"Hatred your reward for our love, telling us of your god above, we gonna chase them crazy bumpheads outta town". Bob Marley and the Wailing Wailers. Yes the Negro has always had love in heart towards the white people despite their hatred of blacks. This has always been perennial. Want proof ?
In the first book of Moses called Genesis, there is the story of Cain and Abel. Cain was a man of the field. Abel was a keeper of sheep. Abel had favor with the Higher Power,and Cain did not, so what did Cain do? He got angry at Abel and killed him.
Cain was already told that he would be the ruler of sin. [Sin being error]. See Gen chap 4 vs 7. thus the first recorded premeditated cold blooded murder, was committed by Cain. In verse 15 of the same chapter we are told that GOD set a mark upon him, lest any finding him should kill him. That mark was the mark of leprosy! In other words GOD took his color away from him as all men on earth had color {Hue} hence human or hue-man.
Almost eleven hundred years later there was the flood. All men died and Noah's three sons were given the job to repopulate the earth. Out of the lineage of Shem first born son of Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now just before we mention Jacob here we must first get to understand that the white man came into being as Jacob's brother Esau.
Here is the reincarnation of Cain and Abel. In Genesis chap 25 we read that Rebekah's stomach was in an uproar, [as inside the womb the spirits of these two were fighting as Abel recalled his murderer Cain] She went to receive counsel on what to do. In vs 23 we're told. "And the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels, and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger".
These were not identical twins, they were however paternal twins having the same mother and father. The first boy Esau {white} is to serve the younger Jacob {Black}. Here is an excerpt from a speech by former President Abe Lincoln, in the year 1858. "And I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.
And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race" ! The words of Lincoln. Similar to what GOD said with the difference being whites are in the upper position for now.
Why have they had so much hatred in their hearts? Recall that Cain, the first killer was given over to rule over evil. As Esau he gave up his birthright for a pot of pottage to satisfy his hunger. Since losing his birthright, the blessings that was the right of the first born was also taken from him by Jacob using subterfuge. [Whites hate, and I mean really hate being tricked by a Negro].
Gen chap 27 vs 41, we are told that Esau hated Jacob. " And Esau said in his heart, the days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob". Almost 5,000 years later he is certainly killing off as many of the sons of Jacob as he can.
As far back as I can remember, for the evils committed by whites against black folks, the older black folks would always shake their heads and pray for these evil vermin, saying something is wrong with them and pray for their miserable (white) souls.
Here are some more examples of the inborn hate and racism inbred into these people. In Senatobia, Mississippi, racist school superintendent Jay Foster, along with other red necked whites which includes KKK factions, has filed charges against several black families for cheering their offspring at a local graduation ceremony. Really? It seems more like it's a crime to be black.
In Australia, once owned and inhabited by black 'Aborigines', the British empire opened their prisons and mental institutions and sent them all 'down under' to Australia. The result? The complete eradication of all black Aborigines.
In the State of New York, especially New York City, most residents has become so used to the subtle ways of racism that complaints have rescinded, and most whites who insists on the status quo of white supremacy, while saying they haven't got a racist bone in their body, use this as fact to say "See, we're making progress".
Lets look at the progress, Kalief Browder was jailed for three years in Rikers Island without a trial, on an accusation of stealing a backpack.So much for the laws of the right to a speedy and fair trial, that must not apply to the Negro. Then there is the infamous murder of Eric Garner. After his killing it was somehow ascribed to his alleged selling of loose cigarettes.
Mr Garners death was ruled a homicide by the City's medical examiner.! The main suspect in his death, as witnessed by thousands all over the globe, was not even indicted for this crime because the jury pool was comprised of whites who insist that the "niggers should know their place under white feet".
The Governor is just as guilty in this complicity, by not ordering an investigation into this travesty and failure of this so called justice system. The President and his current A.G. are also guilty of the bloodshed of Mike Brown of Ferguson,Missouri. Former A.G. Eric Holder should live a miserable life after leaving office for ignoring the events in Missouri, and the outright lynchings of young black males all over Mississippi and Texas.
Just recently there was a shooting at the famed Waldorf Astoria hotel, in NYC. incidentally the shooter and victims in this incident were white. Charges have been deferred against the shooter while they investigate why the gun went off. Another example of the double standard and hypocrisy of this white judicial system. Had the shooter been black he'd have to have been intent on committing a robbery or be a member of a gang. And last but not least, charges would not have been deferred.
In the state of Ohio, black men and women are being killed at an alarming rate. An unarmed black couple were murdered viciously in their automobile, and their killers given a free pass. This hatred of Blacks all over the continental U.S.A. by whites who are determined to enforce and keep the status quo of white supremacy is rising to an unprecedented crescendo
It is time for the Negro out of love for his survival and the love of his family and people to begin to take a stand against this. The recent dust-up over a white female who was pretending to be black is an illustration of the twisted mindset of the enemies of our people. In an interview this person even denied the taking of melanin shots to try and appear to be a person of color.
The mere mention of them taking melanin shots show that (a) they know that blacks have the right to rule the planet, and (b) they suffer from leprosy and are not only unclean in their hearts and minds but in their bodies as well. They not only want to live under our skin but they will murder you for your internal body organs in an effort to prolong their lives.
Do not get it twisted, sitting by passively making loving quotations will not stop the wave of murderous actions committed against us. It is both wise and intelligent to prepare one'self for the coming inevitable war between blacks and whites. No matter how much ammunition and weaponry they [whites] have, faith in Yah will get us divine intervention. And so until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you peace.
June 08, 2015
June 01, 2015
Zealots Versus Terrorists and Spiritual Warfare
Even before the birth of Christ, there were men who stood up for the true nation of Israel against the Greeks, and their successors the Romans. These men were known then as zealots, because they had a zeal for freedom.
Alexander the Greek refrained from ransacking Jerusalem because he was met at the gates by the Levitical Priests who looked magical in their attire and told him he would have success in all his battles in his quest for world dominion. [Read the complete works of Flavius Josephus and also the Books of the Maccabees in the Apochrypha] It was after his death that one of his generals decided to attack Jerusalem and the outlying lands of Judah, thus starting the scattering of Israel worldwide. It also marked the beginning of the end of the Negroes living in their original homeland.
Zealots have always been raised up by GOD to defray the extinction of his people. Gideon was one. So too was Nat Turner, Harriett Tubman, Marcus Mosiah Garvey and Malcom X {El Malik el Shabazz}. As much as we love our heroes however, they could not stop the words of the lord which is more powerful than man. GOD did promise to put a terrorist over us if we refused to change our wicked ways, and he has kept his word.
It is also a sad fact that two thirds of our people will be destroyed before we are set back in Jerusalem and back in favor with the living GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD {Yah}; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgements in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations". Ezekiel chap 5 vs 8. All nations have been witnessing the ills done to the Negro from those days until now.
The world has seen the plain murder of Eric Garner live via You Tube and the world has also seen his killer and killers go free without even facing charges. The same can also be said of Michael Brown and his killer Darren Wilson. Ohio and police officer,oops wrong term, murderer Brelo getting free from murdering an unarmed black couple,Black women getting their brains blown out by police men shooting at them with their backs turned and claimed to be threatened by the said women as a threat?
Hear the word of the Lord people, against the three thirds of Israel, "A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: [that goes for our people dying from all manner of diseases,as well as those that the Caucasian has injected into our folks, some will say there is no famine but there are many of us that are homeless and do suffer hunger daily and there are those who are famished from not understanding the word of GOD.]
"And a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; [the modern sword is the gun]; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them". Ezekiel chap 5 vs 12. (KJV 1611). Being scattered into all the winds meant that we as a people would be in every land mass and among all peoples on the face of the Earth. GOD already knew we would be in a gentile state of mind.
"And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein." Zechariah chap 13 vs 8. (K.J.V. 1611) More confirmation that two thirds of Israel is slated for death.
Know this, that the word gentile comes from the Hebrew word "gaw-ya" which means nation. GOD already knew his people would become accustomed to calling themselves as other people. "Yet will I leave a remnant that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries". Ezekiel chap 6 vs 8. There are those among us who ardently and fervently think that all nations will be saved into the salvation of Israel. So understanding must be lifted up.
In the book of Acts tells us this, Chap 2 vs 5,"And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven". So back then these men knew who they were despite being born or raised up in other locales, their parents knew enough to let them know who they were. James 1 vs 1, "James a servant of GOD and of the Lord Jesus Christ {Yahhawahshai} to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting'. (K.J.V.1611)
That first verse is the bitter truth, this book of the good news is for the Negroes, and the other 11 tribes of Israel. Ask those fake Likud or Hassidic Jews where the other 11 tribes are or who are they and you will not receive a veritable answer. Why? Because they are not the real Jews.
Now the zealots of our people would love nothing more than for us as a people to rise up and overthrow these terrorists that just keep on murdering our young women and children with impunity and disdain for real Law and Order. First thing though is we must re-educate those of our people still being misguided in church by John 3:16.
For far too long our people have been in a Gentile state of mind. [thinking that they themselves are Gentiles and that the children of Amalek and their Ashkenazi converts are the real Jews]. GOD knew we would be scattered, he said he was going to and he did it.That is why he told them in Jerusalem other sheep I have that are not of this fold. That is why Paul went on his mission, because the real Sons and Daughters of the Most High must be saved, remember the words of Christ in John 4 vs 22 to the Samaritan woman,"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews". (K.J.V. 1611)
Salvation is for the Negroes from all the oppression and ill treatment of all nations on this planet against us. The power to command the elements and natural weather will be given to those of us who believe and that will call for the judgement of Yah upon these terrorists that are currently abusing us.
2nd Corinthians 10 vs 3-4,"for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds":) The power is there for the servants of Yah as it is written in Revelation 11 vs 3-6. We the Negroes and the other 11 tribes are the true witnesses of the many miracles and presence of the Most High Power. Not those guys walking around trying to push the Awake and Watchtower magazines upon you.
Now for our hoodwinked in church every Sunday members, "Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without GOD in the world". We as a people cannot even keep the law of Moses by circumcising our young males on the 8th day as commanded. The Illuminati puppeteers masquerading as doctors in these hospitals and clinics refuse to do this for us. We better ask them to do it at birth or pay dearly years later.
The promise for the Negro is written in plain language in Isaiah chap 14 vs 1-3. The saving that these other nations will have is their existence to serve the true nation of Israel. "And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings (Rulers) shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee". Isaiah chap 60 vs 10, but wait it gets even clearer, "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted". Vs 12 of the same chapter.(KJV 1611).
These are prophesies that have yet to be fulfilled. Christ said he came to fulfill the Law and the prophesies, not destroy them. To my Brothers and Sisters in this struggle to remain upright in this great Babylon, I urge you to ask of, yea even cry out for the spiritual gifts and powers that will help the true nation of Israel. Yah will hear our cries when we put curses against them that hold themselves not guilty for cold bloodedly killing us. Yah will hear our prayers to convert the poisons they feed us into something that will enrich us and sustain our bodies [temples].
Yah will send plagues upon this land if we ask him, Yah will hasten our deliverance the more we cry out in unison unto him for deliverance. And so friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
Alexander the Greek refrained from ransacking Jerusalem because he was met at the gates by the Levitical Priests who looked magical in their attire and told him he would have success in all his battles in his quest for world dominion. [Read the complete works of Flavius Josephus and also the Books of the Maccabees in the Apochrypha] It was after his death that one of his generals decided to attack Jerusalem and the outlying lands of Judah, thus starting the scattering of Israel worldwide. It also marked the beginning of the end of the Negroes living in their original homeland.
Zealots have always been raised up by GOD to defray the extinction of his people. Gideon was one. So too was Nat Turner, Harriett Tubman, Marcus Mosiah Garvey and Malcom X {El Malik el Shabazz}. As much as we love our heroes however, they could not stop the words of the lord which is more powerful than man. GOD did promise to put a terrorist over us if we refused to change our wicked ways, and he has kept his word.
It is also a sad fact that two thirds of our people will be destroyed before we are set back in Jerusalem and back in favor with the living GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD {Yah}; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgements in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations". Ezekiel chap 5 vs 8. All nations have been witnessing the ills done to the Negro from those days until now.
The world has seen the plain murder of Eric Garner live via You Tube and the world has also seen his killer and killers go free without even facing charges. The same can also be said of Michael Brown and his killer Darren Wilson. Ohio and police officer,oops wrong term, murderer Brelo getting free from murdering an unarmed black couple,Black women getting their brains blown out by police men shooting at them with their backs turned and claimed to be threatened by the said women as a threat?
Hear the word of the Lord people, against the three thirds of Israel, "A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: [that goes for our people dying from all manner of diseases,as well as those that the Caucasian has injected into our folks, some will say there is no famine but there are many of us that are homeless and do suffer hunger daily and there are those who are famished from not understanding the word of GOD.]
"And a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; [the modern sword is the gun]; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them". Ezekiel chap 5 vs 12. (KJV 1611). Being scattered into all the winds meant that we as a people would be in every land mass and among all peoples on the face of the Earth. GOD already knew we would be in a gentile state of mind.
"And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein." Zechariah chap 13 vs 8. (K.J.V. 1611) More confirmation that two thirds of Israel is slated for death.
Know this, that the word gentile comes from the Hebrew word "gaw-ya" which means nation. GOD already knew his people would become accustomed to calling themselves as other people. "Yet will I leave a remnant that ye may have some that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries". Ezekiel chap 6 vs 8. There are those among us who ardently and fervently think that all nations will be saved into the salvation of Israel. So understanding must be lifted up.
In the book of Acts tells us this, Chap 2 vs 5,"And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven". So back then these men knew who they were despite being born or raised up in other locales, their parents knew enough to let them know who they were. James 1 vs 1, "James a servant of GOD and of the Lord Jesus Christ {Yahhawahshai} to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting'. (K.J.V.1611)
That first verse is the bitter truth, this book of the good news is for the Negroes, and the other 11 tribes of Israel. Ask those fake Likud or Hassidic Jews where the other 11 tribes are or who are they and you will not receive a veritable answer. Why? Because they are not the real Jews.
Now the zealots of our people would love nothing more than for us as a people to rise up and overthrow these terrorists that just keep on murdering our young women and children with impunity and disdain for real Law and Order. First thing though is we must re-educate those of our people still being misguided in church by John 3:16.
For far too long our people have been in a Gentile state of mind. [thinking that they themselves are Gentiles and that the children of Amalek and their Ashkenazi converts are the real Jews]. GOD knew we would be scattered, he said he was going to and he did it.That is why he told them in Jerusalem other sheep I have that are not of this fold. That is why Paul went on his mission, because the real Sons and Daughters of the Most High must be saved, remember the words of Christ in John 4 vs 22 to the Samaritan woman,"Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews". (K.J.V. 1611)
Salvation is for the Negroes from all the oppression and ill treatment of all nations on this planet against us. The power to command the elements and natural weather will be given to those of us who believe and that will call for the judgement of Yah upon these terrorists that are currently abusing us.
2nd Corinthians 10 vs 3-4,"for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds":) The power is there for the servants of Yah as it is written in Revelation 11 vs 3-6. We the Negroes and the other 11 tribes are the true witnesses of the many miracles and presence of the Most High Power. Not those guys walking around trying to push the Awake and Watchtower magazines upon you.
Now for our hoodwinked in church every Sunday members, "Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without GOD in the world". We as a people cannot even keep the law of Moses by circumcising our young males on the 8th day as commanded. The Illuminati puppeteers masquerading as doctors in these hospitals and clinics refuse to do this for us. We better ask them to do it at birth or pay dearly years later.
The promise for the Negro is written in plain language in Isaiah chap 14 vs 1-3. The saving that these other nations will have is their existence to serve the true nation of Israel. "And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings (Rulers) shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee". Isaiah chap 60 vs 10, but wait it gets even clearer, "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted". Vs 12 of the same chapter.(KJV 1611).
These are prophesies that have yet to be fulfilled. Christ said he came to fulfill the Law and the prophesies, not destroy them. To my Brothers and Sisters in this struggle to remain upright in this great Babylon, I urge you to ask of, yea even cry out for the spiritual gifts and powers that will help the true nation of Israel. Yah will hear our cries when we put curses against them that hold themselves not guilty for cold bloodedly killing us. Yah will hear our prayers to convert the poisons they feed us into something that will enrich us and sustain our bodies [temples].
Yah will send plagues upon this land if we ask him, Yah will hasten our deliverance the more we cry out in unison unto him for deliverance. And so friends until next time, live well, be happy, make love, we bid you Peace.
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