The Police. Life savers?? Hmm, almost half of them are. The Police. Cold blooded murderers and killers?? Yes from the North to the deep South It is evident that the other half of the Police force is loaded with killers who think absolutely nothing of murdering Blacks. Up North the Murderer Daniel Pantaleo was given the thumbs up by a racist grand jury who despite the video footage of him killing Eric Garner in a most outrageous manner decided to not indict him even though Eric Garners death was ruled a homicide.
Ferguson, Missouri, where the murderer Darren Wilson was also acquitted and set free by another racist grand jury for the cold and depraved murder of teenager Michael Brown. The Police. That they are cold blooded murderers of black folk is evidenced by blacks all throughout the deep South. All across Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama parts of rural Georgia, certain towns in Texas, and Florida many alleged law enforcement personnel are avowed members of the K.K.K.
In Florida the second in command of the State's Attorneys office is an avowed member of the K.K.K. These people, the K.K.K are hell bent on killing the Negroes in America. They have been known to beat black women and children viciously, burnt and lynched innumerable black males, from the abolition of slavery to this very day of this writing in the year 2015.! It is no wonder then that Blacks will never receive fair and just treatment from the judicial system in Florida as was the case in the Trayvon Martin Murder.
The Police. different meanings to different peoples across the globe. The Police. A very necessary evil to protect man from himself. The Police. First started out and armed by the very rich to enforce their policies hence the term the Police. And to this day they still do protect the extremely rich and powerful. In America?? The Police,. White racist supremacists and Klansmen form a corrupt core within law enforcement. The Police. Just yet corrupt.
What happens when fair and upright(Just) men in blue get caught up in the corrupt and murderous behavior of their colleagues and associates.?? The recent and tragic murder of Officer Rafael Ramos, by a troubled young man from out of state, shows just how much the good can suffer for the bad.
Officer Wen Jian Liu died for the killer officer Peter Liang who murdered an unarmed Black male in the stairwell of the Pink houses in Brooklyn. We as Blacks were told not to protest these tragedies, we were told and admonished by the white Illuminati controlled press to accept the killing in the Pink houses as an accidental shooting. The shooting deaths of any policeman is never accidental. Yet whenever they murder an innocent black male it's either'accidental' or he is painted as a criminal. This is a travesty that must be put to an end.
This now brings us to the Forever bumbling Bureau of the Inept. It is in front of our eyes every day of the week, that blacks are not the only ones committing crimes. Shows such as Snapped, American Justice, Forensic Files, Justice 360, the FBI files all show whites with the biggest propensity for murder, especially for collecting insurance monies, and thrill seeking serial killers. Black crimes are always solved by blacks telling (snitching) on blacks. Whites however rarely tell on whites and their crimes become "Unsolved Mysteries".
The FBI became involved in investigating murder when two white men, one from Queens, and the other from the Bronx, New York went missing from the city of Philadelphia; Mississippi. They only got involved in searching for one young black male because he was accompanying the two white male social workers. In the search for the black male dozens of black men were found at various times floating in the Mississippi River, victims of white KKK lynch mobs. None of these deaths were investigated by the FBI.
No action was taken by this Federal Bureau of the Inept as they were not "authorized" to investigate the wanton murders of black men in the South. Rob a bank of a dollar though, and they will hunt you down with bloodhounds. Blacks are routinely killed and murdered in the South and their murders by white racists are treated with indifference simply because those who are supposed to uphold the law are the ones committing such murders with no fear of receiving retribution from the judicial system as it is also run by the same murderers. The Police. The Patrolmen's malevolent er Benevolent Association, -benevolent for whites-malevolent for blacks, actually and disgracefully resent the Mayor Bill De Blasio for sympathizing with black folks concerning the outright murder of Eric Garner. Indeed they even resent him for telling the truth of him being concerned for the safety of his colored son Dante.
They, the PBA, have laid the blame of innocent cops on Mayor Bill De Blasio. The truth is these two officers blood lies on the hands and heads of the racist jurors who blatantly dismiss the murders of black men. Their blood is on the hands and heads of racist leaders like Patrick lynch, and the Governor of Missouri who gave total support to the murderer Darren Wilson. Their blood lies at the hands of racist Judges of Mississippi who acquitted 10 of 18 men implicated in the murders of three young students in Philadelphia. All the evidence was ordered destroyed after the trial, and before the trial all of the most serious charges against the 8 remaining defendants were dismissed or lessened to offenses similar to parking tickets.
The Police. Mortal and perennial enemies to black folks period. No wonder there is the saying 'If you see the police-Warner Brother.'
During the 'Mississippi Burning' case of outright murder, the State of Mississippi refused to charge the policemen implicated in the heinous crimes of murder. In fact all up and down the Mississippi River the bodies of lynched and tortured black men were found during the search for the two white men.
None of the localities where these men were found dead were ever questioned in their deaths or even prosecuted. Indeed all across Mississippi, Missouri, Alabama and most of rural Georgia Klu Klux Klansmen and their sympathizers are the Police, Judges and Jurors, who have willfully taken active parts and roles in the murders of blacks and acquitting their henchmen.
It may have been said that an unjust law is no law at all, however, when laws are not enforced equally, then the system in it's entirety is totally corrupt.
Since the inception of slavery to it's abolishment, so called law enforcement was and still is designed to oppress the slaves (Blacks). In Texas Negroes have been burnt, and hung[lynched] since the early 1900's until this very day in 2015. We Negroes are sick and tired of being sick and tired of not only being murdered systematically, but also of the underlying abuse and mistreatment, the general disrespect of our people which has led to the lack of proper law enforcement upon those that murder and abuse us. Just last night a Black male was gunned down in New Jersey with his hands in the air.
Murderers such as Darren Wilson must be brought to justice. So too must Daniel Pantaleo and his colleagues, who assisted in the murder of Eric Garner. These almost 500 years of brutal and inhumane murders and beatings of Black men women and children must come to an end! The Highway miscreant caught on film beating a woman on the side of the road savagely should not only be fired but jailed or receive the same treatment. Enough is enough. The milk of human kindness, love and respect for others can never be legislated into the hearts of racist supremacists in the rural states down South or up North. The F.B.I. investigates hundreds of murders and kidnappings in various states. Yet when it comes to the outright lynching deaths of black males in the South, suddenly they are powerless to investigate these crimes?? Who are they fooling?? Must be me and you of the Black community. It is time to take a stand. Time for all blacks to Unite and reject the lies being fed to us concerning the constant murder of our kind, especially when it is unjustified. And so until next time ponder these things, live well, be happy make love we bid you Peace.
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