Bill Cosby, once considered the most famous father in America, (as Dr. Huxtable?), is now being treated by the media and most people as a social pariah. Is all this treatment really fair? Everyone knows that in the start up of Hollywood,and the birth of Television, {Tell lie vision}, that for women to make a name for themselves or to be seen they had to pass through the casting couch of that still male ruled and dominated industry!
It is time for the eyes of people of color to look beyond the information being laid out to us from a white supremacist system that holds no love for non whites.Here is a look at how insidiously evil are whites who support white supremacy. Remember, Bill Cosby once attempted to buy N.B.C. This was a no no, to the white supremacists, here was a nigger getting too big for his britches.
Hateful whites who become educators [mostly white females] do their utmost to impart as minimal an education to the blacks placed in their classrooms all across the U.S.A. Those who become guidance counselors also make sure, that the only advise they have for blacks is to learn a trade or do something which involves using ones hands in manual labor. Blacks have always been discouraged to seek vocations which would require them to show that they are equal in cranial activities.
Black Colleges and Universities came to be in existence simply for the fact that whites hate blacks and were refusing to even have blacks on their rotten Cotton white campuses. The United Negro College Fund has been on the decline for many years despite attempting to reach all of the black community for support with the now classic commercial "A mind is a terrible thing to waste".
"Up You Mighty Race" was a rallying cry of Marcus Mosiah Garvey. That seed was planted in the minds of a lot of our fathers who have passed on before us. Knowing and seeing first hand how hated we are by the vast majority of the white race [John Brown and his seven sons the exception] those great men of our ancestry began to build black institutes of higher learning with the aim in mind to educate our young.
Some black folks have already found Mr Cosby guilty as charged simply because he didn't give to them or to who they felt he should have given. True the case of the teacher who through hardships gave some of her students scholarships, and asked Mr Cosby for help was one case that he perhaps should have reconsidered before denying help. However as a man who was helping so many others, his ultimate crime was to reach out to the United Negro College fund.
How dare this Negro attempt to help his less fortunate people. For a man who made a little over $90 million dollars, granted him by the ruling white elite, his monies should have been put to use for the very things he is being accused of, instead of trying to help other Negroes who've been less fortunate in life and schooling.
After a lifetime of providing mirth to many, instead of retiring comfortable into the sunset years of his life like Bob Hope or other famous comedians, Mr Cosby has had to endure the passing of his son and other family calamities. This should also serve though as a reminder to those trying to follow those footsteps of the Cos, that to join ranks with Satan's crew the Boule society of Black entertainers, is not really worth selling's one soul for fickle fame and fortune.
"A Different World" was one of the television shows produced by the Cos that had a definite positive effect upon the mindset of young blacks at the time that the series came out. It inspired many to continue their educational quests. Though quite a few Negroes have passed through the traditional white ivy league schools like Yale and Harvard, Princeton and Dartmouth, that number is few in contrast to the many colleges [that carry on discriminatory practices] aimed at stifling the growth of their black students.
The true history of blacks in time will never be taught by any white college and therefore any knowledge of the great past of the negro will only and only by Negro professors and teachers be taught truthfully. This also means that sooner or later the war of minds will come into play as more and more people of color become educated and aware of the plight of the Negro and whether or not we as a people will make plans to ensure that our species survive the coming cataclysmic catastrophe coming upon the face of the globe real soon.
Global warming may be blamed for dramatic changes in the weather, but all this has stemmed from the pollution of modern man and the production of his modern gadgetry or gimmicks. Winters now feel like summer while summers now seem to feel like the fall. And just who will save the planet from the terrible onslaught against it? Inevitable it will be the Black man. It was former Mayor {black} David Dinkins who started the process of recycling garbage instead of just rampantly dumping it into the oceans as was practiced in the past by all municipal governments.
Mr Dinkins was unceremoniously attacked by a rabble rousing DA Rudolph Giuliani who brought a ton of white thugs who were considered cops to shamefully denigrate the very bed the then mayor slept on. This has been the plight of the black male in every attempt he has made to better himself and his loved ones including those who are not of his immediate family. So while many of us look in in either disbelief or dismay at the proceedings that are following Mr Cosby, one thing is certain, white supremacy is desperately doing their best to keep us all down.
Don't think so? Consider that Mr Quentin Tarantino stated that true fact that the police [a majority of them] are murderers, the gang in blue decided that they wish to boycott the movies of this free spirited thinker. Simply because he told the truth. The attack against the Negro has been on all fronts. By Klansmen who are in uniforms pretending to be lawmen, by sex and drugs pushed into the black communities and the lowball attacks at any aspiring voice that pushes for equality truth and justice for the black man woman and child in this great Babylon.
Since Mr Cosby wanted to stop the downward spiral of the education of the blacks in this land, allegations of sex and drugs with numerous women seem to be one way of shutting him up. All men in the company of women, if he's not homosexual can fall victim to the charms of any woman. and imagine women coming at him on purpose simply because he had the money and they wanted what they could get. Truthfully if I was loaded like the Cos and women were coming at me I'd be getting all that I could. Nature of man, is what it is, and so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you peace.