The use of the imagination requires one to use imagery to see with one's mind what could be and not what is. This power also can let us see what events transpired in the past and what will occur in the foreseeable future. Let us now power up the imagination with a few questions that will no doubt propel the powers of imagery as we imagine what was and can be. Are we alone in the Universe?
With the new age of rapid technological advances, a person would have to be in deep denial, or awakening from the stone age to not realize that man is not the only sentient being, on this earth or this our Universe. Can we claim to be the only ones in existence in this Universe? How do we know that there is definitely not other life forms/beings in 'our' Universe? God's word in the bible tells us we are not alone.
Man has always been a pawn in the war between good {God, Christ, Archangel MIchael and the holy[true] angels}, and evil {Satan,Beelzebub,and their crew[demons]. When man was first created Satan was also called Lucifer. Previously, we have showed you that there was a war in heaven, That there was a full blown space ship to spaceship, and planet to space ship and spaceship to planet attack between all the planets now uninhabited in our solar system. Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9, tells us,"And there was war in heaven: [we just gave you the scenario above] Michael and his angels fought,{those who were/are loyal to God} against the dragon; and the dragon [Satan] fought and his angels {those who went against God}, and prevailed not; [means they got defeated,wiped out] neither was their place found anymore in heaven {their planets being obliterated}.
Summing up vs 9, we're told that Satan and his crew were cast into the earth-[fled the destruction of their planets and came here]- as we were the only planet left in the solar system with water.Hard to believe? let us visit with the prophet Isaiah in chap 14 vs 12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning!". Venus was/is also known as the bright and morning star for its visibility to our earth in the early mornings. Imagine that planet as his [Satan's] home base and he decided not to take orders from God anymore, thinking he had enough planetary forces to side with him against God, which in turn had God send Michael and other angels to smash the rebels.
Satan and his crew were also instrumental in creating much of the flora and fauna as well as when God had made man. Consider that good and evil were in existence way before man got created, more easily put, positive and negative were to co-exist side by side, as per example day and night. Thus we see by man having to battle within himself when making decisions as to whether his decisions were right [positive] or wrong [negative],Satan having a door so to speak in trying to influence man.
The ancient pyramids and the format of how they were laid out has been pointed out by some scholars that they [the pyramids] were some sort of beacon to incoming spacecraft. There are approximately nine planets in our system circling the sun. Not mentioned were the planets Uranus and Neptune.
Shortly before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the patriarch Abraham was sitting by the door of his tent [flap] when suddenly he saw three men, who he ran out to meet. These men were not observed coming from afar but just appeared. Genesis chapter 18 vs 1 said that the lord appeared to him in the plains of Mam're.
The very next verse tells us that three men stood by him. One of these 'men' must have been the Lord. In 19th chapter and 24th vs we read,"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". Brimstone here is a reference to the explosive power of the devices that God used to destroy the five cities of the plains which included Sodom and Gomorrah.
Also to be noted is the fact that God and his holy angelic forces have the ability to appear and disappear as stated in the book of II Kings chapter 6 vs 17, "And E-li'sha prayed and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire [spaceships] round about E-li'sha".
Powerful as the spacecraft of the forces of good are, Satan and his crew have been staying submerged under water thinking that they can escape detection from Michael and his crew. The stories of both Elijah and Elisha, are examples of the higher technologically advanced societies keeping tabs on us on the earth, making sure that Satan in his jealous rage not destroy the planet and us in one swift moment. Certainly as none of this can be proven as facts concerning the interplanetary wars, everything else has to be theoretical, except for you the reader who upon the use of your imagination, the imagery of interstellar warfare is a definite possibility, and therefore makes this presentation to you even more compelling. So until next time, live well, be happy,make love, we bid you Peace.
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