That Donald Trump is possibly a Russian sleeper agent is becoming more and more evident each day in his presidency. That he has no regard for the environment or the planet's future is even more evident with his recent flourish of the penmanship of the executive order, for the oil pipeline and the support of 'fracking' and other business decisions which will lead to corporate profits at the risks of destroying our beloved habitat, the planet Earth [Eden].
His George Wallace style of racial hatred and polarization and open embrace of the Klu Klux Klan ought to be a kick in the groin to those blacks still bamboozled into thinking that there is hope for us blacks in political games being played by these whites.
Mr Trumps recent casting of his shadow upon the NFL can be traced back to his days as an owner of the now defunct football team called the New Jersey Generals. Mr Trump had brought an anti- monopoly suit against the NFL and the courts awarded him the whopping sum of one measly dollar and laughed him out of court.
After losing his case or winning his dollar, dependent on how you would view this, it would seem that tyrant Trump is out for some form of revenge. Nothing could be further from the truth. Truth be known, and considering his statements that some Klansmen and Neo-Nazis 'are some very fine people' it's time that some of these well paid Negroes in sports, who consider themselves to be had in great esteem by both the Caucasian and blacks alike to consider their current standing.
If blacks are to be denied the right to peacefully protest the lyrics to an anthem that proclaims freedom and liberty while in truth they are being murdered and held down in social constraints both covertly and overtly, then they and all of us on the sidelines should cease from playing the game to please and profit the oppressors ruling over us.
Loss of income would be the equivalent of the runaway slave being caught by massa and being strung out by him in the fields with no food and water and no way to even put food in one's mouth. This rant by Trump to fire these ball players who at any time can be murdered willy nilly by any errant klansman or klanswoman in a blue or Khaki colored policeman's uniform despite their so-called celebrity status should be a wake up call to us all.
"But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith restore." Isaiah chap 42 vs 22. [K.J.V.1611].
Just recently the mother of a Tuskegee student was shot 76 times by the police. And still these red-necked racists act like we Negroes have no right to protest the constant murder and out right Jim-Crow-isms that permeate's every facet of life and existence for the Negro in North America.
Again the word of the Lord is still in effect here as it is written in the book of Zechariah chap 11 vs 4: "Thus saith the Lord my God; Feed the flock to the slaughter; Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, {black athletes also on the trading floor} blessed be the Lord for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not".
Note that most, if not all black owned and run churches have taken government monies under the 501 C3 act wherein they can not speak out against any governmental policies no matter how evil or ungodly they may be, thus the big silences from pastors pork chops and Reverend ham hocks.
In the first two months of his "Presidency", Mr Trump has rolled the heads of many of his inside men who may or may not have anything to do with the Russian collusion during the past presidential campaign. This also includes the former head of the FBI who just happened to leak 'damaging' information against Hillary Clinton.
lets not get this twisted though, I am for neither of these evildoers. Mr Trump's seeming obsession against that other selected 'President' Barack Obama makes him seem to be on the verge of either losing his mind, or could it be that like other racists klansmen, {hardcore Edomites}, they/he'd rather asphyxiate than breathe the same air that blacks breathe? Come to think of it, it would be nice if all whites thought like that and stopped breathing since they are so consumed with their hatred of us.
"And Esau (whitey) hated Jacob (Negro) because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him {Jacob}: and Esau (whitey) said in his heart, the days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob (Negro)". This hatred for the so-called Negro has been in the so-called white man's heart and DNA from that day forward until this very day and that is why whitey has always been quick to kill a nigger {his term of describing us} and hold him self not guilty of that murder, the same as his fore father Cain.
Mr Trump has been playing the role of blustery buffoon so well that it is now hard to conceive that he is anything but a buffoon selected to sit over the presidency. Lack of tact, charm, manners and just plain uncouthness seem to be his trademark.
Mr Trump's last minuite decision to block some of the documents to the late JFK's assassination shows that he knows better than to go against his puppet masters. Imagine the uproar if the truth that JFK was killed from the inside under orders from the Illuminati were to be made public? As the old adage goes however, "You can fool some people sometimes, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you cant fool all the people all the time".
Make no mistake, truth will be made manifest, the children of righteousness will prevail against the children of evil. It is no secret that J Edgar Hoover of FBI infamy was a covert faggot who instituted the flow of drugs into the black community in an effort to hasten the demise of blacks. He also was ultimately responsible for authorizing the outright murders by Blue and khaki colored gangs against Black Panther members in their various offices throughout the U.S. from Chicago to California.
The FBI's cointelpro program which was originally aimed at the Black Panther Party members was subsequently enlarged to include any and all blacks residing within the continental U.S. Now that the drug plot to destroy the children of Jacob has backfired on the children of Esau, by the mere fact that more whites (Edomites) are dying from drug overdoses than blacks it's now declared an epidemic.
When cocaine and crack were introduced to the black communities to our detriment it was regarded as something to be expected from us and the only time so-called 'law and order' attempted to do anything to stop its flow was if white cops got shot, or any attempts to cross into white neighborhoods with the sale and usage by whites, the drug trade got hit and was chased into the more economically deprived neighborhoods. I guess it will only be a matter of time before Mr Trump shows himself to be either Tyrant Trump or Czar Trump as he's doing now to the NFL, or just be a plain Neanderthal dude with no clue as to how to behave. and so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you peace.