Will all life on the planet cease to exist? Can man survive thermonuclear wars around the globe? "I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Psalms 78 vs 2. The book of Revelation states that there is a war coming to end all wars, it [this war,] has also been prophesied about in the books of Joel and Habakkuk. The destructive power of Thermonuclear warfare looms menacingly above our heads.
Just How close is man to totally destroying his species from the face of the universe? Let us examine the current age or lifespan of man and what was his former lifespan. Before the Flood, it is recorded that man lived for hundreds of years, but man being enmeshed in the wars of the gods, became a victim of trickery and deceit, and lost his right to everlasting life and the right to travel among the stars.
Having in mind that the distance between the planets in our solar system is so vast that it has to be measured in light years gives you an inclination of the nature of He who authorized our creation, those that carried it out, and why we were left out of having that life span and privilege. This brings about the mention of the tree of life.
First of all, let us, in the uttering of dark sayings and parables, clarify two important points. Most people erroneously think that the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were two fruit trees,[i.e. apples and oranges]. Wrong thinking. The second is in thinking that God and the Holy Angels {Elohim} in Hebrew [Ah-La-Ha-Yam], made the cosmos and this planet in 6 of man's earth days. Wrong thinking again as we shall soon prove through the Holy Scriptures, and the calendars of both the 'Jewish peoples' and the occidental [oriental] or Chinese calendars.
In Psalms 90 vs 4, "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Some of you may say that it is or was whimsical thinking. The title heading of that Psalm however reveals that it was a prayer of Moses, the man of God.
The second most important fact to be kept in mind is that the Prophet Isaiah spoke of the earth being in a circle long before the Caucasian through Columbus discovered that the earth is round. Isaiah chap 40 vs' 21-22, "Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; That stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in": This was written Almost 5 centuries before the beginning of the Greco-Roman Empire and proves that the Earth was already known to be round long before the advent of Christopher Columbus or the other map maker Amerigo Vespusci.
In 2nd Peter 3 vs 8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,'that one day'is with the Lord as a 'thousand years', and a thousand years as one day". This statement from Peter shows that man,circa A.D. [specifically the Disciples of Christ] knew that time to beings with an unlimited life span has an entirely different concept to them.
Never before in the history of mankind has the mortality of man reached such a low level {the average life span now reaching fifty years or slightly higher,} and the extremely high incidence of children being born from birth defects such as mental retardation, [oops,the politically correct term is autistic] physical defects including cleft lips and deformities of the body is alarmingly frightening to say the least.
When Eve was tricked into absorbing esoteric and erotic knowledge, neither she nor Adam even considered eating from the tree of life which in turn prevented man from traveling to the stars or moving around with the heavenly host, and our ability to see in more dimensions other than this 3 dimensional world of ours. Genesis chap 3 vs 22,"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand,and take also of the tree of life, and eat,[partake of that divine knowledge] and live forever": The remaining verses tell us that Adam and Eve were put out of the garden and the way to the knowledge of eternal life guarded by angels called Cherubims.
Since GOD said that man is become as one of us, who then was us that he referred to? None other than those who he had instructed to create man. Now consider that if you are highly skeptical that men in time past before the deluge on the face of the earth, lived to be almost a thousand years old,keep in mind that by the word of God in the Holy scripture, Noah was 600 yrs of age when the floods came.
Our great forefather Abraham, had Isaac at the age of 100 yrs old and his wife Sarah was 90 yrs of age. Sarah died at the good age of 127 years old, and Abraham being ten years older[137] took another wife by the name of Keturah and had six more sons by her,he eventually died at the goodly age of 175. Contrast that to the median age of today's life span and you can see that we are certainly marching towards self destruction. According to the Eastern and Jewish calenders we are now at or about 5,500 years since the deluge [flood] engulfed the globe.
This would mean that the earth would only be about 9,214 yrs of age, roughly speaking, if we consider that a thousand years is a day to the eternal beings who created this planet and us under the orders of God Almighty. While you may be highly skeptical about this, we must ask the all important question, just how reliable is the carbon dating method concerning dating dinosaur bones and other ancient artifacts?
One of the first tenets of Chemistry/Physics, is, 'matter cannot be created nor destroyed'.(it can only be changed). It would therefore seem to be reasonable to presume that all things are eternal as coming from the Lord himself, and therefore carbon dating in itself ascribing millions of years to the earths origins can neither be proven beyond the shadow of doubt, nor can it be disputed either.
Man's cells were made to regenerate themselves, and the cause of aging lies in between oxidation of mans internal organs and the word of God when he pronounced death upon the human race because of Adam and Eve's disobedience. At the current pace of technological inventions, all geared to 'saving time', man is moving at light speed towards annihilation. Will our planet end up as desolate as the other stars(planets) in our solar system? Are we destined to have a nuclear ring similar to Saturn's?
The recent news of Iran being given the green light to proceed with their nuclear program seems to give all indication that this just may happen. Iran being populated with the seed of Ishmael, has always been living up to what was prophesied in the bible about them. Genesis chap 16 vs 11-12 states,"And the Angel of the Lord said unto her,[Hagar-Sarah maid],Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. {Ishmael in Hebrew is Ya-Sha-mai-Ah-La}[he is heard of the power] And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him;and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren".
The current state of wariness in international travel can be attributed to the seed of Ishmael, whether by air, sea or rail their all out attacks on various nations have proven the point of the prophecies. And just what will stop these wild men from launching nuclear attacks at imagined slights? Only by the grace of God will man survive the impending doomsday scenarios that is currently threatening this globe.
Indeed many people are already prepping[preparing] for a calamity of such magnitude, that natural disasters pale in comparison to what man is about to bring upon his own head. So, just how close are we to doomsday? A lot closer than you think. How can one survive or make it through? Get closer to God is the best advice that I can give to you. And so until the next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
January 21, 2014
January 04, 2014
Imagery, Imagination, Imagine, End of The Triology
Once again, Welcome to the world of the imagination.The possibilities are endless. Now Imagine a time past long before man was created upon the planet Eden. [Earth]. Imagine also seven of the nine planets in our solar system being inhabited, and having established a vibrant trading system with one another. For argument's sake we could say that, for example the planet Saturn might be in need of a high input of sulphuric materials of which Jupiter may have, and Jupiter in turn needs rockside crystals, from Mars {Imagery-science fiction - remember?}. Mars in the meanwhile needs water from say, Neptune, which need other materials from Uranus and so on, and so on, etc, you get the picture?
Having the ability to travel great distances in relatively short time and having a greater life span and more intelligence than us [humans], and being under the auspices of the greatest power in the Universe, or Galaxies, whichever is more vast, the instructions were given to create this earth [Eden].Some beings were created to use traveling vehicles,i.e. spaceships, and some were made as angels, having the ability to travel at the speed of thought, and impervious to climatic conditions.
When the creating of this planet took place by the authority of the Most High, he who made us, his commandment was, 'let us make man'. Before that day however we were given a brief synopsis of how the solar system of ours was put together, with the placing of the Sun , moon and stars, the waters under heaven, {the firmament-[ozone layer] } the trees , and animal life with marine life also.
Now comes the most important part to understand, that a day in the sight of these greater beings including GOD, was/is a thousand human years, Get it? No? lets go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 vs 8,"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Are you beginning to see the big picture yet? Well if not, we've got more for you.
Back to the interplanetary trade scene. Lucifer { the Darth Vader so to speak} was waxing powerful and exceeding rich that his position began to get to him, that after assisting in laying out the solar system and assisted in creating man he decided to get the glory for all this himself and to deny GOD who was and is the author of all that is. That started the war in heaven as per Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9.
During the war in heaven, GOD in his mercy did not destroy Satan [Lucifer] immediately but did alter his appearance somewhat, hence when he reveals his true self he appears as the goat headed with a tail beast/creature. Satan, during this war also issued the challenge to GOD that he would turn man away from loving,praising and worshipping GOD. And so upon his exile to the planet Eden[earth] his first act was to deceive Eve who conned Adam into following the beguiling ways of Satan.
This in turn led to the introduction of death into the planet, which was o.k. with Satan and co. Why should man be made to live when they had lost their places in heaven, their planets, no more invites to sit at the regular councils of the holy angels? These beings,dwelling on the earth among us reside in the waters and under the earth and also move with impunity among us, after all they do have the powers of shapeshifting. You might say that this is the ramblings of an overworked imagination, but isn't that the title of this work? Furthermore let me introduce you to the scripture that proves what I am saying is true. Your imagination just has not been opened yet. 2nd Corinthians chap 11 vs 14, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light". The key word is transform.
Hey, where do you think they got transformers from? During the days of Adam, shortly after the sentence of death was passed upon mankind, the average lifespan before the flood was at least seven to eight hundred years, the normal age for a man to have his first child was at the age of two hundred years old. You may not believe it, but it is recorded in the Bible, Genesis chapter 5 gives the lifespan and age of the fathers when they had their first sons. God shortened our lifespan even more dramatically after the flood. This in itself may have seemed drastic, but it was all in GOD's plan.
Imagine then just how upset Satan got when he found out that GOD would send his only SON to die for our sins and to bring us closer to God and the promise of life everlasting! Revelation chapter 12 vs 12: " Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time". Examine all the 'good inventions that have been discovered in the past two centuries. While most seem innocently designed for our betterment, upon investigation the vast majority has been designed for our [man's] destruction.
Let us now see how subtle the 'enemy' of mankind has been. Vaccines designed to eradicate Polio, Malaria and Typhoid fever, were pluses, good for mankind. that in turn opened the door for the modern laboratory and the proverbial opening of Pandora's box. Artificial yeast is now being produced in laboratories and has now made the simple act of eating bread to be a health risk for diabetics and healthy people alike.
For the longest time there are scientist, and government officials that know there is a technology to use water to propel our modern fossil fuel cars, which knowledge and fact has been secretly hidden from the mass members of society. Incidentally, Just what harm is being done to mother earth by the draining of these fluids from in the earth? Only time will tell and you can be sure the truth will be put forth in an obscure manner.
Cars,vans, trucks and airplanes, while in themselves can do good in emergencies the evil from their use of fossil fuels far out weigh the good. Airplanes have had added chemicals added to the fuel to leave a 'Chem - trail' in the sky while flying and these chemicals then dissipate into the air to return to earth in polluted rainfall.
Toxic emissions emote from cars vans and trucks with the use of either regular or diesel fuel with a myriad of components including pcb's butadiene 1.3 , carbon monoxide,sulphuric fumes among others. The saddest thing about all this, is that we have been trained like animals to accept the destruction of man and planet with a grain of salt with the reason - 'we're all going to die in some form/way or another'. Why oh why, can we not see that the wrath of the enemy is upon us and our planet? There are other things that need elaboration on but time and space again precludes me from doing so, so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
Having the ability to travel great distances in relatively short time and having a greater life span and more intelligence than us [humans], and being under the auspices of the greatest power in the Universe, or Galaxies, whichever is more vast, the instructions were given to create this earth [Eden].Some beings were created to use traveling vehicles,i.e. spaceships, and some were made as angels, having the ability to travel at the speed of thought, and impervious to climatic conditions.
When the creating of this planet took place by the authority of the Most High, he who made us, his commandment was, 'let us make man'. Before that day however we were given a brief synopsis of how the solar system of ours was put together, with the placing of the Sun , moon and stars, the waters under heaven, {the firmament-[ozone layer] } the trees , and animal life with marine life also.
Now comes the most important part to understand, that a day in the sight of these greater beings including GOD, was/is a thousand human years, Get it? No? lets go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 vs 8,"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Are you beginning to see the big picture yet? Well if not, we've got more for you.
Back to the interplanetary trade scene. Lucifer { the Darth Vader so to speak} was waxing powerful and exceeding rich that his position began to get to him, that after assisting in laying out the solar system and assisted in creating man he decided to get the glory for all this himself and to deny GOD who was and is the author of all that is. That started the war in heaven as per Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9.
During the war in heaven, GOD in his mercy did not destroy Satan [Lucifer] immediately but did alter his appearance somewhat, hence when he reveals his true self he appears as the goat headed with a tail beast/creature. Satan, during this war also issued the challenge to GOD that he would turn man away from loving,praising and worshipping GOD. And so upon his exile to the planet Eden[earth] his first act was to deceive Eve who conned Adam into following the beguiling ways of Satan.
This in turn led to the introduction of death into the planet, which was o.k. with Satan and co. Why should man be made to live when they had lost their places in heaven, their planets, no more invites to sit at the regular councils of the holy angels? These beings,dwelling on the earth among us reside in the waters and under the earth and also move with impunity among us, after all they do have the powers of shapeshifting. You might say that this is the ramblings of an overworked imagination, but isn't that the title of this work? Furthermore let me introduce you to the scripture that proves what I am saying is true. Your imagination just has not been opened yet. 2nd Corinthians chap 11 vs 14, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light". The key word is transform.
Hey, where do you think they got transformers from? During the days of Adam, shortly after the sentence of death was passed upon mankind, the average lifespan before the flood was at least seven to eight hundred years, the normal age for a man to have his first child was at the age of two hundred years old. You may not believe it, but it is recorded in the Bible, Genesis chapter 5 gives the lifespan and age of the fathers when they had their first sons. God shortened our lifespan even more dramatically after the flood. This in itself may have seemed drastic, but it was all in GOD's plan.
Imagine then just how upset Satan got when he found out that GOD would send his only SON to die for our sins and to bring us closer to God and the promise of life everlasting! Revelation chapter 12 vs 12: " Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time". Examine all the 'good inventions that have been discovered in the past two centuries. While most seem innocently designed for our betterment, upon investigation the vast majority has been designed for our [man's] destruction.
Let us now see how subtle the 'enemy' of mankind has been. Vaccines designed to eradicate Polio, Malaria and Typhoid fever, were pluses, good for mankind. that in turn opened the door for the modern laboratory and the proverbial opening of Pandora's box. Artificial yeast is now being produced in laboratories and has now made the simple act of eating bread to be a health risk for diabetics and healthy people alike.
For the longest time there are scientist, and government officials that know there is a technology to use water to propel our modern fossil fuel cars, which knowledge and fact has been secretly hidden from the mass members of society. Incidentally, Just what harm is being done to mother earth by the draining of these fluids from in the earth? Only time will tell and you can be sure the truth will be put forth in an obscure manner.
Cars,vans, trucks and airplanes, while in themselves can do good in emergencies the evil from their use of fossil fuels far out weigh the good. Airplanes have had added chemicals added to the fuel to leave a 'Chem - trail' in the sky while flying and these chemicals then dissipate into the air to return to earth in polluted rainfall.
Toxic emissions emote from cars vans and trucks with the use of either regular or diesel fuel with a myriad of components including pcb's butadiene 1.3 , carbon monoxide,sulphuric fumes among others. The saddest thing about all this, is that we have been trained like animals to accept the destruction of man and planet with a grain of salt with the reason - 'we're all going to die in some form/way or another'. Why oh why, can we not see that the wrath of the enemy is upon us and our planet? There are other things that need elaboration on but time and space again precludes me from doing so, so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
January 02, 2014
Imagination, Imagery, Imagine
The use of the imagination requires one to use imagery to see with one's mind what could be and not what is. This power also can let us see what events transpired in the past and what will occur in the foreseeable future. Let us now power up the imagination with a few questions that will no doubt propel the powers of imagery as we imagine what was and can be. Are we alone in the Universe?
With the new age of rapid technological advances, a person would have to be in deep denial, or awakening from the stone age to not realize that man is not the only sentient being, on this earth or this our Universe. Can we claim to be the only ones in existence in this Universe? How do we know that there is definitely not other life forms/beings in 'our' Universe? God's word in the bible tells us we are not alone.
Man has always been a pawn in the war between good {God, Christ, Archangel MIchael and the holy[true] angels}, and evil {Satan,Beelzebub,and their crew[demons]. When man was first created Satan was also called Lucifer. Previously, we have showed you that there was a war in heaven, That there was a full blown space ship to spaceship, and planet to space ship and spaceship to planet attack between all the planets now uninhabited in our solar system. Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9, tells us,"And there was war in heaven: [we just gave you the scenario above] Michael and his angels fought,{those who were/are loyal to God} against the dragon; and the dragon [Satan] fought and his angels {those who went against God}, and prevailed not; [means they got defeated,wiped out] neither was their place found anymore in heaven {their planets being obliterated}.
Summing up vs 9, we're told that Satan and his crew were cast into the earth-[fled the destruction of their planets and came here]- as we were the only planet left in the solar system with water.Hard to believe? let us visit with the prophet Isaiah in chap 14 vs 12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning!". Venus was/is also known as the bright and morning star for its visibility to our earth in the early mornings. Imagine that planet as his [Satan's] home base and he decided not to take orders from God anymore, thinking he had enough planetary forces to side with him against God, which in turn had God send Michael and other angels to smash the rebels.
Satan and his crew were also instrumental in creating much of the flora and fauna as well as when God had made man. Consider that good and evil were in existence way before man got created, more easily put, positive and negative were to co-exist side by side, as per example day and night. Thus we see by man having to battle within himself when making decisions as to whether his decisions were right [positive] or wrong [negative],Satan having a door so to speak in trying to influence man.
The ancient pyramids and the format of how they were laid out has been pointed out by some scholars that they [the pyramids] were some sort of beacon to incoming spacecraft. There are approximately nine planets in our system circling the sun. Not mentioned were the planets Uranus and Neptune.
Shortly before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the patriarch Abraham was sitting by the door of his tent [flap] when suddenly he saw three men, who he ran out to meet. These men were not observed coming from afar but just appeared. Genesis chapter 18 vs 1 said that the lord appeared to him in the plains of Mam're.
The very next verse tells us that three men stood by him. One of these 'men' must have been the Lord. In 19th chapter and 24th vs we read,"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". Brimstone here is a reference to the explosive power of the devices that God used to destroy the five cities of the plains which included Sodom and Gomorrah.
Also to be noted is the fact that God and his holy angelic forces have the ability to appear and disappear as stated in the book of II Kings chapter 6 vs 17, "And E-li'sha prayed and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire [spaceships] round about E-li'sha".
Powerful as the spacecraft of the forces of good are, Satan and his crew have been staying submerged under water thinking that they can escape detection from Michael and his crew. The stories of both Elijah and Elisha, are examples of the higher technologically advanced societies keeping tabs on us on the earth, making sure that Satan in his jealous rage not destroy the planet and us in one swift moment. Certainly as none of this can be proven as facts concerning the interplanetary wars, everything else has to be theoretical, except for you the reader who upon the use of your imagination, the imagery of interstellar warfare is a definite possibility, and therefore makes this presentation to you even more compelling. So until next time, live well, be happy,make love, we bid you Peace.
With the new age of rapid technological advances, a person would have to be in deep denial, or awakening from the stone age to not realize that man is not the only sentient being, on this earth or this our Universe. Can we claim to be the only ones in existence in this Universe? How do we know that there is definitely not other life forms/beings in 'our' Universe? God's word in the bible tells us we are not alone.
Man has always been a pawn in the war between good {God, Christ, Archangel MIchael and the holy[true] angels}, and evil {Satan,Beelzebub,and their crew[demons]. When man was first created Satan was also called Lucifer. Previously, we have showed you that there was a war in heaven, That there was a full blown space ship to spaceship, and planet to space ship and spaceship to planet attack between all the planets now uninhabited in our solar system. Revelation chap 12 vs 7-9, tells us,"And there was war in heaven: [we just gave you the scenario above] Michael and his angels fought,{those who were/are loyal to God} against the dragon; and the dragon [Satan] fought and his angels {those who went against God}, and prevailed not; [means they got defeated,wiped out] neither was their place found anymore in heaven {their planets being obliterated}.
Summing up vs 9, we're told that Satan and his crew were cast into the earth-[fled the destruction of their planets and came here]- as we were the only planet left in the solar system with water.Hard to believe? let us visit with the prophet Isaiah in chap 14 vs 12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning!". Venus was/is also known as the bright and morning star for its visibility to our earth in the early mornings. Imagine that planet as his [Satan's] home base and he decided not to take orders from God anymore, thinking he had enough planetary forces to side with him against God, which in turn had God send Michael and other angels to smash the rebels.
Satan and his crew were also instrumental in creating much of the flora and fauna as well as when God had made man. Consider that good and evil were in existence way before man got created, more easily put, positive and negative were to co-exist side by side, as per example day and night. Thus we see by man having to battle within himself when making decisions as to whether his decisions were right [positive] or wrong [negative],Satan having a door so to speak in trying to influence man.
The ancient pyramids and the format of how they were laid out has been pointed out by some scholars that they [the pyramids] were some sort of beacon to incoming spacecraft. There are approximately nine planets in our system circling the sun. Not mentioned were the planets Uranus and Neptune.
Shortly before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the patriarch Abraham was sitting by the door of his tent [flap] when suddenly he saw three men, who he ran out to meet. These men were not observed coming from afar but just appeared. Genesis chapter 18 vs 1 said that the lord appeared to him in the plains of Mam're.
The very next verse tells us that three men stood by him. One of these 'men' must have been the Lord. In 19th chapter and 24th vs we read,"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". Brimstone here is a reference to the explosive power of the devices that God used to destroy the five cities of the plains which included Sodom and Gomorrah.
Also to be noted is the fact that God and his holy angelic forces have the ability to appear and disappear as stated in the book of II Kings chapter 6 vs 17, "And E-li'sha prayed and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire [spaceships] round about E-li'sha".
Powerful as the spacecraft of the forces of good are, Satan and his crew have been staying submerged under water thinking that they can escape detection from Michael and his crew. The stories of both Elijah and Elisha, are examples of the higher technologically advanced societies keeping tabs on us on the earth, making sure that Satan in his jealous rage not destroy the planet and us in one swift moment. Certainly as none of this can be proven as facts concerning the interplanetary wars, everything else has to be theoretical, except for you the reader who upon the use of your imagination, the imagery of interstellar warfare is a definite possibility, and therefore makes this presentation to you even more compelling. So until next time, live well, be happy,make love, we bid you Peace.
Imagine, Imagination, Imagery.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, once a slogan of an organization dedicated to building the minds and educational level of those who needed it the most, the have not's. While having/getting an education has it's merits, one factor stands out, that everyone, whoever made a mark on the world, or the respective societies they were in or came from, envisioned changes in their minds, simply put, the imagination was put into play which brought forth actions to facilitate changes.
Out of the heart [mind] of man proceed both good an bad[evil] things. That said, let us once again venture into the realm of the imagination. On H 2, an offshoot of the History Channel,they have now started to bring programming on Monday nights openly promoting Satan and declaring that God is bad and the Devil as good because of the knowledge that he has been imparting to the inhabitants of this planet.
Interesting to note is the fact that he appeared to Eve as a serpent in the Garden. Also interesting to note is the fact that there are records on ancient walls by ancient cultures of reptilian type beings visiting our once peaceable habitat.
Just what type of knowledge did the serpent give to Eve? With an open mind and unlimited imagination,let us rehash the story of Genesis. Chapter 3 tells us that the serpent was a beast of the field with the power of speech. [much like today's talking Parrots]. This beast or 'serpent' however was a life form [shapeshifter] from another dimension. Finding this hard or a bit far fetched? If perhaps you could open your mind and travel to the book of Revelation with me,you just might see how this could be.
Revelation 12 vs 7 tells us that "There was war in heaven",well, lets explore the possibilities of this war. Remember the movie 'Star Wars'? We were to presume that this was an event that took place in galaxies far and away from our little solar system. Have I got your curiosity? This 'war in heaven'was between the 'angel' Michael and the adversary of mankind 'Satan'. Satan had his crew [his angels] and Michael had his crew, [his angels]. This war was not about a fictional princess Leah.
Consider this, that the planets in our solar system,i.e. Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Venus Mercury and the recently downgraded Pluto , were once inhabited by beings of different physical makeup other than ours, more technologically advanced than ours, and were in communication with each other. Far fetched you say? Back to the Bible. As quaint as it may seem, it has more knowledge than you can ever imagine if you would only open your imagination. 1st Corinthians chap 15 vs 39 -40 "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: Man then, we, us denizens of this earth are terrestrial. Celestial bodies are those that come from elsewhere.
Celestial can also mean divine, as would be the case in Christ and Michael who fought against Satan and his crew. If you have ever seen the Hubbell photos of the neighboring planets in our solar system it is not far fetched to imagine them being inhabited in earlier and more prosperous times by the various beings and cultures that inhabited them. Saturn itself looks like it is enshrouded with radioactive dust from some type of nuclear holocaust, as is Mars [Barren] and Jupiter with the constant winds and lightning.
To us, as beings of lesser intellect and intelligence, some of us would definitely not even think that "GOD" could have used other beings from elsewhere to create man to dwell on this planet. Fact is though that that is exactly what has happened. Why else would the scriptures say "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness":. Just who was 'us' and 'our likeness'? In the use of our imagination we must keep in mind that we were made in the Image and likeness of God. To be alike as the creator we must have traits that make us similar, and this means the use of the imagination.
Psalms 82 vs 6, "I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High". Again, when reading the genealogy of Christ his lineage was traced all the way to Adam who was listed as The son of God. Luke 3 vs 38. We therefore are in good company since Adam being a son of God and we being his descendants, we should be known as Gods children. Just how did we fall so far from grace that we lost our supernatural powers that God gave us in the beginning? Back to Genesis.
Woman, being enticed by Satan into dabbling with the 'tree' of knowledge, [Not a fruit tree] by Satan's advice to disobey the commandment to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now there was also the tree of life that she and Adam could have freely eaten from and, perhaps death and sickness would not have been in this world. The serpent though told Eve,"Ye shall not surely die; For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,knowing good and evil". She then began to indulge in various activities that would incur the wrath of the Creator, from numerology to astrology and last but not least sexual activities. This in turn brought the sentence of death upon all of mankind from then until now.
"There have been numerous movies of visitors from other worlds, including television series, from War of the worlds' 'Day the earth stood still', 'Invasion of the body snatchers' and on T.V. ', Alien nation' 'V', various variations of visitors on the popular 'Twilight Zone', and the recent 'Star Trek' to name a few, not including the all time favorite of many, "Star Wars". Hollywood entertainment aside, and based upon actual facts, were the movies 'Close encounter of the third kind', which showed and gave an inkling that our Gov'ts have access to these types of aircraft. Think it's a coincidence?
Books such as 'Communion', and 'Missing Time' by Bud Hopkins have recorded abductions of humans by beings [aliens] from elsewhere. Under hypnosis it has been revealed that all types of probing and mental projection into the minds and bodies of the abductees have taken place. Encounters of the 4th kind has shown that at times certain homes and families have been targeted and individual family members taken and never seen or heard from again. Where am I going with this? Keep in mind the war in heaven.
So far there have been three known types of Aliens that are the most frequent and responsible culprits for these abductions/attacks. The first, described in the book Communion as little [short] tar babies who seem to be the ones that do the abducting for another species dubbed the 'Greys', for the drab grey outfits that they seem to wear.
There is also a third species independent of those two, a sighting of one of them can be seen in the footage of the movie star wars, A reddish creature that stands upright as man with the same type attributes with the exception of growing small type horns on both sides of his head. This type has been known to kidnap and eat their victims. You may say this is an overworked imagination but consider this, The movie 'Predator' showed a life form visiting the earth and hunting and feeding off of humans. Pure science fiction you may say, but did you know that the Military has developed the technology like that of the depicted Alien, the ability to refract light and be for all intents and purposes be invisible to the naked eye?
And as for these three different types of Aliens from elsewhere, how do we not know that they are the last remaining members of their respective planets trying to use human kind to help prolong their species? Apart from those three mentioned there are others, of whom some of us have no idea that more technologically advanced Aliens are among us, looking like you and I, and the rest of us are all oblivious to them as to their true nature. Some indeed are here for our good, and if they were to reveal themselves and tell of whats to come, the 'Salem witch hunts would be started all over again. Hebrew chap 13 vs 2,"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".
Obviously the 'angels are definitely not humans but from the heavens [outer space as we know it]. When the prophet Ezekiel wrote of the living creature with eyes all around he most definitely was speaking of a spaceship. {Chariot of the Gods and Israel}. Just imagine ancient man seeing an airplane for the first time, upon hearing the noise of the turbo engines so close to his hearing it would be as the 'voice of God upon many waters'. The spirit of life would be in the wheels as it landed and rolled on the landing ground turning to where the pilot wished, and the portholes for windows on either side would be construed as eyes. Fast forward to a few hundred centuries to now where we take airplanes as passe and it is not too hard to see that we have been visited from since the planet was formed.
The tower of Babel, [the first Babylon] was not about just building a tower into the sky, as is evidenced by todays modern skyscrapers. What it was meant to be however , was to be a landing zone , or spaceport to be utilized the crew members of Satan who have been here when God had instructed that the planet be formed for the purpose of making man. From the war in Heaven , GOD changed the image of Satan to that of the serpent or dragon, which is closely held to this day by the Chinese.
Consider also that the devil also appears as a goat headed individual with a tail, how do we not know if that was the original description of the first serpent? As one of [along with his crew] the forces employed in the creating of this planet and man before his ouster from the grace of GOD, he certainly had powers, from shapeshifting to interacting with other dimensions, which we in our three dimensional world would find it hard to fathom, as we barely have mastery of our own existence in this 3D planet. Time and space precludes me from further elaboration, so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
Out of the heart [mind] of man proceed both good an bad[evil] things. That said, let us once again venture into the realm of the imagination. On H 2, an offshoot of the History Channel,they have now started to bring programming on Monday nights openly promoting Satan and declaring that God is bad and the Devil as good because of the knowledge that he has been imparting to the inhabitants of this planet.
Interesting to note is the fact that he appeared to Eve as a serpent in the Garden. Also interesting to note is the fact that there are records on ancient walls by ancient cultures of reptilian type beings visiting our once peaceable habitat.
Just what type of knowledge did the serpent give to Eve? With an open mind and unlimited imagination,let us rehash the story of Genesis. Chapter 3 tells us that the serpent was a beast of the field with the power of speech. [much like today's talking Parrots]. This beast or 'serpent' however was a life form [shapeshifter] from another dimension. Finding this hard or a bit far fetched? If perhaps you could open your mind and travel to the book of Revelation with me,you just might see how this could be.
Revelation 12 vs 7 tells us that "There was war in heaven",well, lets explore the possibilities of this war. Remember the movie 'Star Wars'? We were to presume that this was an event that took place in galaxies far and away from our little solar system. Have I got your curiosity? This 'war in heaven'was between the 'angel' Michael and the adversary of mankind 'Satan'. Satan had his crew [his angels] and Michael had his crew, [his angels]. This war was not about a fictional princess Leah.
Consider this, that the planets in our solar system,i.e. Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Venus Mercury and the recently downgraded Pluto , were once inhabited by beings of different physical makeup other than ours, more technologically advanced than ours, and were in communication with each other. Far fetched you say? Back to the Bible. As quaint as it may seem, it has more knowledge than you can ever imagine if you would only open your imagination. 1st Corinthians chap 15 vs 39 -40 "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: Man then, we, us denizens of this earth are terrestrial. Celestial bodies are those that come from elsewhere.
Celestial can also mean divine, as would be the case in Christ and Michael who fought against Satan and his crew. If you have ever seen the Hubbell photos of the neighboring planets in our solar system it is not far fetched to imagine them being inhabited in earlier and more prosperous times by the various beings and cultures that inhabited them. Saturn itself looks like it is enshrouded with radioactive dust from some type of nuclear holocaust, as is Mars [Barren] and Jupiter with the constant winds and lightning.
To us, as beings of lesser intellect and intelligence, some of us would definitely not even think that "GOD" could have used other beings from elsewhere to create man to dwell on this planet. Fact is though that that is exactly what has happened. Why else would the scriptures say "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness":. Just who was 'us' and 'our likeness'? In the use of our imagination we must keep in mind that we were made in the Image and likeness of God. To be alike as the creator we must have traits that make us similar, and this means the use of the imagination.
Psalms 82 vs 6, "I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High". Again, when reading the genealogy of Christ his lineage was traced all the way to Adam who was listed as The son of God. Luke 3 vs 38. We therefore are in good company since Adam being a son of God and we being his descendants, we should be known as Gods children. Just how did we fall so far from grace that we lost our supernatural powers that God gave us in the beginning? Back to Genesis.
Woman, being enticed by Satan into dabbling with the 'tree' of knowledge, [Not a fruit tree] by Satan's advice to disobey the commandment to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now there was also the tree of life that she and Adam could have freely eaten from and, perhaps death and sickness would not have been in this world. The serpent though told Eve,"Ye shall not surely die; For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,knowing good and evil". She then began to indulge in various activities that would incur the wrath of the Creator, from numerology to astrology and last but not least sexual activities. This in turn brought the sentence of death upon all of mankind from then until now.
"There have been numerous movies of visitors from other worlds, including television series, from War of the worlds' 'Day the earth stood still', 'Invasion of the body snatchers' and on T.V. ', Alien nation' 'V', various variations of visitors on the popular 'Twilight Zone', and the recent 'Star Trek' to name a few, not including the all time favorite of many, "Star Wars". Hollywood entertainment aside, and based upon actual facts, were the movies 'Close encounter of the third kind', which showed and gave an inkling that our Gov'ts have access to these types of aircraft. Think it's a coincidence?
Books such as 'Communion', and 'Missing Time' by Bud Hopkins have recorded abductions of humans by beings [aliens] from elsewhere. Under hypnosis it has been revealed that all types of probing and mental projection into the minds and bodies of the abductees have taken place. Encounters of the 4th kind has shown that at times certain homes and families have been targeted and individual family members taken and never seen or heard from again. Where am I going with this? Keep in mind the war in heaven.
So far there have been three known types of Aliens that are the most frequent and responsible culprits for these abductions/attacks. The first, described in the book Communion as little [short] tar babies who seem to be the ones that do the abducting for another species dubbed the 'Greys', for the drab grey outfits that they seem to wear.
There is also a third species independent of those two, a sighting of one of them can be seen in the footage of the movie star wars, A reddish creature that stands upright as man with the same type attributes with the exception of growing small type horns on both sides of his head. This type has been known to kidnap and eat their victims. You may say this is an overworked imagination but consider this, The movie 'Predator' showed a life form visiting the earth and hunting and feeding off of humans. Pure science fiction you may say, but did you know that the Military has developed the technology like that of the depicted Alien, the ability to refract light and be for all intents and purposes be invisible to the naked eye?
And as for these three different types of Aliens from elsewhere, how do we not know that they are the last remaining members of their respective planets trying to use human kind to help prolong their species? Apart from those three mentioned there are others, of whom some of us have no idea that more technologically advanced Aliens are among us, looking like you and I, and the rest of us are all oblivious to them as to their true nature. Some indeed are here for our good, and if they were to reveal themselves and tell of whats to come, the 'Salem witch hunts would be started all over again. Hebrew chap 13 vs 2,"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares".
Obviously the 'angels are definitely not humans but from the heavens [outer space as we know it]. When the prophet Ezekiel wrote of the living creature with eyes all around he most definitely was speaking of a spaceship. {Chariot of the Gods and Israel}. Just imagine ancient man seeing an airplane for the first time, upon hearing the noise of the turbo engines so close to his hearing it would be as the 'voice of God upon many waters'. The spirit of life would be in the wheels as it landed and rolled on the landing ground turning to where the pilot wished, and the portholes for windows on either side would be construed as eyes. Fast forward to a few hundred centuries to now where we take airplanes as passe and it is not too hard to see that we have been visited from since the planet was formed.
The tower of Babel, [the first Babylon] was not about just building a tower into the sky, as is evidenced by todays modern skyscrapers. What it was meant to be however , was to be a landing zone , or spaceport to be utilized the crew members of Satan who have been here when God had instructed that the planet be formed for the purpose of making man. From the war in Heaven , GOD changed the image of Satan to that of the serpent or dragon, which is closely held to this day by the Chinese.
Consider also that the devil also appears as a goat headed individual with a tail, how do we not know if that was the original description of the first serpent? As one of [along with his crew] the forces employed in the creating of this planet and man before his ouster from the grace of GOD, he certainly had powers, from shapeshifting to interacting with other dimensions, which we in our three dimensional world would find it hard to fathom, as we barely have mastery of our own existence in this 3D planet. Time and space precludes me from further elaboration, so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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