The words of the National Anthem, begins with the words, "Oh Say Can You See,? followed by words that espouse the fight for freedom. The hypocrisy that follows is too blinding for many to see. The land of prosperity is also the land that has an abundance of poverty. The song of the fight for freedom belies the fact that in the so called land of the free, the Negroes still yet have to gain their freedom and respect.
And suddenly America is in shock that a sports figure has the nerve to show them to their face, their blatant lying that has been hidden from the world at large. "Oh say can you see"? The racial disparity when it comes to the dispensing of justice, there are two actualities in America. One for whites, wherein white policemen who are also K.K.K. members, are allowed to murder blacks brazenly and receive monetary rewards and paid vacations.
Whites have an expectation of being released and not getting convicted of crimes, whether or not they were perpetrated against blacks or whites. Take the case of Jon Bennet Ramsey. Rich whites whose underage daughter died, or rather was murdered and her case handled dubiously by the then prosecutors of that region. Talk about white privilege. Whites have this air of expectancy as to be above the law at all times.
A white cop kills Michael Brown in St Louis- no charges filed against him. A white cop strangles a black male in Staten Island- no charges filed. A black officer hits a white male with a baton and now the black officer is charged with a felony.! Hmm. "Oh say can you see" the biased and still prevalent racist mores of these whites still in power?
In other words more or less, is the fact that whites are saying, "we are over and above you Negroes, and anything we do unto you you should just sit back and suck it up."
A black male with his arms in the air outstretched, is ordered to lay flat on the ground, and is promptly shot, to which even the leader of the Philippines had to make a comment. And while we have the so-called "first" black president, he has been very careful to not openly condemn the racist mores of the lawless "law enforcement" types committing blatant murder against blacks in almost every state of the Union.
Another black male with his hands in the air is murdered by a racist white female cop. Allegations of finding drugs in this unarmed black male's vehicle is made to hide the fact that this murder should not have occurred. In North Carolina another incidence of police backed murder is committed, similar to the recent murder of two black males, one murdered while on the ground in police custody, one can see the officer pulls his gun out and commits murder, and to add insult to injury, all these murderous killer cops get paid administrative leave as a reward for killing us.
While Hillary Clinton in her search for the black vote in the coming elections speaks out and say that we should all make these killings intolerable, [That would make us all seek to end the K.K.K.'s involvement with law enforcement, by removing all klansmen from the ranks of police departments nationwide.], Barack Obama has yet to say one word against these racist killers.
Well, Buck Ofama. Some crummy statement about Trump and Jim Crow laws, this Negro has yet to change anything within the ranks of law enforcement, despite the fact that as President he is in charge of the Justice department. This goes to show us that there is no justice scheduled by these people for the Negro in America.
Despite two black Attorney Generals in charge of the dispensing of fairness in judgment across America, they both have been nothing but puppets told to do administrative crap while ignoring the more pressing matters of doing justice for the Negro before our tempers, our patience and tolerance for being oppressed wears out and like a volcano all our frustrations and desire for true justice erupts and burns out all those who stand in the way of true freedom and justice.
On another front, the worldwide plan by those not of this earth, to destroy our planet continues, with chem trails still being laid out in the skies to fall on our heads and oceans and lands with the intent to slowly poison us off.
Monsanto, the largest of all the chemical giants intent on destroying mankind and nature, is now about to merge with Bayer. Their claims that this merger will benefit farmers is nothing but lies. the only folks to profit from this merger are the corporate heads in the pockets of those who want to, and wish to, destroy humanity and our planet since they have already lost theirs.
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. Revelations chap 12 vs 7-8.
Heaven. The American heritage dictionary states heaven as 1: the sky or universe as seen from the earth; the firmament. Often used in the plural. Since it is now an accepted fact that the planet Eden,(Earth) is one of the nine planets in our known [to us] solar system, one can easily deduce that life was in existence on the other planets, before mans arrival via the Creator.
To the atheist and the agnostics, GOD, heaven, talk of angels, or beings from elsewhere seem too far fetched for their limited ways of thinking. Unfortunately, too many of those who also profess to love Yah (GOD) has fallen into the ranks of doubters.
Malcolm X stated that a major part of the black man's struggle in America is the additional battles that we blacks have among ourselves that is a constant roadblock to us achieving/reaching a unified understanding of what needs to be done for us as black people. For example/s ,,,.
A light skinned black male stand up and addresses racial inequity and practices in Hollywood that reflects the nations (whites only) constant suppression/oppression and general omission of blacks concerning anything significant. Why, twas not so long ago that black QB's were not a welcome sight to whites in the NFL, similar to the way blacks were not welcome to major league baseball.
This light skinned brother's speech slamming white America's hypocritical treatment of blacks was received with a warm welcome from the vast majority of blacks, that I know, but of course there came out of the woodwork all the uncle Toms and uncle Ruckus's that just had to find fault with the man. He's too light skinned. His eyes weren't black enough, cause they were green or blue?
Hebrew Israel-ites under the influence of I.S.U.P.K., and sanctioned by the heavenly Father YAH preached on the streets of N.Y.C. for years educating many to their culture and identity, while many of those who now profess to be superior in knowledge, never even knew how to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom of it, but now that finally many are awakening to the fact that blacks are the real Jews, they can be on the airwaves and on the internet calling others who do not agree with them apostates and heretics.
Sadly this same judgment that they are quick to label others with must now come full circle upon their own heads, since they are quick to refute truth, they are now like unto the false prophets of the old evil king Ahab. They have been quick to shut their eyes to the true alphabet of [La-Sha-Wan Qa-Dash] the holy tongue, and with their consciences seared with a hot iron, have been ready to accept any kind of babble from the Caucasian as bona fide truth.
The Heavenly Father Yah stated that he would turn us to the pure language. Jack asses seem to think that the sky will suddenly stop it's work. open up, and Our Father YAH himself will address us all and say "Listen up, this is how you will now speak Hebrew, you Negroes", and begin to teach us all how to speak a new tongue.
Then again, they may be thinking that they will get spiritual power from on high and have the innate power to speak and understand the holy tongue without any effort on their part. Hmm. When Israel was in captivity in ancient Egypt and needed to be released, did not Yah send Moses and Aaron to lead Israel out of Egypt, even though he himself (Yah) was the ultimate author of our freedom?
These apostate heretical full of themselves Negroes have not even considered that when Yah needs things done on this earth he uses a man or men to do his bidding. These apostate asses are spoken of in Isaiah, asses that know not their masters crib. Isaiah 1 vs 3. Yes, the holy tongue is already in existence, since the Father spoke it into being.
In the book of Ezdras it is written of those Israel-ites who had offspring with women of other nations, and how the children of those liaisons had difficulty with speaking the holy tongue. Add that to the many years that many Israel-ites have been scattered into many nations, and one can see that our language was slowly stripped from us, the final straw being shown in the movie roots, when they beat the crap out of us into giving us their names and forcing their speech patterns upon us. One can also see the prophecy told to Abraham that in him all nations should be blessed. The apostates will certainly argue against this.
Again, this is also written in the book of Isaiah, chap 6 vs 9-10, "And he said,"Go and tell these people; be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing but never perceiving. Make the heart of these people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed." [N.I.V.]
This is truly one of the reasons why black unification has been such a long and tedious and almost discouraging effort to attain and achieve.
Since all things are done for and by The Most High (Revelation chap 4 vs 11), for his good pleasure, Black unification will only come when Yah wills it, and it will come, when all the people worldwide realize the Caucasians agenda is the decimation/elimination of people of color worldwide, and that our very existence will depend on uniting, then, and then only will we see that event [unity] occurring.
And so my friends, until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.