboo for the now freed slave.
Some house Negroes joined up with the field Negroes in their thinking. Still, most house Negroes are still responsible for keeping back the nation/race of Hebrews as evidenced by those who have been appointed to head the Justice departments, which have yet to ensure that justice is served up in the unjust killings of so many black men and women, from Trayvon Martin to Sandra Bland.
Their killers are still walking around free. So, just what was the message that Barack Obama was sending to us blacks during the Dallas memorial service? Let me rehash his words here. He was quoting chief Brown, another house Negro placed in position to keep the Negro calm, and did any one other than I noticed that not once did this racist Mayor Mike Rawlings stand to give the 'African' President a standing ovation despite every one else doing so including his wife?
And was it only me who noticed that the bigoted and biased minded whites in attendance refused to clap at any of Obama's statements? Not that I give a damn but it speaks volumes on how they react to the Hamite they put over the children of Israel.
In quoting Chief Brown these words came out the mouth of Mr Obama, " The problem between the police and minority communities (Black) is that we ask the police to do too much while we do too little". Are those two {expletives not included} for real??? Do YOU Mr President and You Chief Brown think that it is too much for us Negroes to ask for an end to this constant murdering of our people at the hands of the so-called law?
The translation of that statement by both Obama and Brown is this. " You niggas really think whites supposed to treat you like Humans? You're expecting too much". As for us blacks doing too little, the translation here is "You niggas is not dying off fast enough for massa".
Yes, despite entire black communities being poisoned by lead and asbestos tainted waters and blacks schools nationwide and some colleges are affected with lead poisoned water, which affects our young. ie. Flint Michigan.
Then there is the statement that black criminals are so terrifying that the police have no choice but to approach all blacks guns blazing first, questions come later if they survive, and they expect us to swallow up all that bullshit. The biggest Terrorist on the planet has been the Caucasian.
The planet is seeing the white man's hypocrisy in his dealings with the American born Black populace, who are the children of Israel. They are also seeing how you Negroes deal with these grave injustices. Just how long are you going to sing and dance and pray for the souls of your killers.?
Has the Willie Lynch torture techniques sank so much into your being that you are now too scared to resist your oppressors and killers? Those House Negroes making money in the meantime all these injustices are taking place have no wish to confront the oppressors who feed them. They would rather make tweets about the world going blind if justice is served than give up their opportunity to make more money.
Well if Mr white man wants to take my eye, why should he have his two while he removes one of mine? Hell friggin No. He better lose one of his so we both be on the same level.
The Savannah-Chatham Metro Police Dept in its execution of an arrest warrant for a Michael Clay, came across another young man named Patrick Mumford. Mr Mumford was falsely accused of being asked for his ID and tasered twice. In fact there was a call for him to be tasered in just 38 seconds into his being accosted by these policemen. His address was stated as the cause for him to be instantly compliant.
By the officers own video taping of the incident it is clear that they never even asked him for his identification, just his name, to which Mr Mumford was for good reason a bit tepid to answer. This incident was followed up with a barrage of lies as to their asking him for ID after they tasered him twice, and now he faces a complete collapse of his life, in parole violation, of which he's innocent, jail time, loss of his employment, and removal from academic studies he is attempting.
Now just who is it that is doing a disservice to justice Mr President? And Just why should those of us who are sick and tired of oppression shut up? To appease you and those hundreds of uncle toms that wish to keep the white status quo in effect? You quoted scripture about perseverance like the Negro should just continue to suffer another 500 yrs or more of unjust torture and murders like it's nothing.
I have some news for you. The scriptures also said that recompense and payback is coming. "and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids:and they shall take them captives whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors". Yea, payback time is upon us, to fall on the heads of white racists.
The Lord will raise up the spirit of vengeance upon many more Micah Johnson's. Since your courts refuse to do true Justice then it will be tit for tat till you do right, thus saith the Lord, concerning the Negro, the true sons and daughters of Jacob,"And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword" Leviticus chap 26 vs 7-8. [K.J.V.]
Micah Johnson gave his life up while taking out five and wounding many others. imagine when the Lord puts the spirit upon many more such men? Thousands will indeed flee. This great day of freedom and to be able to actually say "Thank Yah Almighty, we are indeed free at Last", is almost here.
"But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye (Israel) shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end". Isaiah chap 45 vs 17. Told you so, that this problem of white law enforcement with it's inherent injustice being handed out to the Negro is a powder keg waiting to blow. Told you so that whitey is about to get his comeuppance. just you watch, and see. Until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
In his memorial address for the slain in Dallas, the grief of the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were given slight mention by the President while ignoring the root cause of what led to the killings of these five men in Dallas. Of course during his speech he had to mention what he has been trying to avoid during his eight years in office. White racism!!!
This President has acted blissfully ignorant to the fact that more Negroes got lynched, murdered, and generally prosecuted en masse during his Presidency than any other, almost equal to the time of those presidents who supervised the old Jim Crow laws. Which leads us to talk about 'House Negroes'.
Lets dissect this President's speech on justice. A black woman is dragged from her car on a highway somewhere in California, and is seen being beaten viciously by a patrolman sitting astride her. Instead of him facing departmental and criminal charges, the black prosecutor (modern house Negro) states that the officer was putting that walloping beating on her for her own protection. Was that for real coming out of her mouth???? Unbelievable but true.
Victor White is sitting handcuffed inside a police car and after he's been shot is he is alleged to have shot himself.?? Darren Wilson murdered Mike Brown and did not once face indictment or departmental charges. Instead he received a great fiscal reward from the governor of his state and told to ride off blissfully into the sunset. No comment from 'the Black President' on that.
Eric Garner, also murdered publicly by Daniel Pantaleo. Mr Pantaleo has yet to face departmental or criminal charges despite Mr Garner's death being ruled a homicide. Another unsolved murder in the annals of the NY.P.D's crime log. Again no comment from this President.
Justice here, would be, the investigation into these racists grand juries that constantly and brazenly ignore the callous murders of blacks and allow white murderous officers to go free. These juries need to be investigated and remanded, and be seriously disciplined for gross dereliction of duty. The list of white bigoted and biased officers who have killed blacks indifferently and walked home Scott free is very long indeed. That is one of the most bitter things that still sticks in the craw of the Negro. lack of Justice!
And yet this President has the nerve to say that those who speak out against these horrible outrages are doing justice a disservice. Hmm Translation? "What's wrong with you niggas? Don't you see I am in the 'White House'? Don't rock the boat from business as usual".
If you haven't gotten the gist of what he's saying perhaps a few more of his words may set you straight.
In Georgia. A young black high school teenager is found dead in a rolled up gym mat, and his death is ruled a suicide. Hmm, imagine that, he killed himself then rolled his-self up in that mat. This is the utterly ridiculous things they expect us to swallow when murdering us and trying to cloak it all under the 'law'.
What's also not mentioned is the fact that the sons of the local chief law enforcement official are also in the same school and had heated exchanges with our now departed (murdered) brother. You figure out the rest.
Wayne Isaacs, a black police officer shoots and kills Delrawn Small, another black male. You can rest assured that Mr Isaacs will eventually face criminal charges and be prosecuted for this crime, despite the lies of being attacked, as a video refuted.
His white counter parts however will walk away from criminal charges whenever they execute a black. The white list of officers who have killed blacks without any charge of wrongdoing is almost endless, but we can start from the time of Eleanor Bumpers and coming forward, it seems as if nothing has changed.
Again, in Georgia, James R Burns, killed a black male, 22 yr old Deravis Caine Rogers was shot in the head, by this officers wanton and unwarranted gunfire. All he got was getting fired from the Atlanta PD. That will not prevent him from joining another PD elsewhere and continue his killings of blacks. Meanwhile another of Burns cronies tries to give him some false justification for his murdering Mr Rogers. And you want us to shut the hell up about this Mr President?
Officer Nick Novello of Dallas tells of a quota system that is similar to New York's. This is a racist system that implies that blacks and poor [so-called Latinos] are always up to no good and are employed in some form of criminal type behavior so therefore they/we must be given tickets or summonses for any possible infraction of the law. keep in mind that after emancipation any and everything was taboo for the now freed slave.
Some house Negroes joined up with the field Negroes in their thinking. Still, most house Negroes are still responsible for keeping back the nation/race of Hebrews as evidenced by those who have been appointed to head the Justice departments, which have yet to ensure that justice is served up in the unjust killings of so many black men and women, from Trayvon Martin to Sandra Bland.
Their killers are still walking around free. So, just what was the message that Barack Obama was sending to us blacks during the Dallas memorial service? Let me rehash his words here. He was quoting chief Brown, another house Negro placed in position to keep the Negro calm, and did any one other than I noticed that not once did this racist Mayor Mike Rawlings stand to give the 'African' President a standing ovation despite every one else doing so including his wife?
And was it only me who noticed that the bigoted and biased minded whites in attendance refused to clap at any of Obama's statements? Not that I give a damn but it speaks volumes on how they react to the Hamite they put over the children of Israel.
In quoting Chief Brown these words came out the mouth of Mr Obama, " The problem between the police and minority communities (Black) is that we ask the police to do too much while we do too little". Are those two {expletives not included} for real??? Do YOU Mr President and You Chief Brown think that it is too much for us Negroes to ask for an end to this constant murdering of our people at the hands of the so-called law?
The translation of that statement by both Obama and Brown is this. " You niggas really think whites supposed to treat you like Humans? You're expecting too much". As for us blacks doing too little, the translation here is "You niggas is not dying off fast enough for massa".
Yes, despite entire black communities being poisoned by lead and asbestos tainted waters and blacks schools nationwide and some colleges are affected with lead poisoned water, which affects our young. ie. Flint Michigan.
Then there is the statement that black criminals are so terrifying that the police have no choice but to approach all blacks guns blazing first, questions come later if they survive, and they expect us to swallow up all that bullshit. The biggest Terrorist on the planet has been the Caucasian.
The planet is seeing the white man's hypocrisy in his dealings with the American born Black populace, who are the children of Israel. They are also seeing how you Negroes deal with these grave injustices. Just how long are you going to sing and dance and pray for the souls of your killers.?
Has the Willie Lynch torture techniques sank so much into your being that you are now too scared to resist your oppressors and killers? Those House Negroes making money in the meantime all these injustices are taking place have no wish to confront the oppressors who feed them. They would rather make tweets about the world going blind if justice is served than give up their opportunity to make more money.
Well if Mr white man wants to take my eye, why should he have his two while he removes one of mine? Hell friggin No. He better lose one of his so we both be on the same level.
The Savannah-Chatham Metro Police Dept in its execution of an arrest warrant for a Michael Clay, came across another young man named Patrick Mumford. Mr Mumford was falsely accused of being asked for his ID and tasered twice. In fact there was a call for him to be tasered in just 38 seconds into his being accosted by these policemen. His address was stated as the cause for him to be instantly compliant.
By the officers own video taping of the incident it is clear that they never even asked him for his identification, just his name, to which Mr Mumford was for good reason a bit tepid to answer. This incident was followed up with a barrage of lies as to their asking him for ID after they tasered him twice, and now he faces a complete collapse of his life, in parole violation, of which he's innocent, jail time, loss of his employment, and removal from academic studies he is attempting.
Now just who is it that is doing a disservice to justice Mr President? And Just why should those of us who are sick and tired of oppression shut up? To appease you and those hundreds of uncle toms that wish to keep the white status quo in effect? You quoted scripture about perseverance like the Negro should just continue to suffer another 500 yrs or more of unjust torture and murders like it's nothing.
I have some news for you. The scriptures also said that recompense and payback is coming. "and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids:and they shall take them captives whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors". Yea, payback time is upon us, to fall on the heads of white racists.
The Lord will raise up the spirit of vengeance upon many more Micah Johnson's. Since your courts refuse to do true Justice then it will be tit for tat till you do right, thus saith the Lord, concerning the Negro, the true sons and daughters of Jacob,"And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword" Leviticus chap 26 vs 7-8. [K.J.V.]
Micah Johnson gave his life up while taking out five and wounding many others. imagine when the Lord puts the spirit upon many more such men? Thousands will indeed flee. This great day of freedom and to be able to actually say "Thank Yah Almighty, we are indeed free at Last", is almost here.
"But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye (Israel) shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end". Isaiah chap 45 vs 17. Told you so, that this problem of white law enforcement with it's inherent injustice being handed out to the Negro is a powder keg waiting to blow. Told you so that whitey is about to get his comeuppance. just you watch, and see. Until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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