Is World Cup Football (Soccer) as administrated by FIFA-the Federation of International Football Association Really genuine? As an astute observer of the game under the control of Caucasian dominance there a certain factors that must be pointed out.
First thing though, let us give a brief review of the game's history and it's origination's. For thousands of years people have always enjoyed kicking a round object with their feet. There is scientific evidence from earlier military manuals dating back to the second or third centuries B.C. of the game starting in the pre-Hans dynasty in China.
The Japanese version of the game was called 'Kemari', which started some 600 years later, and is still played there to this day.the Greeks had 'Episkyros' and the Romans had 'Harpatsum'.
Now for the contemporary history of the game now controlled by the Caucasian man, and formulated by his rules, beginning in 1863 in England a.k.a. Great Britain. Before 1863 the game was a primitive disorganized and violent event. Any amount of players could be involved with no boundaries limits or rules with the exception of committing murder or manslaughter, violence was the order of the game, kicking and throwing before it split into two different philosophies, of soccer and rugby.
London year 1863. At the 'Free-Masons* Tavern, a meeting of various factions met to form the Football Association. A club called 'Blackheath' refused to follow certain rules and formed the Rugby Football Union. Note that Rugby was and is the precursor to American Football.
F.I.F.A..the Federation of International Football Association was formed in Paris in May 1904.The current World cup tournament began in 1930 and at it's inauguration The first World Cup winner was Uruguay, a colony of the Portuguese. The main event takes place every four years, during the other three are qualifying and elimination rounds to whittle down from some 204 countries to the current 32.
Of the 19 World cup tournaments held since it's inception{two were cancelled because of World war 2} Brazil [another Portuguese colony] has won the most titles. Racism is not unlike that in America, in Brazil being black is frowned upon unless you have skills to be the greatest player in the history of the game like Edson Arantes De Nascimento (Pele). This must also be added, in the 2014 competition hosted in Brazil, over 130,000 black and darkskinned peoples were displaced,made homeless just to facilitate the lighter skinned Brazilians and Europeans visiting the Country for the Games.
No un-colonized African or Caribbean country has ever been allowed to advance towards the finals. Italy has four titles, West Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall has 3. Argentina [a Spanish colony] has two along with Uruguay. England, France and Spain has one each.
Soccer is reportedly the most watched sport all over the earth. Let's examine a few facts. All of South America and many a island in the Caribbean were colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese peoples, and they call themselves 'Latino'. Latin a presumable dead language (or so we were told) is the root language for Spanish Portuguese, French and Italian languages. Pure Latin is reserved for those who worship Satan and practice witchcraft, among them the Jesuit Priests of the Roman Catholic church.
Jesuit Priests are akin to the enforcement arm of gangsters. They oversee policy, operate like the CIA and make sure the money keeps coming in. the Vatican is in Rome Italy. the colors of the Italian flag are the same colors of the Mexican flag. Coincidence? Unknown to many The Roman Catholic headquarters has shares in every major corporation and also in minor companies up for public tender on the stock market. When they plead poverty to their parishioners they are merely lying with a straight face.
The Continent of Africa having been raped of it's inhabitants,(most of whom are the real Jews), has also had its material resources stolen by the caucasian man who has gotten untold wealth and waxed exceedingly fat off of the blood, sweat, minerals of the Continent and it's denizens. To add insult to injury here comes twitter announcing that the country of Ghana [African] is rationing electricity in order for it's citizens to watch their country Play the Country ruled by the Caucasian, the USA.
Spain, Portugal, France, England and America are but to name those who profited the most of the slave trade and the stealing of lands via the name colonization. Of the 32 teams invited to participate in this years world cup, 5 are African nations who will no doubt be eliminated via poor calls and bad refereeing against them. as is the politics of the matter. The USA being fairly new to the realm of soccer as a nation er country as a whole, is there on in the hunt only because of political and monetary clout..and because it's the Caucasian man's world.
Stop by any Rednecks shack in West Virginia or in the deep south of Mississippi or Texas, Alabama and you will find residents who just don't give a damn about the former slaves or the 'world cup'.The Final four teams will come down to the caucasian teams of Italy, Germany Spain or a Spanish colony and a toss up between England and USA.
After the freedom or emancipation act Blacks then began a program of indentured servitude called sharecropping. Cotton picking may have stopped briefly but the blacks still had to pay up one way or another for any piece of land they resided on. Truth be told the shackles were removed but another insidious form of slavery was to take place. Prisons were built in excess. so that anything the former slave owners deemed inappropriate could be issued a prison sentence and thus guaranteeing free labor.
Twenty years ago mass media made the mistake of high lighting the travails of people of color trying to live in society. It was found that blacks got lower pay for doing the same jobs as their white counterparts. Blacks had to endure discriminatory practices when trying to get an apartment. Banks had a system for denying home loans to Blacks called red-lining. Blacks also had to pay more for the apartments where they lived, pay more for the purchase of the automobile they wanted.
The system has not changed. Rent today cost the average person of color most of their entire paycheck, just to have a roof over their heads, while the cost of food rises higher and higher like a vice grip on both ends for the Black consumer. The cost of oil speculation keeps driving the prices higher which in turn makes business's more costly to operate which in turn is passed on to the consumer in rising prices.
You may ask what has all this to do with soccer or the world cup? Here is what it is. While the world of brown and dark brown peoples are being lulled to sleep on a game the forces of evil oppression and greed are still sucking the life's blood out of us, while many are caught up in the game. For example, in the early days of slavery the slaves from the masters plantation in Miami, (Remember the movie Django?) and the slaves from the masters plantation in San Antonio would have a fight to the death. Master would profit and be entertained any way the results went. The winning negro would get a bottle of liquor and a woman for the night
Fast forward to 2014. Today it's the NBA. NFL and ABA. These Negroes made a bundle for their owners, received a small percentage of the gate receipts and contributed to The rest of us being lulled to sleep Sure they-[the athletes] do not have to live from paycheck to paycheck or hand to mouth like most of us but sooner or later they will learn the hard way that they are but people of color. Oprah Winfrey found that out when she went to France. It doesn't matter who wins the world cup. Until Black Christ arrives to set his people free and set this earth in order, it's just another day in the grind. And so until next time, live well, be happy, make love we bid you Peace.
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