FIFA, the governing body of international Football, recently had the every four year tournament to determine which country or nation would be the reigning champion. All of the former champions in recent years have been the Caucasian nation, whether or not it was France, Italy, Spain, England or Germany, they all being white Europeans, have been the only people to own the World Cup. As was predicted in the blog on FIFA and Universal oppression a white European country won the event. Germany!
This event was hosted in Brazil, a former colony of the Portuguese, who along with the Spaniards, took slaves from Africa and colonized much of the Caribbean and all of the South America's. In Columbia as well as in Brazil, the darker your skin the more you are likely to be rejected in the social strata.
The physical makeup of both teams in this event ranged from lite bright to almost white. In Brazil it was reported that over 130,000 people were thrown out of their homes to make accommodation for the visitors to the games. While abject poverty rules much of the areas occupied by people of color (see the movie 'City of The gods') the Brazilian Gov't saw fit to use it's public funds to the tune if 1.2 billion to host the games.
Education, health care and the infrastructure be damned in a place where the wealth is disproportionately shared, as millions live in abject poverty. Sounds familiar? It should. Detroit is one such city in America that seems ready to be declared a war zone. So is Chicago. The point of making mention of these facts, is this. Ever since the Caucasian came from out the caves of Georgia, Russia, they have been on the march to to worldwide domination, starting from Alexander the Greek.
In the 1800's when the slave trade took of, Every European country made immense profit from the selling of the Negro to the whites in America (European descendants). Extremely great profit also came from the stealing of lands, [colonialism] both in Africa, the Caribbean islands and South America, and the subjection of Mexico. Gold that precious yellow metal which sets his greed on fire was found all out West when he got here that the Indians eventually were literally ran off of their lands and herded unto reservations.
Puerto Rico (Rich Port) was given the name when these thieves first landed and found all those precious stones laying around without anyone trying to hoard them. Also contributing to the accumulation of the great wealth of these land grabbing invaders, was the free labor of the Negro.
Before the Cotton fields there were the sugar cane fields. the planting, reaping and harvesting of this crop, gave them molasses, sugar and rum, which all of these countries have profited very immensely from. In putting the Negro to work in the cotton fields, which enhanced his trade in textiles, in order to justify his wickedness he declared the Negro as two thirds of a human being.
Factoring in all these things, as a nation, as a people, we are owed plenty by each and every country and nation that partook of these heinous crimes and are now living large and with extravagance while refusing to even give the Negro the right to, and the opportunity to recoup some semblance of the wealth stolen from us and retrieve our self respect. The book "From Babylon To Timbuktu" shows that in ancient Rome the slave markets were filled with 'Black Jewish slaves'. The truth is Negroes here from slavery are the real Jews.
There has been many modes of social upheaval against the injustice done to us. From the shores of the Caribbean islands to the shores of America, there have been memorable instances of uprisings in the name of justice and freedom. The Haitians rose up in revolt against the French and kicked them out of Haiti. That resulted in centuries of embargoes against that island nation [The Levites] that they remain to this day one of the poorest countries on the face of the planet. Coincidence? Don't for a second think so.
In Jamaica there were two revolts, the first was by the 'Maroons' who took to the hills to avoid being recaptured and held off the the sickly Britishers who couldn't abide the hot sun in pursuit of these Negroes. The second was led by a Paul Bogle on the mainland, who was captured after being betrayed, in a manner of what was to happen to Marcus Moziah Garvey a few years later. Mr Bogle was hung, but it forced the British to consider setting up a black governor general to rule for the British in their absence from the island.
Now fast forward to the year 2008. America made the historic choice of electing it's first "Black President". The truth of the matter is there were other presidents who were black such as A Hamilton and a few others who just happened to pass for 'white'. This first 'Black' President was a useful tool to hypnotize the restless have not's into giving the system more time to allegedly do what's right. Seriously? Hmm, do tell now, what black community saw an advantage to having a "Black" President?
During his first 4 years in office we saw nothing but a rise in the cost of living, as the robber barons of the oil industry held us hostage to their equally crooked partners in crime, the oil speculators. Nobody saw a decrease in their home utility bills. Gun violence by Negroes against Negroes in Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans or New York never received a quote by this President.
The hoax put on display by the Illuminati controlled press concerning the alleged shootings in New Canaan CT brought headlines by this President with passion against the ownership of guns. Unknown to many, Connecticut was a staged event done with paid actors. So how come Mr President, you haven't decried any of the gang shootings in Harlem, Brooklyn, Chicago or Compton L.A.?
Why hasn't this President spoken out about blacks still being lynched in that Klu Klux Klan state of Mississippi? Or Texas, or Georgia? This President despite appointing the first 'Black' Attorney General of the U.S.A., they both have yet to investigate any of these killings done in Mississippi or Texas. Neither of them have even taken the time to note the harrowing death of Pvt Lavena Johnson who was raped, beaten, and killed in her barracks in a war zone in Iraq.
The ruling that she committed suicide stinks. The highly suspicious deaths of blacks found hanging from trees in Mississippi should have had the entire law enforcement departments of these cites investigated,where these events took place, indeed this President should have said something. Not many people are aware that Mr Obama's Presidency was already pre-orchestrated by top Illuminati honcho Zbigniew Brzezinski, so that blacks world wide would be lulled to sleep as to the events of the selling out of Africa and blacks worldwide by this President.
In the Boondocks 'Fried Chicken flu' episode the President is seen saying that everything is alright ha, for him and his family. So also is it in real life. The other folly of this 'President' was , that he rewarded those who created the fiscal collapse of "Wall St" and AIG and the Banks, these CEO's and their top honchos instead of getting jail time for engineering one of the greatest depressions in American history were rewarded with top jobs in both the 'Federal Reserve Bank' [which isn't really owned by the Gov't] and the Federal Government.
Again consider the first 'Black Attorney General of the U.S. As an embarrassing figure in governmental administration he was set up to fail with the so-called hot weapons to Mexican drug cartel members to attempt to cut that trade. The adage that nothing happens by accident in politics is true. There are NO honest and upright politicians, at least not in Washington D.C. Taxation without representation is being done by the most blatant gangsters in history.
District of Columbia is not even a State as much as it is a corporate headquarters for the running of the great corporate entities who still profit from the slave trade. The Constitution of the U.S. states that the Negro is considered as two thirds of a human being. So it should not come as a surprise that the Caucasian would be up in arms because a "black family is now occupying his hallowed "white house".
The Attorney General is now conceding that the vitriol being verbalized out against him and his boss is for all intents and purposes, racist. Remarks such as taking 'our country back' clearly is not just a republican war cry but a deep seated hatred of colored folk to which they (the Republican Party) does indeed cater to and entertain in their Ranks. Be it known also that the beginnings of 'Wall Street' began with the buying and selling of Negroes, also called Negro Stock.
It is also why Negroes are never given the opportunity to excel on modern day 'Wall St" simply because the people who have their pictures up as the great founders of this form of trade achieved this fortune on the blood and backs of the former slaves. The cries for the impeachment of this President is astounding considering he hasn't done anything close to what Bill Clinton has done in the 'white house'. So far Mr Obama has been a good boy for the Illuminati, in that he has already signed over the entire continent of Africa to the Klu Klux Klan military in the Africom Treaty. This treaty gives the U.S. military the right to enter into any country in Africa as they see fit to "preserve order".
Only two countries have not signed onto that pact, Egypt and Libya. What every one should also realize is that any President who gets elected to a second term becomes an automatic target as a sitting duck or lame duck type of president. Any and all programs he may wish to present no matter the good it will do for the people will automatically be shot down. Since I'm running out of space, I will say until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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